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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I'm not saying Drew is great...just saying he is capable. If the rest of this team is as good as everyone seems to think, I think we are in a world of trouble if we hand over the reigns to Losman next year. If we cut Drew, we are going to bring in Tommy Maddox, which is pretty much the same thing. Anyone distinctly better than Bledsoe is off the radar because nobody would give them up for less than a 1st and 3rd. If Losman is on the field next year...expect rebuild with Jennings and Williams walking, and a few other surprises. There are decisions to be made, and I just hope we don't get the Dolphins syndrome of just getting by at 10-6 every year, because look where that gets you.
  2. You have a point...so I guess I should remove McNabb, Culpepper, Pennington, McNair, Plummer, Brooks and Vick...moving Bledsoe as high as #8
  3. This is my list, for what it's worth. Bledsoe is an average starting QB. Try getting a QB higher that him and you have to give up another 1st and change. I find it hard to believe Losman will be better than Bledsoe Next Year A list: Manning, Culpepper, Brady, Favre, McNabb B list: Green, Leftwich, Roethlisburger, McNair, Brees, Pennington, Plummer, Bulger, Vick, Brooks, Delhome C list: Bledsoe, Carr, Hasselback, Collins, Palmer, Greisie, Harrington, Ramsey, Testeverde, E.Manning D list: Feeley, Boeller, Rattay, Holcomb, McCowen, Krenzel B word all you want, he isn't a god, but if the rest or the team is really that good, they can win with him.
  4. PRAY!!
  5. It sounds like a play the Goaline Offense would call when Sam Adams is in. Drew: "Alright....72 Jeweler's Saws on 1..ready?..Break!" 72 Jeweler's Saws
  6. I'll give them a break on the late TD, because NY really rushed to the line and our defense improvised. Milloy took it upon himself to blitz because he was so out of position to begin with. Unfortunately Reese came too.....if you look at the setup though, it was a cluster-f because they were rushed. I will admit however that at the end of the first half, I booed the Bills for the first time in my life. That drive showed just how weak in the knees this team still is. If you charted all of our plays coming out of a timeout this year, I believe we are actually in the negative yardage range. If you overcoach Drew...he turns into a robot.
  7. Take a guess why economics isn't a required course? Because the teachers' union is in the hip pocket of the liberals. For supposed educators, the agenda to keep students in the dark in order to keep their tenure, benefits, etc.....is quite obvious.
  8. Sirius will run out of cash 4 times over by the time Stern gets there unless someone buys their company out or invests 2 billion extra into them. 10% of Stern listeners will have to be subscribers just to pay for his salary and show. XM is a safer bet, because they have a better structure and current business. Many people have asked that question and I say I wouldn't chance buying Sirius. I think there is a lot of hype and they are more likely to go out of business than make you a bunch of money. But if they survive, you can make a few bucks. It's like drafting McGahee....you have to wait almost 2 years to see if he'll make it, and you don't know if his knee will hold up over time.
  9. Kerry 49.7% Bush 49.6% Bush 280 Kerry 258 Kerry will win Ohio and Pennsylvania.........Hawaii remembers Pearl Harbor and grabs Bush off of a popular Rep. Governor and NH goes to Kerry. I personally think Kerry needs to keep HI and win Wisconsin or Iowa in order to upset, and that includes him already winning Ohio. Rain baby Rain!!!!
  10. For all the Bledsoe haters....if we had the supporting cast of a tough team, we'd be 4-2 He threw one bad pick in the endzone and had 8 passes popped in the air, including 2 INT. Get Stewart Scott into the practice house instead of Arena Refs, and drill our WR's with a JUGGS for 4 hours a day. The dropped passes this year are pathetic.
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