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Gene Frenkle

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Everything posted by Gene Frenkle

  1. Hooray, more legislation of "morals" from the small-government Tea-infused right!
  2. I'm anti-abortion, but I think it is a matter of personal liberty and should not be banned. It represents a definingly hypocritical stance from the right, who claim to be all about small, non-intrusive laws and government.
  3. LMAO, you're killing me!
  4. Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.
  5. You've never been a birther, you just question his citizenship.
  6. I hope you at least got some enjoyment out all those visits! http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/fullstory_110491.html
  7. Ooooooo good spin! Getting ready for 2012 I see...
  8. I have decided that I have officially wasted enough time reading "news articles" from the "news" website humanevents.com. You are welcome to continue to get your "news" from said site, but I will not be able to participate in any discussion you might want to have about such "news articles" because, like I said, I will not be reading them. Feel free to take this as a sign of weakness on my part, evidence of my inability to discuss the "hard hitting news" found there, proof of my inability to "handle the truth" or whatever else you might like to believe. I no longer seek to deny you the pleasure you obviously derive from having your worldview so strongly reinforced every time you hit the home button on your web browser. I hope that both you and your every growingly concrete worldview are as happy together as you appear to be. You're the big winner! Thank you.
  9. What a !@#$ing retard. He could easily run on financial issues alone, an area where many people would immediately assume he has great credibility. Instead he shows himself to be no better than all the other psycho conspiracy theory idiots who just can't let it go. Nice job The Donald!
  10. It's a complete puff piece - opinion only - worthless. Yes, please reference something non partisan if you're trying to make a point. If I want opinions, I know where to find them.
  11. Blah, blah, blah. Honestly, the fact that you continually site the same crappy partisan sources for definitive proof of everything via BS opinion pieces tells me all I need to know. Carry on with your myopic righteous attitude. It suits you well.
  12. Yes - it's nothing but an ad-hominem opinion piece aimed (shockingly) at liberals. I see a total of maybe two or three sentences of actual substance and even that's a real stretch. What do you get from it besides validation of your worlview?
  13. Nothing like a good Cheech and Chong picture to lend credibility to your article. Are you even trying today?
  14. What was the goal in Iraq again?
  15. Give it up already. Saddam was a beast, but Gaddafi crushing civilians is 'what's the goal?' You can't have it both ways.
  16. That's cool. Seems like Singapore probably has some cheap labor as well. Glad to see Ireland doing well.
  17. Is it even politically feasible? It's a nice political gesture to be sure, especially if you're trying to make a name for yourself. Pie-in-the-sky, if you will.
  18. Wow, I've really made the big-time. I wouldn't read too much into your inability to understand what I'm saying. I'll try to dumb it down for you in the future.
  19. Yes they should - at least if this guy wants to be seen as anything but a typical anti-liberal shill. I think it speaks volumes about how politically-motivated this really is.
  20. It would be more interesting to see how effective the application of those rates are in luring businesses to those respective countries. Also, forgive my ignorance, but it seems to me that corporate tax rate cannot tell the whole story. You'd have to include the cost of labor at the very least to get a decent picture of what's going on. I love Ireland, but it's not exactly the center of the business world.
  21. Please drain away. Then why not bring up some recent examples if the Right is so pro-science and so very interested in the Scientific Method?
  22. Hard to say he's not going after sacred cows if he's not calling for military cuts. Perhaps you meant to say 'liberal sacred cows'.
  23. You need to work on your quoting skills. I'd prefer that we not go into action unless absolutely necessary, but that's just me.
  24. She's the lowest form of ignorant as far as I'm concerned - her Mommy Instinct even has a body count.
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