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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I pray: Week 1 NE Week 2@CHI Week 3 JAX
  2. He's looking for his signing bonus.
  3. Good observation. That news story being posted is the equivilant of the Saddam statue coming down and people hitting it with their shoes.
  4. The fans really did show up and enjoyed themselves. Not a family crowd, but that had to be the best tailgate in years, at least in our lot. I think everyone figured if the team is going to blow chunks, we should at least eat, drink, and be merry. Vincent should be wearing a smoking jacket and draw on a pipe out there, because he is worse than Deion when it comes to playing physical football. Are we the only team with an all-white defesive line? That's probably not a good thing. It was also a treat to see Bannan go in for Lee Evans on offense.
  5. TERMINATOR II Takeo Spikes as Sam Cowart
  6. Interesting, but it should be a bit more subjective than that. I wonder what the value of future picks would be?
  7. PS I think you missed a few decimal places
  8. That is a great user name for Hillary Clinton. Long Live Mullet with Sticks
  9. I go back to the Minnesota game 2 years ago when it turned into a shootout. Reed was all over the place and looked like Andre in his prime. I would keep him as a slot guy since RP will probably see more time with injuries ala S.Moss.
  10. Unfortunately, he is perfect for our system.
  11. I've seen him take himself out the few times he's touched it 3 in a row. It might be a coach policy, but he does it. I'm not saying Willis needs to run a 4.2 40, but it is evident he doesn't fly in the open field anymore. He purposely got down in weight over the offseason to try and do more on runs. He hasn't really had many chances to break one since he's usually touched in the backfield by the first defender.
  12. Willis is actually playing almost 10 lbs lighter than last year...at least that is how he started the season. He almost never gets an open field chance, so it is hard to tell if it has helped or hurt. I get concerned that he can't seem to stay on the field for more than 3 consecutive touches. Thurman would go 7 of 8 plays touching the ball, but Willis gets winded just after a few plays. Big guys like Jamal Lewis or Larry Johnson don't seem to be bothered with the workload.
  13. It's really a simple thing.....get the "We want Moulds" chant going early and often, ala Rob Ray in the 90's. It will make Mularkey look like a fool. A career 2nd string TE can't possibly understand what it is like to have talent and be frustrated over poor results, because he was happy catching 20 balls a year.
  14. MM=Make-love Missionary
  15. The Mike Williams bashing is rediculous. It's one thing to say the guy is overpaid and shouldn't have been the #4 pick, but he is still the best lineman we have. The guy weighs 380 granted, but that's down from the 410 he played at last year. He blows an ankle week 2....comes back 3 weeks later and ends up hurting opposite knee while overcompensating for bad leg. Then when his mobility is limited, he has to rely on his upper body for strength and has to play a new position, so he hurts his chest. It isn't rocket science...it's the same reason Moulds went down the crapper a few years ago and never made it back the same....his groin was done on one side, so he ended up doing the hamstring on the opposite side. Stats in 3 full games Williams played: Hou-W McGahee 117yds Mia-W 86yds NYJ-W 143yds Games Williams was out or limited: TB-L McGahee 34yds ATL-L 140yds NO-L 84yds OAK-L 50yds NE-L 136yds KC-W 66yds SD-L 39yds CAR-L 53yds
  16. That was a big deal back in the late 80's. It is a BS rule, but it was enforced. The Bengals used to pull that under Wyche all the time.
  17. And who was hurt last year? NOBODY! Sooner or later the law of averages play out. Last year we were blessed and had a veteran QB and barley almost stumbled ito the playoffs. This year we lose a few FA's, get some injury problems, and have a backup QB lead the way. I think we are nothing but a .500 long term ballclub considering the production of (Moulds,Williams,Spikes,Posey,Adams,Milloy,Vincent) is going down and yet those 7 names take up 60% of the cap next year. We never really blew this team up like we should have, and now we may have to in order to get out of this mess. I think the fans have become apathetic for the first time since the 2-14 years and that is scary for this team's future in Buffalo
  18. I agree. Adams played well this year. Bruce Smith used to play the same games every year as Sam with not practicing and little injuries forcing him to skip camp. If the coach had a clue, he'd play a 3-4 so our 400lb NT and 5'7" ILB could actually be used the way they should. Mularkey is just trying to hang on to what thread of power he has left over these players. I would rather have Wyche coaching this team. Enjoy your potent Sape-Anderson duo the rest of the year.
