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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I was once interred at a Canadian strip club with 4 friends, 10 girls, and 3 feet of snow. Those 3 hours rival the enjoyment of any Bills game I have ever taken in. Go close you thread now Nanker.
  2. Well....I'm 6'6" and 4 bills. The next SDS family picnic, let's see how many swats it takes me to break Grandpa's glasses. (I'm not saying that as a threat....but just imagine the insanity of that picture, and what you would be willing to do if you saw me do that.) The Kanes have no excuse to be physical with a 62 year old. If the cabbie was some 25 year old guy who purposely took them off their course so their $8 fare turned into a $15 fare and then said he didn't have any change for a $20.....then, feel free to whack away. 20 cents!!! 20 cents!!!!!
  3. Read the police report linked by Lori. Both of them grabbed and hit him, with enough action to break his glasses. The dude is 62.....and Kane is a world class athlete along with his 20 something, 6'4" cousin. I think anyone with a shred of common sense can see the momentum of the situation. Best case scenario is that Kane is a douchebag. 1) Bad tipper for ANY person 2) Horrible tipper for millionaire kid 3) Power play...offended for cabbie not knowing who he was 4) Disrespect of the elderly 5) Burglary 6) Innocent bystander called 911 I didn't know anything about the guy really, but the "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH" is the telltale sign that someone is being a punk and thinks they are above the law, or basic behavioral clauses for a regular member of society. The cabbie, like many, isn't squeaky clean.....but that has nothing to do with the fact that the Kane boys look like pure punks.
  4. I guess the Kane's should have called the cops and filed the report then. I know if I rape someone....the first thing I do is call the cops and file a report on the rapee....just to make her look like the bad one.
  5. Anyone with a half a brain and some efficiency is already pulling the cash out of their wallet as they approach their destination. The fare is $13.20 as you turn down the street......you know it isn't going to go up more than a dollar....you hand the $20 to the cabbie as he brakes in front of the destination..."Keep the change" or "Two bucks back is good" will suffice....BOOM! You are out of the cab, fully paid approx. 3 seconds after arrival. That is how 99% of my cab rides have gone....even when bombed and with 5 friends in the cab. The only time you have to fear a cabbie locking the doors on you is if you are in a strange city and the guy pulls down some alley in the middle of nowhere. A 62 year old in your hometown doesn't quite fit my description as "menacing".
  6. I think a ripped $5 bill in pocket of the defendant is a bit more than circumstantial. I think a local charity needs to sponsor a promotion for when the Blackhawks play at HSBC. Everyone bring their loose change to the game and throw it on the ice. Maybe after Kane's first shift...everyone let it rip. Thousands of dollars I tell ya....thousands.
  7. Fitzpatrick looked pretty bad. He had 3 balls thrown into the ground....Reed just happened to make a catch on one of them. He scrambled WAY too early in my opinion. He had Nelson coming open in the end zone and just needed to absorb a hit, but he scrambled right and pooched the drive. Trent has 2x the velocity on his throws between 12-20 yards. If Edwards goes down for a game or two, maybe Fitzpatrick can play smart Jauron Ball and we eek out a 13-10 win....but he doesn't look to have the tools to be a starter. Granted it's 1 preseason game, but I am not ready to go to the windows off of that performance.
  8. That $1 tip is about to turn into a $25K tip!!!
  9. How much do you owe on the car compared to what it's worth? If you have any equity in it, someone might come up with the cash for you to break it out. Good luck.
