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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Is a teacher's ability the sole reason for their students either succeeding or not?
  2. No, you're right, but there are limits to that method right now. Something about the cells retaining certain properties from before they were reverted, making them not-so-good. I'm not going to pretend to understand the details or reasons behind this, but it sounds like they just need more research. I think that working with the embryonic stem cell lines makes such research easier. Except in Minnesota apparently.
  3. When does Senator McCarthy arrive for the hearings?
  4. 3rdnlng literally has had a red picket jammed up his ass for years! Couldn't move now if he wanted to. I kid, I kid...
  5. No, this one actually is about politics. Politics and the legislation of "morals". VERY un-libertarian and VERY intrusive. In the part I quoted, I made sure to include a reference to the fact that this involves bi-partisan stupidity. Well of course you are. You're stereotypically only interested in preserving human life prior to birth. In related news, water is still wet.
  6. Most of this thread is just one big giant mindless pissing match. Kind of like what's going on in Wisconsin.
  7. Riiiiiiiiight....I'm too far left to be Canadian. Good one!
  8. Unfortunately, nothing is so simplistic. Embryonic cells lines are still used in specific areas of research in which adult cells are not as promising. That's my understanding of it at least. I'd imagine that one day your statement will be correct, once we truly understand how these things work.
  9. http://minnesotaindependent.com/78718/legislators-seek-to-make-embryonic-stem-cell-research-a-felony I'm not even going to bother commenting on this one, mostly because I'm a pro-baby-killing hippie liberal.
  10. Don't most states already have such a policy? This sucks of course...
  11. I didn't say that, I just said that academics and sciency types tend to be liberal. Am I wrong? Or IS it? Seems you've fallen victim to the old switcheroo... I'm mostly indefensible, but them's fightin' words! By that logic, NPR's not exactly being dishonest if the bias is unconscious.
  12. You would be right to be suspicious if the old photo were newer than the new photo. NPR is no more biased as any network or cable news network, which isn't saying much. Of course the rub is that it's publicly-funded, which I already said probably shouldn't be the case. I feel worst for all the conservative academics and science proponents who are being held down by George Soros and his hollywood pals with all of their ****ty movies. That's what we should really be focusing on.
  13. Do you actually have a relevant point or are you just looking to spout some cliches? My point was that it would be difficult to find conservative hosts for many of the types of shows NPR produces.
  14. Much of the programming that NPR produces lends itself to academic types who are stereotypically liberal. For example, if you're looking for science news with a conservative bent, well, good luck. I understand where you're coming from, though, and I'm sure NPR wouldn't have a very hard time finding private funding. It's not like we're going balance the budget by cutting funding to NPR, however.
  15. Agreed, but cut, cut, cut, cut, examine? Interesting choice of words.
  16. A guy with hair can't shave his head?
  17. Wow, I really got under your skin with that one, huh? I've been thinking about it and I think I'm probably being a dick. I apologize for the personal attack, for whatever it's worth.
  18. My opinions about LABillz are well-supported. I could make the very same well-support claims about you. Nice of you to jump in and help out your comrade. Did Rush tell you to say that?
  19. I know I'm doing ok when people like you and LABillz are calling me out.
  20. Ad hearing? I hate to bust balls about spelling, but c'mon man!
  21. RWS scoreboard material for sure!
  22. Just busting balls. I'm well aware that you know the difference between objective and anecdotal evidence.
  23. Agreed. My point was that it's foolish to think that policies either extreme will solve anything.
  24. Unfortunately, it turns out that the Rand Paul Tea Party is based on an ideological utopia which proves unsustainable when put into action. Kind of like socialism. This should not surprise anyone, as they are two opposite extremes of the same spectrum.
  25. You're welcome to have opinions without objective evidence, just not well-supported ones.
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