  19. My favorite is the response by Mularkey to Dan Silver. "We can't change schemes midway through the season." Are you F'n kidding me???? I wish I could use that line in my job. Then in the AP article today he says Adams told him he wasn't going to be on the sideline when yesterday he full out lies to the media and tells them he didn't know what Adams was up to. PS Mike....Adams at 70% is > Anderson at 100%
  20. facemask, I heard.
  21. Probably because all the club seats and suites were renewed at the same time that Mularkey signed. You had to sign on for 3 or 5 years. The revenue the Bills collect from luxury seating makes up over half of their total revenue at the stadium. This way, if Mularkey does well...he stays the full 5, since he hasn't and it will be renewal time at the end of next season...Donahoe will tell Ralph to eat the remaining 2 years and fire Mularkey next year so that it looks "progressive" and people will renew. I see very little chance he gets fired at the end of this year since next year is still locked up $ for Ralph. If no playoffs next year...bye-bye.
  22. I didn't know we were playing them next year
  23. I hear you SDS....I'm not saying Butler's crew was Super Bowl winning, I just can't understand why you are sticking up for Donahoe and bashing Butler to such a big extent. If I had to take one over the other, I would rather have Butler/Wade/et al versus the marketing machine we've seen with Donahoe. I don't post very often, but if you go back to March-September I was warning of what a dog and pony show the front office has become and my lack of trust in Mularkey having the personality to understand individuals well enough to get the most out of them on the field. I think Mularkey is a good guy and means well, and I don't think Donahoe is evil...but to his own admission, Donahoe is more of a CEO than a meat and potatoes guy like Butler. The one thing that the previous administration valued that this one doesn't is intelligence and character. Peters was a FA because he can't spell his name. Willis can't wait to get out of Buffalo, and that is a fact. Instead of a "Guess Who's Back" tattoo, how about a charging buffalo inked into your skin? Your bread and butter player would look at you goofy if you asked him how to get to Cheektowaga, but he could tell you what day he becomes a free agent. Enough griping on my part...I need a beer.
  24. Servicable means- We can get by with them due to the abilities of others around them. Wouldn't you think with McGahee,Evans,Moulds we would have a bit more success? Either those 3 aren't that good, or the line is absolutely horrid. Considering Fina's wunderlick probably equals that of our entire line, that could have a little to do with being servicable as well. Say what you want Wolford-Ritcher-Hull-Davis-Ballard A Fina-Brown-Ostroski-Panos-(Crap) C Gandy-Anderson-Teague-Villarial-Peters D-
  25. After looking at drafts from both GM's, it isn't that drastic a difference in identifying talent. Where Butler was good was in bringing in solid LB after LB. Cowart,Rodgers,Covington,Holecek,Foreman,Newman,etc. We would always have a good core that played for cheap so we were able to overpay some trusted veterans to stay on. This year we have $12million tied up in 3 FA linebackers. Posey is average at best, Fletcher needs a monster line in front of him to be effective, and as good as Spikes is..he may be done. We never made a point to draft O-Line, but we had intelligent beef up front with Butler. We struggled to find a RT for years, but the rest of the line was servicable...much moreso than the current squad. Jimbo and Flutie were smart enough and experienced enough to make up for any faults in the line. The rest of the jokers at QB we've had aren't like those two. Losman might get there because of his wheels, but he's years away with this supporting cast. You heard Butler say "he's a good young man" so many times, because they were good young men. They had brains and some heart. This regeime looks at players for pure talent, and misses the intangibles. Most of all you need a coach who can identify how to put the pieces together, and that may be the biggest problem after all.
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