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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. Pilots I know absolutely hate the Airbus safety factors. They are a new fleet, but everything is computerized and built on the cheap compared to Boeing. The older they get, the more problems you'll see. Hopefully this was just an accident. Coming from France and going to Canada, you have to at least investigate possible sabotage. Sounds like a bunch of survivors....thank God.
  2. Play a little Elton John on the Ipod, and put the poor boy out of his misery.
  3. JP is AWESOME! I think each member of the board should pitch in 10 cents and get him a gift subscription to Playgirl sent to his downtown condo. Gotta keep the best QB in the league happy!
  4. We're going 4 wide this year. Reed is a better option than Neufeld on the field, who may be the starting tight end Game 1. He can chip and run 7 yard slants all day, and use his size to break a tackle. 40 catches 500yds 4TD's. Just because the guy disappoints for where he was drafted, doesn't mean he can't play. If we took him in the 5th, he's a fine fit on the team. Aiken is dooty as far as I'm concerned.
  5. Kevin Thomas- One of the reasons Vincent went to FS is because Thomas is a quality nickle. He was banged up a bit last year, but is a big special teams guy and has good instincts. This is the year he poves his worth.
  6. Dec. 1986: Green Bay Packers (football) star James Lofton is arrested on new sexual assault charges in Green Bay. He is acquitted shortly after being traded to the Los Angeles Raiders. Lofton and one other Green Bay player had previously been accu sed of assaulting a woman in the dressing room of a Milwaukee nightclub in 1984 Everyone seems to forget this one.
  7. ByTor is in Arizona because he was the third culprit in the Bernardo/Himolka trist, and is now in witness protection.
  8. I'm sure it's the wife that picked the location and he's just going along with it. It's expensive enough to stand up for a normal wedding let alone a fancy schmansy one 4K miles away. I got nailed to stand up for 2 weddings one summer and it nearly busted me. From now on, no more weddings unless it's close family. The women watch all this Home and Gardens Channel crap, and feel they need to spend $30K to feel worthwhile. Tell him sorry, but offer to do up the Bachelor party since you can get 4-6 guys in a nice room in Buffalo for $100 or so. Add Bills tix, tailgate, Sundowner and plane tickets, and you will still get off for what it would cost for one night hotel in Fantasy Island.
  9. In a related note...Sam AIken is looking better than he did last year at this time, and during the season. I don't mind going for it on every 4th and 6 on the 25....I just wish we could do it out of choice, not necessity.
  10. God Bless...where's Navy on this one? Simpler times when fans could boo Nikoli Volkoff and the Iron Shiek and not have to worry about getting blown up in their backyard. Hayes actually brought the image of legitimacy with his class and demeanor.
  11. Because they're triple covering Ryan Neufeld.
  12. They should have fire extinguishers filled with bacon grease just in case someone makes a move. Either that or everyone should travel with a pack of SlimJims to start doing a Dingus Day beatdown of any ahole who tries to rush the cockpit. If they are nuts enough to believe in paradise, they are nuts enough to not creamate themselves covered in pork fat.
  13. Booya, Shazzam, Shaba Laba Ding Dong!! I know where you are coming from. I stopped watching ESPN on a regular basis when Chris Berman lowered himself to appologize for Rush Limbaugh's "dispicable conduct". Meanwhile you have a bunch of loudmouth NBA broadcasters coming up with BS every night. ESPN is basically a 24 commercial. It markets to teenagers and minorities. If you happen to watch and aren't in those demographics, God bless...but they are going after Madison Ave #'s. The only way hockey goes mainstream is if they embrace fighting. It was a great game in the 70's when rivalries were personal. Don Cherry was right...bring in the Euros and the game goes soft. Look at how ESPN was creaming in their pants for Pistons/Pacers brawl....violence sells. Violence actually has a place in hockey. Hopefully the players will be hungry when they get back and be more physical.
  14. Good luck Nick...and everyone else, heads up. These guys are smart and I would expect something else very soon. Either today, or over the next few weeks. The US Govt doesn't get everyone worked up with warnings because of all the hooplah it created over the past few years, but it is safe to say a tacet code red is up.
  15. Nice report! I thought when she started out that high, we might have a disaster at the end, but she was actually confident belting it out. The fans will dig it.
  16. Your friend of a friend takes 1:54 The others less than 1:30 I will be highly intoxicated and don't need to fall asleep while standing. I'd vote for the 3rd girl...she has potential.
  17. Good...Travis Henry can't be far behind.
  18. Never had a real problem with anyone. Jimbo was moody when I was on a plane with him, but was great hanging out at a bar. The coolest had to be Tim Vogler, who couldn't believe I knew who he was...he just about gave me a $20. The funniest is when I had just changed my C.Bennett jersey into a Mark Maddox 55 and picked it up the same day we were bowling on the lane next to him and Oliver Barnett. I went to the car and got it, and they were freaking that someone actually had a Maddox jersey. I gave his wife the name of the place I had it done because she wanted to get some made up. Good times.
  19. Not busting on the workers. I don't know how long you've lived in Buffalo, but it doesn't turn into a ghost town overnight. It's been 50 years of a slow rape, accelerated when renewable $ left town because it was cheaper to do business elsewhere. Who do you think owns Masiello and Giambra? The government is the only game left in town, and now that their well is dried up the state convienently steps in to throw in the towel after the damage is done. As for your bridge....why does it take 5 years? Because they've shelled out millions to "consulting groups" to come up with a viable plan. There's no bridge, there is no waterfront, but you just might get a fancy new Bass Pro!! I wonder who gets the job of accepting the $25 million county granted job of redoing the Aud?
  20. Hmmmnn....I wonder why the city is in the toilet? Could it be from the decades of the local government and the Unions giving each other kickbacks until the well ran dry? Nah! I'm just paranoid.
  21. It really has seemed that over the past 3 years we have had TONS of drops from everyone. Moulds is the case at hand, but Evans dropped a bunch of easy ones, Reed made every catch his rookie year, now drops 70% thrown his way, Remiersma was a solid TE until he dropped 3 a game his last year....I don't remember the 90's Bills, other than Lonnie Johnson and Don Beebe having the dropsies. Moulds has top 5 talent, but isn't top 5. Ever since his hammy, he's lost his breakaway speed. That was Andre's undoing also.
  22. Great point. I was at that game, and have never seen anything like it again. He was double covered, they knew it was going to him, and he just kept making big plays. Too bad he fumbled that first bomb, because I think we had a better chance that year with all the Flutie momentum.
  23. Todd Helton taken #4 in ESPN Fantasy baseball draft.
  24. Ryan Miller seems a bit moody to be a chilly superstar. I love Biron as a backup who can start 25-30 games. If they can, I would go after a big name goalie who is on the downside of his career that can get you 50 starts and bring some playoff record, ala Belfour. If we can get one more D and keep Zhitnik, our forwards are very good and will improve. We have depth there that can be traded for that key G and D. If we can expand the salary load by 6-7 million, we can get it done and have a legit shot. The fans would come back with a name in net also. I am more optimistic about the Sabres season than the Bills.
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