  10. I was at the game and had a great view of some line play being down low. Walker has lost about 30-40 pounds I would guess. I am sure they made him lose it for the shift to left. He did overpower some guys on seal-offs, but Levitrie wasn't exactally doing much to help. I was most impressed with McCargo. Now they had him playing into the 4th, which is scary because that can mean a team is looking for an early cut. The Titans couldn't stop him with one guy. He was shooting the gap on a regular basis and after a while they kept two on him all the time. Chris Ellis....only noticed him for what seemed to be lackluster play. Get those arms up on the busted screen please. Shawn Nelson......they had the play called to him in the endzone...he was open, but Fitzpatrick got flushed the other way. Nelson looks like he might be able to do what people expected from Hardy. He runs solid break offs, has long arms, and is built much better in proportion than Hardy. I can see him getting TDs if teams press Owens and Evans in the Red Zone. The entire first team defense was SUCKING AIR! They ALL had their hands on their hips in between plays and you can tell they have had an easy camp so far. It was humid out, but I was shocked how tired they looked. Stupar? 88 looks like a gamer. I would trade the Jills, Kelsay and Hardy for the Titans cheerleaders. The people of Canton were great hosts. No attitude from the security guys....everyone was pleasant, and I tailgated at a nearby home where I parked for both days and the second day they loaded me up on jello shots, beer, and some Carolina Moonshine. It's fun being around fans from all over when the game doesn't mean anything. Everyone is on "vacation".
  11. Reich is slime. I think he would make a good mascot for the NY Giants. That's all I have to say. Thank You.
  12. Tua mater dat optimum caput in tota terra
  13. A lot of people are waking up these past few weeks. Good to see.
  14. If you expect a cabbie to hand back anything of $15 on a $13.80 fare....you are an !@#$. Kane would be a perfect Sabre.
  15. I didn't blow anyone off. I never said I was going anywhere. There are tons of Bills fans at the hotel to mingle with. I was hesitant to go to a TBD sanctioned event because of how some here have attacked me personally over time. Kelly defending a guy like Ayers the way he did, even if it was for political jollies, just goes to show you don't know what some people are capable of. There are plenty of posters here that I respect, and I hope nobody would ever do something stupid, but I've never instigated a personal comment on this board (except once to Adams which crossed the line and I appologized). Yes I have replied.....and just so you know I don't count you in this group. You may have a sharp retort, but it is a thinking man's retort and not personal. I haven't followed this case much, but the guy looked like a metro/gay dude. He probably couldn't come to terms with that fact and went haywire. Like some have said....20 years?
  16. Why don't these guys just bring the girls home and party at their place? That's what gets me.....these chicks would follow you out in 5 minutes. Now he looks like a BS clown. Probably why he sucks this year. Boozin again.
  17. I'm sure I can find a list of 87 celebrity men who "take it in the a$$", but that doesn't make it cool or justify it as viable, in order to squash your own insecurity in doing so.
  18. But he's a smart marketing guy!
  19. This thread has taken an interesting turn. I am in Canton, and this has inspired me NOT to meet up with anyone from the board. It was a close debate between the Bills bar and the strip club. Kelly just made some poor midwest white trash a few hundred dollars richer.
  20. It is Bruce though......you won't get many shockers. Ralph scares me. You never know what he might reveal. What medications he is on....If it's Canton it must be April......I fully expect a juicy piece of info to be dropped during his speech. He has a permit to ramble, and the truth leaks out when he improvises. He's our own little Biden.
  21. good deal.....that horse probably has a higher IQ than 85% of the posters here.
  22. Here is the problem.....this is going to go violent at some point. While many in Washington are clueless as to what the average American feels, the power structure knows full well what they are doing. They are going to bait frustrated Americans until someone does something stupid. Then they will have their excuse to start locking things down, and making it impossible to own guns. Those that understand are hoping as many people as possible wake up in order to chase these yahoos out of office before the first shot is fired. All of them....Dems and Repubs. There are about 50-60 true patriots in Congress, and the rest are for sale for the most part. Once it goes that way (violent), the paranoia will be justified as a self-fulfilling prophecy unfolds. You think we have lost rights in the past 6 months...or 8 years....you ain't seen nothing yet.
  23. Higgins comes across as the type that might enjoy a little teabagging, no? Then again, the whole Buffalo Democrat Leadership could out-tap Sammy Davis Jr.......as long as it's in a bathroom stall.
  24. Renew the vehicle registration???? The car's stolen too. In fact...I think I'm going to take the bust of Billy Shaw and have it welded to the hood.
  25. I would hope that they only move it for a true dangerous situation. I've never really paid attention to the weather in the past, so you scared me a little with the venue switch. If I wanted to drop a few hundred bucks to watch Gibran Hamden for 30 minutes, I'd bring a few kegs to the Chicago game in Orchard Park.
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