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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. Good insight. I was at the Tampa game and Losman had Moulds open 4 occasions where it ended up incomplete, including in the endzone in the 4th. Our D played well today, except for the 3rd downs, which has always been a problem. I think Crowell filled in nicely, and for as much as people knock Adams, i think this was his best game. Where we are getting burned on the ground is by the QB, and that lies squarely on the coaches "scheme". McGee outplayed Clements today and the D overall played average to good. The O just is horrible. We are gameplaning like an inferior high school team going against a great high school team. We seem happy just to get a first down or two. Losman seems to be taking this debacle in stride, and I wouldn't doubt he ends up being a very good QB. I've knocked him since the begining of spring, but since my worst fears are true, I still think he is hanging in there for a kid. It's a circle the wagons week....maybe Thurman can keep the crowd fired up at the Ralph and add a little inspiration. I'm willing to root full bore next week in hopes of salvaging this...hopefully the players do the same.
  2. I'll agree with one thing for sure, that KO return was pure 1984 Bills football. F it up at all costs. My phone was off the hook with everyone calling each other on what a POS play that was.
  3. No...last week we should have punted with 8 min left and down by 8, this week we should have gone for it down by 9 with 3 minutes left. Mularkey could have the head-cheerleader drunk in the backseat of his car, and would end up overthinking the situation to the point where she passed out.
  4. Ha...I did too. I figured if we lose today the team is pretty much done for, so losing money isn't as bad when you already feel like crap emotionally.
  5. "We didn't execute as well as we could have."
  6. I have, he was as nice as can be. Once he found out i was from Buffalo, we talked for quite a while. He still loves the Bills and watches them all the time. He actually would like to spend more time in Buffalo, but the Management has blackballed him I think. It's pretty bad when the team doesn't acknowledge OJ, but they can celebrate James Lofton who was acquitted multiple times of rape and harassment.
  7. I almost forgot Christie-Lindell
  8. Hull-Teague Wolford-Gandy Ballard-Jerman Kelly-Losman B.Smith-Schobel Talley-Posey Bennet-Crowell Levy-Mularky Polian-Donahoe 80,000 seats-70,000 Seats + 100 suites
  9. Bellicheck, yes.....but he brings in smart players, #1. He'll give up some athletic talent in order to get a quality guy. Parcells is as subjective as you can get. He'll play with your head in order to get the most out of you. What goes for player A doesn't go for player B. I think in Buffalo, it is the system that rules.
  10. I've been searching for answers why the Bills have been wallowing in mediocrity for almost a decade and I think I may have it. Both TD hires, Greg Williams and Mike Mularkey were quality control coaches for their respective teams to start out their coaching careers. Does anyone have a quality control person at their workplace? While they may be a respected person at a large firm that deals with manufacturing or accounting or service, usually they are the most drab and anal rententive people around. They know all the little ticky tack rules and regulations and will make you follow them. Everything has to run by structure or else you are wrong. If you happen to think outside the box, you will probably have to get a quorum to call a commitee to have a hearing on changing the rules. I think we have some big time talent. But I also think we have the same chance at winning with a UB Doctoral student who is on sebatical from China. These coaches are eggheads who overthink and take control and creativity away from their players. But they sure do interview well. See you at 6 and 10.
  11. You would have to peg it to a certain event with a payoff of 100. For instance, the house, or someone who originally sells a "share" would be promising to pay the buyer $100 if the event comes true, i.e. Bills make playoffs, or win X games. It would be pretty easy to do a fun little thing with fake money. I would say the Bills have about a 35% to make the playoffs. Some people would think that is nuts and they can't make it, and some people will think we still have a good team and will go. Ideally those two people would match up and make a trade where the optimist would buy from the pessimist. The pessimist would get paid $35 or whatever price agreed upon, and if the Bills don't make it he keeps the money. If they do make it, he would have to pay $100 at the end of the season, thus losing $65. The market comes into play week to week....if we lose our next 3 games, someone might only be willing to pay $6 or $8 on us making it. Here is what I would start at based on our outlook. Bills make playoffs $35 Wins: 4- $98 5- $90 6- $82 7- $65 8- $52 9- $40 10-$28 11-$14 12-$7 13-$3 14-$1
  12. If the Bills stadium staff had half a sac, which they don't, they could play the Mexican hat dance everytime he gets sacked....or maybe play "Blister in the Sun". More than likely we'll just get some stellar calls from John Gurtler.
  13. Here's a morning weather girl. Her choice of tight tops to go with her giant cans at 6am make it a bit easier waking up. Giant cans
  14. I can understand that. I am concerned because I went back in his profile to look at his posts and didn't see much of anything that could get him banned. It must have been removed. I'm pretty much a lurker, so I wasn't privy to any public posting worth getting banned, that's why I was concerned. Pile on if you want, but if you think the guy is an idiot then just ignore him...sort of like many are doing to me.
