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Cutting Drew With Dignity

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Everything posted by Cutting Drew With Dignity

  1. Was in the Talas four piece.
  2. Why debate others with legitimite criticisms based on real outcomes when you have the opportunity to whisk away 'Coach Sal' to a comfy New Year's lovemest. Guess what? Coach Nate is providing the backrubs!
  3. What are Sal's coaching bona fides besides him dubbing himself 'Coach Sal' when he worked in his basement? Jr High school assistant track coach? The hosts are only as strong as the guests they book and that doesn't include Joe Buscalia or Paul Hamilton.
  4. Take off your knee-pads Promo. Sal is brutal. Perfect for the basement or the Buffalo market.
  5. Buffalo is where receivers go to die.
  6. Just win baby!
  7. I love you man! How's life w/o lil shonte?
  8. I prefer succubus' myself.
  9. Happy B-Day! And remember - DNA is overrated!
  10. That mic she holds is the closest she's come to a penis.
  11. Hillary's eyebrows aren't the same color as the hair on her head. But that's ok, I rather have a new health plan instead.
  12. I've missed you too, fair captain. Did you ever land that young bumblebee tuna?
  13. Shiite. That goes way back. Like Zoom.
  14. The Taming of the Drew.
  15. Coming from a man who reminds everyone daily of his manhatten sized hard-on for Travis Henry. Hypocrite.
  16. Still bitter you got the better of the roto-rooter by your bunkmate?
  17. Tuna alone is not the staff of life.
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