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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. We trade a 1st and 2 2nds for Losman, and Kelly Holcomb is our starter. Did Butler see your sister in the shower or something? We at least lost playoff games on the last play on the road 2 of his last 3 years.
  2. Josh Reed didn't give up 48 points.
  3. SDS is right...you need at least 7 years to get out of salary cap jail. Butler ate a bucket of wings and smoked 3 packs a day because he felt stress. Does Donahoe have any vices? I'm surprised the F'r doesn't dye his hair considering how cozy he has it.
  4. Maybe you'll be able to JP her in the Trey Teague!
  5. I like your call. I really think there is a chance they go with it. Who would you rather have on the field...Campbell and Shelton or Parrish and Reed? Losman has the legs to scramble, and you always keep 2 short safety valves. I don't know if our line has the brainpower to make it work though.
  6. It's actually more musical than most of the "mud" that's out there. I was going to rip on the Miami boys here, but now I'm singing it. Funny!
  7. I heard he has a Milloy size boo-boo on his left arm. Any word up there?
  8. Everyone keeps bashing this guy, while the fact is he has played 3 full games....Houston, Miami, and the Jets. We just happened to win all 3 of those. People get all caught up in the fact he was the #4 pick. Who cares where he was picked, he's still a good football player. He may not play like 1st rd talent, but that doesn't mean he sucks. If we drafted him in the 3rd and were paying him $2.5 million a year, nobody would care. Sort of like Josh Reed...eeryone went nuts on him because he was drafted in the 30's and didn't have 1000yds. He's a solid receiver. If we drafted him in the 5th rd everyone would say he was a bargain for a 3rd receiver. Get rid of the dropsies, and he knows how to get open better than anyone else on this team. The reason they are making this move is because Peters is better than Anderson, so if they want to keep him on the field, someone has to move.
  9. It also seems one of Kristen's hobbies includes "Wuzzles" I'm not sure what a wuzzle is, but something tells me she was partaking in that particular hobby at the time of the arrest.
  10. Gomper....you live in Buffalo. If you lived in a real city like LA, or Chicago, or NYC where there is more disposable income on two city blocks than the entire Metro area of Buffalo, then you could expect freaking Howard Cossel. If indeed Brad sucks, it is a slap at the morons like you who live in the city, that the station feels he is worthy of your ears. Basically, you don't put a limo driver in the front seat of the short bus. By the way, can you sneak me in 2 extra cans of Genny Light into the Chiefs game? I'll give you $1.50 a piece.
  11. Mike Williams has played 3 whole games this year....those games were 1)Houston 2)Miami 3)Jets. What do those 3 games have in common, besides the fact that Big Mike played?
  12. I heard he's buying a house in Lockport.
  13. In poor taste...but funny as hell
  14. I think you will see OJ call out the fraudulant realtors that have been using this as publicity...very soon.
  15. It's BS, and I would expect a retraction from the stellar reporting staff at channel 4 very soon. Why would a guy ask for an exclusive showing of a house, then go out in public with 70,000 drunken Bills/Jets fans? Must be slow up there.
  16. Your thread is horrible. If your thread was that good, why did you wait until week 7 to start it? I think it is a panic move.
  17. I watch TVG almost every day, and I must say that I have come to like the guy. I'll always remember him for spitting at my section when he got thrown out of the game, but he was a kid then too. He's very good at giving valid handicapping points and tells it like it is.
  18. I'm sorry.....maybe I should offer a free lunch to anyone who can predict a win/loss for each of the Bills remaining games. Then I'll get 200 people replying and saying how awesome that is. A) This is a Bills board for avid fans, most of who have a strong opinion about the team. B) Hunter's Hope is a charity connected to the Bills which we can all get behind. If you make donations on your own, that is great and encouraged, I was looking for a fun way to raise money for them whether you think the Bills will win 9 or more, or 8 or less. I figured maybe someone could do without an extra Bills T-shirt and put it on the line against an opposite opinion. C) I offered for a "trusted" member of this board like 89 to hold all checks until the outcome was determined, who in turn offered to give items to those who end up donating. D) The spirit of the statement came after reading SDS post about how all the gloom and doomers should go eat a garbage plate of Sam Adam's jock straps because we are obviously not a bad team. I disagree. E) It would not be easy for me to donate $500 to anyone, but I'm a big boy and would honor my statement. The large amount was due to my supreme confidence this team won't be above .500 at the end of the year. F) I am a huge Bills fan who lives in Miami and comes up for almost every game. I hope we run the table and win the SuperBowl. If this was 1992, I would say we can do it. The way this team has been run the past few years reminds me of the Dolphins however, and I think they are much more concerned with off-field operations than on-field. I thought the idea might catch on, but I obviously missed the boat on this one. I already said I pulled the idea, so nobody has to worry about it anymore. I encourage you to donate to HH on your own. Also Brian Moorman does great work with Roswell and Carly's Club. Thanks to those who appreciated the idea, at least I won't have to crawl quite as far back under my rock!
  19. Thank you for the backup. I guess it was a bad idea. I just figured since this is such an opinionated board, get a contest going. No matter how much anybody gives, you can always find room for more. I thought if we had enough people pledging on each side of the record, it could work. I didn't look at it as not donating, I looked at it as betting, and getting someone with the opposite opinion to pay you off, which you then donate your winnings. I officially withdraw my cruelhearted offer.
  20. Why do you say that? I'm just trying to raise some money for the kid. Everyone seems to be such big fans, and yes, there are people who think the Bills are crap. So why not make a pledge? 9 or more wins, 8 or less wins....pick a side and put up some dough. Be it $5, $20, or $5,000. I'm just saying that SDS called out the posters who think this is a bad team and are "gloom and dooom". I still think the Bills are bad, and am willing to donate to a Bills' sponsored charity if I am wrong.
  21. SDS had a pretty ballsy callout to the detractors of this team, so I will put my money where my mouth is. I think we have a MickeyMouse coach and a businessman as a GM. To sell JP Losman to the fans for 6 months after cutting Bledsoe, then sitting him after 3 games shows just where the priorities are with the front office....selling tickets and throwback jerseys. So, if we finish with 9 or more wins, I will donate $500 to Hunter's Hope. I encourage all others to pledge an amount one side or the other. Let's see who believes in their opinion, or who is spewing BS. If someone like 89 is willing to hold checks in escrow, I am more than willing to send one. Bring it on.
  22. Not very often. And if they do, it's from 200 feet away. Instead he is usually mobbed by dozens of smiling people who want pictures, autographs and to say hi to their mom on the cell phone. The Bills don't want to acknowledge his existance, or else he could be much more coy about going to the game. Instead, if he wants to watch the Bills in person, he has to buy a ticket like 70K other people. It's amazing he would even want to come up to that POS city on a regular basis when he lives in Florida, but I guess his loyalty lies a bit deeper than other Bills fans.
  23. Kelly, I am totally in agreement with you in this debate. Clements was repeatedly chasing Fins receivers all over the field. This guy is a good corner, but the way to beat him is on an out and go. He will look to play the ball, then he loses a step on the receiver. I saw 2 yards of separation on him 30 yards down the field at least 4 times yesterday on pass plays. McGee is really improving each week, and I think there is little chance we sign Nate to an extended deal. We may franchise him for one and keep or trade.
  24. I don't know why everyone is ripping him. We won the first game and were tied in the 2nd quarter in Tampa when he left. Sure, let's cut him and let Jerman play the season...that would be awesome.
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