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Everything posted by daquixers

  1. I truly think this is a good deal - especially considering I need a car and am going to college next semester ... etc It is a lease for: 36/months $7,000 down $59/month 500 - DPA 1500 - MMA 1000 - RCA 3000 - GM 1000 - TH ...... chevy malibu 2004 ... rochester, NY - go check it out guys.
  2. Why do you say that? Thats disgusting. There are very few people I would wish dead ......... and Rudyc80 is on that list of a few people.
  3. What are YOU talking about. His first 3 years in the business (1990-1993) he sold 6,000,000 albums ... another 6,000,000 before he died in 1996 ... Since then he has sold ANOTHER 32,000,000 ...
  4. While teaching them to discriminate towards certain towards of life, music ... etc
  5. Jee. That last line reminds me off a TUPAC song: Keep ya head up, oooo child things are gonna get easier ooooo child things are gonna get brighter Keep ya head up, oooo child things are gonna get easier ooooo child things are gonna get brighter
  6. That actually is exactly my point. We were 2 innings from winning it. If we had Randy, then no way we lost.
  7. At least you tried it!
  8. None Taken!
  9. WOHA. What did he say wrong? I dont thnk he said anything wrong and I am someone who see's things on a very prejudice level most of the time. He simply said that what Bill Cosby said was toward the Black community - not towards the white community.
  10. Yankees were 1 DECENT pitcher from winning it last year. Add in a great CY YOUNG candidate and you have an easy WS.
  11. Yankees will take it this year. No doubt.
  12. Dude. I'm a 19 yr old soon to be college student. Of course I still live with my parents, untill I can get into my dorm. Dumbass.
  13. All of you want to talk about rappers shooting each other ...etc TUPAC SPOKE OUT AGAINST THAT - here is a clip from LIFE GOES ON (one of his songs): I see no changes all I see is racist faces misplaced hate makes disgrace to races We under I wonder what it takes to make this one better place, let's erase the wasted Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right 'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight and only time we chill is when we kill each other it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other And although it seems heaven sent We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks But some things will never change try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game Now tell me what's a mother to do bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you You gotta operate the easy way "I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid," Well hey, well that's the way it is
  14. Yeah. You gotta remember these people live in suburban Buffalo - IE: Hamburg, Gonowanda, North Collins ... etc
  15. I didnt want to get involved with this thread, but as soon as TUPAC's name got brought up, I knew I had to jump in. I dont care what you think of rap. For the most part, most of you dont even know what rap is. You dont listen to it, so you cant talk about it. Someone put a LUDACRIS song up. Are you kidding me? Ludacris is trash. Here are some good rappers: Tupac Biggie Rakim Jay-Z Other rappers like: Nas, 50 cent, ... etc are wannabe rappers. They dont cut it. There lyrics are either authored by the record company or total crap. Whether you like RAP or not, Tupac was also an author. There are english teachers around the country including a course in PRINCETON and HARVARD that teach exclusively from his writings. There WAS and (in my opinion) will NEVER be an AUTHOR better at writing lyrics than TUPAC. He was the only. The best in the game. Bar none.
  16. I stayed FARRR away from that thread.
  17. Sir. I dont know what you mean. Can you remember back in the early 90's. Cant you remember how extremely popular Tupac was. He could have went anywhere at anytime and gotten anything he wanted. He would put out CD's at random and the requests would just poor in. By 1991, Tupac sold 25 million albums ... and since then he has tripled that .... maybe you just dont remember??? Thus why I laugh when the pre-teenies (12-15) say talk about how .50 cent is so popular. What we consider "popular" these days is nothing compared to how popular Tupac was in the early 90's. I just laugh and say look up "greatest rapper ever" on google.com and see what comes up every time.
  18. 100% correct ... what we NOW know as hip-hop is crap - hip hop in early 90's was totally different. If Tupac, or Biggie could hear what they consider rap these days, they would roll over in their graves.
  19. I know the entire story man. I have loved Tupac since I first heard of him. But Im not going to go into the entire storylyine with Sugar Knight .... how his Deathrow meddalion was stole and Tupac got into fight after the Tyson fight ... etc - people hear dont know the story so I just made it short and simple. I love em. And your entitled to your opinion. I think you may just be my favorite poster that has ever posted on here, because I respect you a lot. I enjoy your view. I personally think Tupac is heads and shoulders above everyone else. It seems like Biggie's stuff is all commercial "Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind." - thats what everyone thinks of when you hear him because it is constantly being played. Tupac had so many smash hits that his greatest hits album might as well just be his 6-7 CD's stuck together in a package. Every song kicked ass. I think Rahkim is good also. Top 3. But I dont think his lyrics were as good as Tupac's and neither (IMO) were Biggies. All the beats are uniform for all 3 rappers and I ejoy them all. Its the lyrics that differentiate rappers and Tupac was the best WRITER of all time (in my opinion.)
  20. I dont idolize him for what he does in his personal life. But he is a major media icon and the founder of what RAP is today. He is the biggest there has ever been and will ever be. He has sold the most records (by the millions more) than any other hip-hop/rapper ever .... and no one is even CLOSE to hitting his mark. Since he dies 7 years ago, he has still came out with 3 more albums each with 3+ or more #1 songs on each one. He is also the author of 2 full length poetry books. The stuff he writes is absolutely amazing. Infact PRINCETON and HARVARD both now have courses on TUPAC and his writings. Look it up. I idolize him for his rapping ability and his amazing lyrics. Not for his gang involvements.
  21. Dont take it wrong "Tupacs Mom." I should have known not to post this on a board of Buffalo Hillbillys. Not to be rude in ANY WAY, but Buffalo just isnt a big rapping city. They are into Country ... etc. But anywhere else you go (NYC, Miami, LA ... etc) and you ask who the best rapper to ever live was and there gonna say TUPAC or BIGGIE. The guy is loved world wide. There has been 3 movies made about his death in the past 6 years. FYI: Tupac was gunned down (and some do believe he is still alive) because he was involved with the east-side crips of LA.
  22. 7 years after his death, the greatest rapper/music artist in general, to ever live has another breakout smash hit CD .... Loyal to the game Check it out: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=music&n=507846
  23. Sorry.
  24. Was this already posted? If so, then im sorry.
  25. "Buffalo's 154 points in its last four games is the best in club history over such a span, exceeding any four-game output by the no-huddle offense of the team's Super Bowl years." .... Thats amazing.
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