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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Big deal, the guys at the top are all about greed. That model has been used by "religious leaders" for thousands of years. Religion is used by greedy (in this case at least) leaders to control the people. Without religion in the region, which is admittedly a difficult thing to imagine, what are you left with? I certainly don't think it's any coincidence that America's Founding Fathers made a point of keeping religion and government separate. It becomes a lot harder to control the people without the big bogeyman in the sky to validate your authority.
  2. Definition of IMAM 1: the prayer leader of a mosque 2: a Muslim leader of the line of Ali held by Shiites to be the divinely appointed, sinless, infallible successors of Muhammad 3: any of various rulers that claim descent from Muhammad and exercise spiritual and temporal leadership over a Muslim region http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/imam Opiate of the masses indeed...
  3. You're really just guessing at motivations of the leadership here. But let's assume for a moment that you're correct. Why do you think it's so easy for leadership to whip the people into a frenzy?
  4. Are you !@#$ing serious? The situation sucks, but this is one of the stupider things you've posted.
  5. The Illuminati control the plates? They're even more powerful than I thought!
  6. I love the irony you built into that little gem. Nice job! The more I see, the more I think you're right. Any mod could probably tell who it is, but I doubt they'd tell. Good stuff.
  7. Google translate is great - try Retarded Monkey to English if it's having trouble auto-detecting the language.
  8. It almost (and I mean almost) makes me rethink my position on religion if this is the type of **** people come up with to fill the void.
  9. Dexter makes all of these subtle, rational discussions seem unnecessary, doesn't he?
  10. Conspiracy theories can be very entertaining sometimes. That was fun - I wish Dexter would come back...
  11. So that's what the chemtrails are for. It should have been obvious, but hindsight is always 20/20. I've never heard of HAARP, so thanks for the timely reference. It seems we've already seen the start of a HAARP Earthquake War! Scary stuff... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcHPAR_5TEc&feature=player_embedded http://beforeitsnews.com/story/20/951/Are_We_in_a_HAARP_Earthquake_War.html
  12. The Zionists. And George W. Bush. Don't give the terrorists any ideas. It's bad enough when it's just a flight of stairs, but metal, unending stairs? That's just evil!
  13. Ok, thanks. What I really want to figure out is how the Zionists managed to cause the earthquake and resulting tsunami.
  14. Everyone knows that Tom's basically like Al Gore when it comes to preaching the dangers of Global Warming.
  15. Which nuke plant are you referring to?
  16. You should patent that before someone steals your idea.
  17. You make a great point.
  18. I'll never trust news from the government media complex. US media outlets are basically owned by the Illuminati, who are in turn heavily influenced by the Israelis. Nobody here will be laughing when the New World Order is forced on us in 2012.
  19. Darts would be fun as well.
  20. If he's really one of the regular posters here, he's doing a bang up job of coming off as a loon. I think he might be the genuine article and I never thought that about George.
  21. No, I was being completely serious.
  22. Are Global Warmers the ones causing Global Warming or the ones warning of Global Warming?
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