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Cutting Drew With Dignity

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Everything posted by Cutting Drew With Dignity

  1. What's with the queensryche?
  2. Eliminate and/or limit processed foods. If you can't kill it, fish it or pick it -it's crap. Take the next month to take sugars and white flours out of your diet: sugar, corn syrup, brn sugar, hf corn sugar etc. All it does is get your insulin in a tizzy and promotes fat production. Eat carbs in proportion to your activity level. Eating more in the morning for breakfast (your blood sugar is low) than later when you don't need the energy. Eat complex carbs that have not been robbed of fiber: Brown rice, oatmeal (full cut), bulgur, barley, yams etc Eliminate all processed oils: hydrogenated oils and trans-fats (i.e those created by overheating oil in the pan or the frier) Read Labels. Follow uniform eating practices. Plan out your meals or at least standardize the meals you can control, usually Breakfast and lunch. When eating out, choose items from the grill: meat, foul, fish, green veggies and a limited amount of starch. Eating out can be a hazard as sauces and bases may have sugars and bad oils: read Chinese, Indian, Thai, etc For snacks: eat nuts, nutbutters, non starchy veggies and a controlled amount of fruit (not fruit juice or pop). A protein powder like Designer Whey (no sugar) can be used to supplement - blended with berries or pb. Don't worry about portion size for now. Just get used to eating closer to nature. You might want to cut back on over the counter drugs. caffeine, and alchohol as well as all those influence the secretion of insulin and can lead along with poor eating, to insulin insensitivity and type 2 diabetes. Sugar is evil.
  3. Speak for yourself.
  4. Race is a social, not biological construct, Mr. Duke. Same species, big gene pool. Wake up white people!
  5. It's a WNY thing - Ice wouldn't understand.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a bonus kicks in.
  7. A bit differently. He would have rubbed his bare ass and sack on that hag.
  8. You're used to having your foul aperature snaked - so why all the uncertaintly about the drain?
  9. Your guidance will have more impact than any external influence.
  10. I bet you play a mean meat whistle too.
  11. I'm not a connoisseur of crap metal but didn't they open for Dokken? Or Dream Theater?
  12. Let me help: Hanrahan, I know your wife is a lesbian.
  13. There goes Long Island.
  14. You gotta admit that BF was great in that show.
  15. Fetal alcohol syndrome at it's finest.
  16. Why email? Can't you just pick up the Muskogee to Orchard Park red phone?
  17. Holy Shiite. I agree with you re FFS and I'm currently stone cold sober!
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