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The Riddler

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Everything posted by The Riddler

  1. wow....its great to see a female in hollywood that still actually eats food!
  2. Check it out. this commercial has been banned but man does she look HOT. http://www.spicyparis.com/paris.html
  3. doesnt sound like the future of the bills in buffalo is very likely. very sad.
  4. Thats kind of scary hearing him say he has no control once he passes on. I was hoping he would make his family at least promise to sell to an owner who wanted to keep the Bills in Buffalo. I would hope someone from the area would step up and purchase the Bills but to be quite honest, I think the sonner the better that LA getsa team and Ralph holds on a few more years. Didnt see a thread on this and was wondeing what you guys thought.
  5. First the Kentucky derby at 6pm. Second a game 7 between the Pacers+celtics which should be great. Third a game 7 between the Mavericks+Rockets at 9:30! Theres nothing like a game 7 in sports. Even if you dont like the NBA....games sevens are hard to ignore! Also a full day of baseball/watching the yanks lose again is also alot of fun.
  6. sunny was so hot. I remember at every wwf show, there would be 100 signs that said '' ID RATHER BE IN SUNNY" and i was thinking so would I!
  7. I would think if we do sign A-Train, then a deal is all but done and Henry will be an Eagle by Monday. How great would it be if the Bills got Simon away form the eagles in a straight up trade or even if we had to include a 5th round pick. The only problem i see with us trading for Simon is if we will have to pay him alot $$$$$$ or give him a new contract in my opinion....Fat Pat would have been cheaper which is why theres no chance we will get Simon IMO!
  8. After watching the draft this weekend, i dont think ive ever sen such lousy prospects in my life. It wil be hilarious to see the grades 3 years from now on this draft. Gotta give TD credit on one thing, if he did trade Travis for a 2nd or 3rd, we would really be getting 5-6th round talent with the way this draft is. It might be smarter to trade henry for a 2nd next year or wait for summer when someone gets injured cause this draft is pathectic. Im not joking, imagine how many of these kids drafted after the frist round will not be in the NFL in 3-4 years. id say over 75%. thats just hhow poor and laughable this draft is. Whats really scarey for the Packers is, Rodgers fell to 24 in an already awful draft. Thank god we got Losman last year.
  9. I was thinking last night, have the bills now been passed by teams like KC, Denver, Baltimore, Jags, and Ravens for the last wildcard? The Pats are just the pats. I think the Jets jumped up big time with their additions in Coles, Nugent, and Jolley. I think the bills will be alright but I think alot of those teams have gotten simply better while we seem to have taken a few steps back along with having a rookie qb. I expect the Bills to win 7-8 games if all goes well. I was very excited for this offseason but come away somewhat dissapointed.
  10. When a guy who is projected a top 5 pick falls into the mid 20's, that says alot about his so called potential. Without question the Bills made the right move a year ago, because Rodgers has now become laughable after 23 other teams said no thanks. Also the foolish Packer fans will now see what we saw in "03", it hurts when you have no first round pick on the field and how it effects your team. The packers defense is just plain bad and with no first round pick to help it, they might be the worst defensive team in the NFL. Also this poor kid will have to measure up to Brett Farve who probaly will play for 2 more years. Rodgers will be relesed by "08" is my prediction while the Packers get no production from this draft till 05 or 06. bad job IMO!
  11. All week i havent been able to get on that site.
  12. Well its just our luck...first boldin, now cowart! Lets whip this teams a$$!
  13. I started listening to the show in May and have tivoed the show ever since i got direct tv. I was glad when brison left however knew that the show woudnt last long. as the summer wore on and it became more likely the NHL season wouldnt happen, i knew nierther would empire(much longer)! As i listened/watched Howards show through the last few months you kind of just knew it was a matter of time and once the Bills season was over in december, then what could howard find to discuss for 3 hours a day with no hockey, i mean think about months like May and June or even febuary when theres no action at all....with no nHL it would have never made it but im glad howard got this gig cause he seems like a great guy and i wanna wish him good luck and hope someday i can listen to him talk bills football again. im gonna miss morrison and his weekly reports and chris brwon as well. Its a sad day for Bills fans but take care Howard...im gonna go cancl my season pass to the simoncast!
  14. so simon is done with empire?
  15. why not Moulds, who else can you put in for Wrs in the afc that have better numbers? chad johnson might get in harrison-will get in moulds will get in mason will get in burress or ward maybe just 1 though rod smith possible jimmy smith....moulds is having a better year pats, jets, phins dont have any wrs to challenge moulds heres my final 4 wr pro bowlers in afc Harrison Mason Moulds C. Johnson Steelers Burress/Ward or Jags Smith will be a sub
  16. id say Spikes and Moorman are locks! Moulds is on the bubble, and maybe schobel. Adams might be a reserve! what do you all think? id say mayeb Fletcher but hes screwed up way too many times this year!
  17. heres the link! http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/7850867 All those close crazy last second wins....maybe they made a deal with the devil now losing byron for the season. hey if we could start winning we might have a shot at that other wild card....jets started 2-5 2 years ago and got the last spot. theres alot of teams taht have 3-4 losses already!
  18. man, the dolphins defense was just abused worse than ive seen in a while. heck, even henry could run against them! Jordon and Martin 100 yrds and a td a piece!
  19. i think we get one in 2005.
  20. fools.....fools I say.....should the jets lose....automatic fortune comes the bills way. Go DOLPHINS...our season isnt dead yet if the jets lose and then we beat them on sunday guess what bills 3-5 easy schedule jets 5-3 hard schedule
  21. Personally i think both are gone, and now with edwards play of late I think Fat Pats days of eating wings in Buffalo are over! Id like pat to stay though for a cap friendly deal.
  22. woh wait a minute, all im saying is Evens hasnt done much or have i missed something.
  23. Rudys right...Evans has done zip! you guys should lay off rudy!
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