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Everything posted by daquixers

  1. Amazing isnt he.
  2. Thats disgusting that anyone would want Reich over Kelly. Reich was a good backup - but I didnt want him starting over Kelly.
  3. I agree with everything you say except for Linkin Park sounds like sh-- live - I have seen them live 3 times and have had a good experience every time.
  4. In a word: Yes. And who told you my age???
  5. Remember the following post I said that I didnt mind Marv as a coach, I just didnt like his personality in his interviews?
  6. You obviously know nothing about chords do you? I have played guitar for 14 years and Blink 182 has some challenging stuff. Not only that, but there the only "pop" band I can stand because they put emotion into their music, which makes it that much better.
  7. Your'e not a Bills fan are ya?
  8. Why do you think my Signature says "PUNK IS DEAD." Punk now is crap (except for Blink182 IMO)
  9. That would be during our LOSSES -- check the first post. Amazing - punk doesnt want to show his real name. All Guests = kitty's
  10. He also scored all of the the first half points - McGahee did nothing the first half - Drew carried us. Throw 10 picks a game if ya want - as long as you contribute to us winning I dont care.
  11. BIG difference between Gibbs and Marv. Gibbs is stuck with a BAD TEAM ... Marv would be coming to a team worth of talent that a rookie coach could bring to 7-4 if it wasnt for Clements not knocking down a pass and the refs screwing us in Oakland.
  12. Drew's ability to play the game has diminished but JP needs to learn how to watch tape correctly - adjust to certain defenses ... etc. You must remember, that in the 90's Drew was the man. He was on pace to surpass records ... etc. If it was Bledsoe of '96 you would say STICK BLEDSOE RIGHT NEXT TO LOSMAN AND LET HIM LEARN - but now it is now and you dont want him with him? That would be like you saying not to have Peyton teach JP now. If he was smart then, he is smart now. But like all athletes he is getting older and their ATHLETIC (not mental) ability is diminishing. There is a TON JP can learn from Bledsoe.
  13. WHAT THE HECK - Marv Levy wanted to coach us and we said no??? "I'll give a straight-forward, honest answer: Yes,'' said Levy, who was interested in the Bills opening that went to Mike Mularkey last year. "It would have to be a head coaching job, none of this consultant stuff, but if it (an offer came), I would certainly listen very keenly.'' - talking about the Cleveland Browns coaching vacancy
  14. LOL - I couldnt say that. That would be plagarism ---
  15. Yeah. I would'nt put too much stock in that post.
  16. ... he is just a great guy. I have always been fans of guys who are either cocky as all get out AND not afraid of anyone (ron artest) or a guy who is just a nice good going guy (drew bledsoe). Cant stand those middle-people (tom brady, zack thomas...etc) Some Bledsoe supporters like him because of the way he plays and they think he can get back in 90's form. Some like him because he is who we have right now. Some people cant stand him (ICE and his ICEsuckers). I just personally like him due to his great attitude no matter what. Putting his play aside, I think having Drew on this team can only HELP JP Losman become a better play before its his time.
  17. Any team can win with anyone. Didnt Baltimore win a SB with Dilfer or something? None-the-less, I think Drew IS in a downslide, but I also think he is an incredible off-the-field team leader and TEAM player. Never selfish. Almost never getting mad ... etc, and this is probably the BIGGEST reason I like the guy.
  18. Just a straight up list of who to vote for/against tomorrow.
  19. Thank-you Rolly! And I HATE PUNK ROCK - look at my signature - PUNK IS DEAD - I DONT LIKE PUNK ROCK - I HATE PUNK ROCK (you getting the picture yet?) I am a EMO fan though.
  20. That is YOUR or someone elses personal OPINION. The stats (30 TDs, 4 INT) tell otherwise.
  21. I dont think you understand. I am someone who believes in JP Losman and if we lose 1 more game want him to start a few games this year and start next year. BUT - if for some reason Drew was doing poorly this year and he all-of-sudden turned it on and I dont care if he threw 10 interceptions in a game, if we win the game, then I want the QB who won that game to be our QB. If we go 10-6, I want it to be a open competition next year. That would have meant Drew went 10-2 since week 4. That's pretty darn good. Also - even though he threw 3 interceptions he also threw about 20 great balls. Watch the game. There were some nice lasers, and dont kid yourself - Drew got us the 17 points in the first half. Not McGahee. McGahee got us the last 21 in the 2nd half. Also. I said the 0-line had 35 bad games - no one can say they didnt. The last 5-6 games have been pretty good and whatdya know ? we have won 5 of the last 7 ... jee wiz dilbert
  22. Its not even all rap ... lmao - a lot of rock
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