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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. You can believe whatever you like, just keep it out of government and don't try to legislate your morals. This is what separation of church and state is all about. I don't think the Tea Party is living up to that ideal, so the "as the Founding Fathers intended" seems like lip service for cutting entitlement programs and other liberal budget items. I agree that the Black Caucus is racist. You remind me of Gene Frenkle in a religious thread. You're just itching to pounce, almost like you can't help yourself.
  2. Finally, definitive proof! Thanks for clearing that up.
  3. Yes, I think the Founding Fathers thought it important to keep religion separate from government. Racisim implied by the demographics and some of the racist propaganda infecting the internet which I believe originates anonymously from people involved in the movement. Like I said, just my opinion, which is clearly subjective. No, meatball, I just saw you ranting obsessively about this bulletproof mission statement you just read and thought I'd !@#$ with you a bit.
  4. Hey, if you love the Tea Movement so much, why don't you marry it???
  5. Great mission statement emphasizing the shiny, bright, new, beautiful ideals of the Tea Party movement. Now that some of their first elected officials are not living up to their campaign promises, the necessary addendum to the mission statement is (as Chef so eloquently stated): "(If) you don't follow your mission statement we will fire you". Again, it's all shiny and new, so I withhold judgement until this proves itself one way or another. The problem I have with the Tea Party is the dark underside which many of you like to deny exists. Despite it's seeming focus on the country's financial problems, there seems to be a deep-seeded faith-based element to it. While many of you won't have any problem with this, I hardly see this as an example of getting back to what the Founding Fathers were all about. In a lot of ways I see the Tea Party as a more fiscally responsible wing of the holier-than-thou Republican party, but I do have my biases as far as that stuff goes. I also feel that there is an element of racism in the movement - another thing that many people will deny until they're blue in the face. I think the Tea Party's demographics speak for themselves as far as that stuff goes. It's almost not even worth arguing because it's really just a subjective judgement. All in all, once the shine wears off, I expect the Tea Party to regress toward the mean and blend back into a (possibly) slightly more fiscally conservative Republican Party. Maybe I'm just being cynical.
  6. My two-year-old had a movement today which reminded me of the Tea Party.
  7. See, I told you... This might be Dexter's most readable thread yet.
  8. In mid-toss I decided to switch to a full throw, just to change things up. So to answer your question, neither and both.
  9. Ask GelMibson about the Zionists and Christians - he'll set you straight! I was just throwing cards anyway...
  10. Why is Dexter so obsessed with Israel? what really is Dexter??
  11. OC = Serial Threadkiller
  12. Hey, so do I! I kid...
  13. Right, I should start a grass roots movement and kick the old lying bums out so we can vote some new lying bums in. I'll call it the Cappuccino Party because I'm a fancy elitist and Cappuccino is fancy. In all seriousness, I appreciate your sentiment. I just find myself growing cynical.
  14. Because I live in the real world.
  15. Don't get me wrong - I get what you're saying. It's a major flaw in our system.
  16. It's almost like not voting at all. By the time November rolled around? Yes. If you think that's not true, I'm not sure I can help you.
  17. McCain/Palin was the much better choice, right?
  18. The Log Cabin Republicans might take issue with your generalization.
  19. Spin, spin, spin... Change 2.0
  20. Nice buy AOL. The Huff Po is such garbage.
  21. Not everyone has to end up a sell out. Isn't the title of this thread redundant?
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