  15. Hang on champ.....I was commenting on the jerseys because Donahoe also knows the rules which you have stated, then he goes and wears them on game 2 when they had said they would wear them for the SD game. In the lovely "Ask TD a question" segment, he says the team likes them and fans should petition the NFL. They also put out a V-Coach according to this site saying that "The Bills have a big surprise and are wearing throwbacks today..Hooray!" When management make something big out of something meaningless like jerseys, they are trying to hide the real problem. The Bills can come out in Hot Pink Legwarmers for all I care as long as we are good and go to the playoffs. They are worried about their own behinds and bottom line and are making it seem as if they care for the little folk, the fan. That's why I brought up the Commie reference. As far as Tucker goes...I love the guy. He's emotional and can go off the deep end himself a bit. But he tries like heck and wants to win. I think this team would rather have a mouldable rookie on this team than somone who speaks his mind like Tucker. Price....as far as I saw, he was a pretty darn good backup tackle. When Williams was gone, I didn't miss him most of the time Price was in there. I missed him on Sunday. Bottom line...when our first OL hit the skids due to injury, we brought in a backup for the Dolphins from the past 2 years. I guess McNally will make him an All-pro by just sprinkling some ballsweat on him however. This team has holes, big ones, and there is nothing wrong with pointing them out. I admit I owe Lindell an apology...nice kickoffs and 6-6 on FGs. He's the only bright spot, along with Vincent's intelligent play so far.
  16. Take it easy on the guy....if he was at the game he got his brains fried, it was 120 out there. While some people tend to go overboard, this place is pretty hostile to anyone who doesn't think this is a playoff team. Donahoe runs this organization like a communist government..."Ooooh, the NFL won't let us wear the beautiful throwbacks..they want us to lose." All I've been hearing for the last 4 months are about the friggin jerseys. Not about the fact we let Marcus Price and Ross Tucker go for nothing. Not the fact that we didn't take a 4th this year for Henry and got a whopping 3rd for him next year (time value of money/picks). Pat Williams..tough loss, but too much money for a fat run stuffer. What do those 4 have in common? They all spoke their mind and criticized the management. Sort of like here, if you eliminate all opposing ideas, you weaken your "team". Let the kid shoot off...if you don't like him, ignore him. I truly feel like the fans are going along for the ride here. I love the Bills for the simple reason I love Buffalo and it's people.....and the team is biggest asset the area still has. You have to question the team though...that is unless you are happy with being a mediocre team for two decades like the Dolphins.
  17. Perfectly said. I guess a 70% completion rate for the season is choking! Drew's problems are mental. When he has confidence in himself and feels wanted, he threads the needle and takes good chances. When he is down on himself, he overthinks, doesn't take good chances, and exhibits despiration in times that aren't called for. I am betting the bejeebers out of the Cowbows until they lose. and then if it is a bad loss I'll bet against them next out and again until they win.
  18. Your son will still be playing hockey 5 years from now. The Bills may not be playing in Buffalo 5 years from now. I didn't get confirmed into the church because they had classes during football. Well, that, and the....you know...."hugging".
  19. It would be a push as to who could quicker identify Charlie Garner as their assignment out of the backfield. That game against Oakland a few years ago cemented him as a pretender. Not big enough for LB, not fast enough for S. I'd have rather kept Haddad for ST.
  20. In all honesty, Metzelaars was our last "healthy" tight end.
  21. NICE! Well if the Ralph somehow ends up hosting the game, I hope we all give these guys a 5 minute standing ovation.
  22. After seeing the lack of sympathy by many, because those in peril choose to live in a city below sea level and/or they didn't evacuate, I came to thinking. Can Buffalo have a lake effect system hit it so bad, that the city would be doomed? Those that went through the Blizzard of '77 know how crazy that was, but it actually snowed very little. It was blowing existing snow off the lake for the most part. What if we had a very bad stretch of storms in Dec/Jan when the lake wasn't frozen over, but temperatures are cold enough to prevent accumulation from melting? Then say we get a day or two like we did a few years ago when it snowed 6 feet....but this time the low just stalled over the area, just as sometimes happens in a hurricane or any storm. How many feet could we get...8, 12, 16? Add that to the 8-10 feet already on the ground and all of a sudden we become New Orleans. This may be highly unlikely, but I'm sure the possibility exists. Would you evacuate if Don Paul was calling for 4 feet of snow?
  23. I am awakening to that fact as we speak. This whole "emergency response" is disgusting. No more excuses, our government is failing us.
  24. God Bless her. By Tuesday this will either be under control, or everyone will be dead, so she should be fine. Unfortunately the latest rumor has NO calling for 75,000 body bags...and that is not a typo.
  25. My dad was a cop for 30 years and said the Salvation Army is great. They would always show up to any fire or serious emergency and take care of the people and workers as best they could. I have issues with the Red Cross as it is almost an offshoot of the government in how it handles jobs and doesn't look for production. In a situation like this though, give as much as you can to any legit charity because these poor people need it.
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