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Cutting Drew With Dignity

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Everything posted by Cutting Drew With Dignity

  1. Shame on you - when you step to - the Old Dirty Bastard and Brooklyn Zoo! I tip a fo - ty. At least his 12 kids and their 10 mothers are set and still have welfare bennies.
  2. Better hide the kids. Peter is puff, and he's looking for some honalee.
  3. Funny, the players are usually the ones giving viruses to groupies.
  4. But can you spell porn, beernoculars, or business professional?
  5. Izell and Kelso would be a dream pairing.
  6. He was quite the baton twirler at Niagara. Guess things don't change.
  7. Tom Baker was the Joe Montana of his sport.
  8. Pain comes with pleasure. Sorry to sully your fantasies.
  9. That's why I'm a honorary member of missouri when it comes to the current Bills.
  10. Reed slamming his helmet down in XXVI before halftime Beebe dropping TD's in XXVI Thurman's cocky strut during XXVI introductions Kelly's Picks, Fumbles, unconsciousness, deer in headlights look Collapse of Bills Oline XXVI-VIII Reed running wild in XXVII Reliance on the ineffective shuffle pass during the 1st half of XXVIII Thurman's fumbles in XXVIII Thurman's amazing move on Lett on the goal line in XXVIII for a TD Nate's Pick and D coming up big in the first half of XVIII Playing with 10 men on D, see Mark Kelso Mickey Washington Alvin Harper vs JD Williams Dwight Drane Mark Kelso Kirby Jackson Having the wrong Leon in the early 90's: Leon Lett vs. Leon Seals Full Reliance on Kelly's Play Calling Outcoached: Gibbs, Tuna, Satan vs Marvelous Bill Brooks 2 3rd Down drops in Dallas territory to kill drives in the first half of XXVIII Al Edwards kill drive 3rd down drop in XXV Al Edwards Not having Don Beebe in XXV Failure to Run Thurman more in XXV (15 for 15X) vs. Belichek's 2 5 4 alignment designed to remove Reed from the game BSmith 4th quarter 4th down Stop of Anderson in XXV BSmith Influenza against stillers NT being light in the loafers vs. Hogs/dallas Ted Washington showing up 4 years too late The emptiness of a half price Bills SB paraphernalia sale the day after XXV-XXVIII
  11. Ice. Citizen. Soldier. Pole Tosser. Band Camp Chairman. Diplomat. Educator and Savior to Oklahoma's Black Population. Megalomaniac Manic Depressive Feel the Power!
  12. Honesty is the hallmark of effective families. That doesn't mean that we don't continue to love our most mentally inadequate members (search engine!) or members most prone to manic episodes like you.
  13. My prediction: You'll continue to wear a hockey helmet while boarding the little yellow school bus.
  14. Are you missing a chromosome or do you just continually want attention?
  15. This is when your girlfriend comes in 'handy'.
  16. I usually reciprocate by standing up to show my wood tent.
  17. How's the Denny's gig working for him?
  18. Can't wait for Ice to spill the deets on his exclusive "one on one" with Gale Gilbert.
  19. You want a reach around with that too, honey?
  20. Did you and Ostrosky compare and toss poles after this discussion, or is that something you're only comfortable doing with Baab?
  21. Simon wouldn't give him airtime to plug his new beernocular smuggling memoir: 'An Empty Mind And A Pimply Ass:Wasted Threads and Deception at RWS "
  22. 4 More Picks! 4 More Picks!
  23. Spoken like the only son of Liberace.
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