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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. "Canada: Hockey, Beer, Backbacon." Looking at it, Canada's not so bad...
  2. Yes - welcome back George! What happened to your avatar? Are you too good for the Man of Steel? P.S. I just donated the maximum of $5000 as you suggested.
  3. I'm not so worried about you fighting back, but I'm more than a little worried that you think I'm making sense. No offense intended, you were just the first name to pop into my head.
  4. Two states, two threads, jackass. If you don't like it you can eat a dick - or better yet, stay out of the threads...duh. I know nobody ever starts redundant topics here... I wonder if your partner pissed you off or something because you're being a real a-hole.
  5. This is topsy turvy. A perfect example of politics as a team sport. Lemmings.
  6. Wow, you're going all connor on me 3rdnlng? Never mind, that's doing 3rdnlng a disservice. Let's review: "As a side not(e), it looks like the UN resolution may be effective without the need for military action." Reading comprehension is HARD. I understand that some people struggle with simple tasks.
  7. If a raving PPP poster writes yet another self-important, rambling post and nobody reads it, is it a complete wast of time?
  8. I'll leave that to the mods. For now, I'll keep it to one thread per state. I'll be happy if that's the last of them. Hey OC, that's my first stalker signature - thanks, I feel special now. It's not going to make me start reading your posts, but thank you!
  9. Thanks for the reminder as to why I ignore your posts.
  10. http://minnesotaindependent.com/79013/bill-to-criminalize-embryonic-stem-cell-research-passes-through-house-senate-committees
  11. http://newsok.com/house-passes-embryonic-stem-cell-research-ban/article/3549747
  12. You're looking at it from a Republican/Conservative point of view. Are you implying that Rush's key demographic is not idealistic? More educated? Not tied to a particular worldview or identity? Logical? Tolerant of liberal viewpoints? Just because YOU seem rational at times does not mean you are representative of the demographic. These are two sides of the same coin.
  13. Right...there's nothing wrong with rethinking your opinion and changing your mind. It's healthier than sticking to your guns no matter what. As a side not, it looks like the UN resolution may be effective without the need for military action. Gadhafi kind of comes off like a big kitty here!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXXJHClvsCA
  15. Were you for the wars before you were against the wars?
  16. Imagine your take on this if Bush were still in office.
  17. I'm a bit gun-shy about using the term too loosely around these here parts. I've been scolded a couple of times by some of our more sensitive southern posters. It's all relative I suppose.
  18. Hey, we agree on something. Castration might be construed as cruel and unusual, so execution is acceptable here.
  19. As always, the Rush lemmings will jump to defend his every word and action. I'm not saying there's not a difference between Rush and Olbermann - I could probably make the case, but I'll just skip it because it's not important to my argument. With that in mind, we can say that they're not the same animal. So I'll ask this: do you really think that you, presumably a Rush Limbaugh fan and/or devotee, are any different at all from the Olbermann faithful who you despise so much?
  20. You guys don't like public unions. Loud and clear.
  21. I've got no time for any of them. They're all a bunch of manipulative hypocrites.
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