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Everything posted by daquixers

  1. Just added Chris Farley's Greatest Hits and Harry Potter
  2. 10. Buffalo (8-6; unranked): As dominant as the Bills have performed, especially on defense and special teams, it would be a crime for them to miss the playoffs. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/8023447
  3. my sickening awesome team got me to the SB in my first year in fantasy football vs guys who have played for years 1. Peyton Manning 2. Ashley Lelie 3. Torry Holt 4. Rudi Johnson 5. Jerome Bettis/Duce Staley 6. Randy McMichael/Todd Heap 7. Thomas Jones Yeah baby, yeah!
  4. That is the only one that I cant seem to find anything on ...
  5. mmm hmmm - he is doing fine now
  6. He is throwing a little over 50% and for a TD ... thats not bad ... its what we need him to do.
  7. Chopping Broccoli just added Currently Downloading: The Continental, and Star Wars Auditions
  8. Trying something new ... thats my guess
  9. All of the skits are in another thread now.
  10. Cork Soakers has been added to the list All Drug Olympics added also.
  11. Did you find it in the ORIGINAL post - LOL!
  12. Refresh this thread ... it was added to the original post above ...
  13. You can access it now ... was it not working??
  14. Im getting it for you now
  15. No. I thought what he said to the media was good. I loved every second of that press-conference. I felt like clapping.
  16. Thats what I think when people say Peyton isnt good because he hasnt won a SB. So Jim Kelly isnt good because he never won one?
  17. Here, you can make a list of which SNL skits you want and I will keep editing this thread with the new ones I download - so far we have: 1. Cowbell - http://www.nyafl.com/cowbell.wmv 2. Get off my shed - http://www.nyafl.com/Shed.WMV 3. Celebrity Justice (Terd Ferguson) - http://www.nyafl.com/celebrity.rm 4. Cork Soakers - http://www.nyafl.com/Cork.wmv 5. All Drug Olympics - http://www.nyafl.com/Olympics.mpg 6. Chopping Broccoli - http://www.nyafl.com/chopping.mpg 7. Da Bears - http://www.nyafl.com/bears.mpg 8. Chris Farley's Collection of Skits - http://www.nyafl.com/farley.mpg 9. Harry Potter - http://www.nyafl.com/potter.wmv 10. Wayne's World - http://www.nyafl.com/waynes.mpg 11. Schweaty Balls - http://www.nyafl.com/sweat.mpg 12. Bush to Osama - http://www.nyafl.com/bush.mpg Enjoy!
  18. I dont recommend people hitting like that, but this is FOOTBALL and I think its crap that we are constantly fining people for certain hits. IMO, if the QB moves out of the packet the defenders should be able to pound his ass into the ground.
  19. LOL ... post counts really dont bother me. People like to think your smarter because some have more posts. Thats bull crap.
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