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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. Good for you.....as long as you don't regret your decision. As your financial advisor I would not want to see you go through with it. But that's why I'm posting on an internet football board in my underwear, and not making real decisions.
  2. You've been watching too much Howie Mandle. Anyone who is about to hit a bet at 120-1 and has the chance to hedge it at 60-1....and doesn't do it.......MORON. Look at it this way. You bought 100 shares of a stock at $1. It is now at $60. Unless you bomb the Adam's Mark, you have no inside information. The stock isn't going to slide down to $40 where you can sell it and lament over the lost profit....it will go to zero if you are wrong. If you are serious....take the $6000. If you want to play, throw a few 3 teamers keying the Bills in the mix to try and get the whole thing. If your net worth is over $2 million, then forgive me for being a jagoff.
  3. I know....I guess he's one heck of an actor. That is one of the funniest scenes ever. RIP Doogie.
  4. If they want to cast some Omega Mu's, Buffalo would be a good film site. By the way...anyone with Time/Warner on Demand.......the original is on.
  5. Speaking of that.......has anyone seen Dear Ms. Heinz lately? Did Kerry let Teddy Kennedy drive her home from the Senate Christmas party last year?
  6. That's ok...I read the title real quick and thought it said "Man has sex with hot dog". I'm thinking to myself "It has to be one of those huge Kosher franks or something, 'cause I don't know how you pull that off."
  7. Funny.....I'll pass it on to some Miami friends.
  8. Here's how it works. A person looks at this world we live in and one of two things happens. 1) Everything is great because Daddy made 500K a year, I'm pretty and take my kids to alternating soccer tournaments, and why does that silly Bush have to be so mean and make it stinky for the troops? 2) Some sonvabiatch just cut me off on the 190 as I'm trying to get to the Stamping Plant where I've worked my a$$ off the last 30 years in order to get my kid into a state university and take my wife to Red Lobster for our 20th anniversary. By the way, some 25 year old just handcranked the boss and is now my supervisor after being here 3 months. My widowed mom is in the nursing home, my electric is going to get cut off if I don't bring $153 to Bon-Ton by 5PM, and the dog swallowed a whole chicken wing and needs surgery. 1) Non-smoker 2) I have 2 hours of time for myself today. I can: A) Have a nice Asian salad with arrugula and Manderin Orange before my 3 mile jog along the Amherst bike path B) Can crack open a sixer of Blue and a turn on the pregame show as I help my kid with his algebra homework he needs to pass his math class in order to get into Buff State and eat some chickenwings (don't give the dog any), while I wait for my other kid to fall asleep so I can eventually watch the 2nd half of a football game, and maybe still get turned on by my wife for the 3 minutes I need before going to bed and doing it again tomorrow. A) Non Smoker B) Possible Smoker
  9. Green Lightning You have to pull it down from the menu, but there is a great picture of it from Chicago in '85. That was classic Buffalo By the way, if Giant Neon Peni weren't enough warning...may not be suitable for work.
  10. My Buffalo Fan Meter: x=team performance from 1-10 Bandits=x Bisons=1.5x UB Basket/football=2x Sabres=5x Bills=10x Focusing on the Sabres and Bills, if the Bills were just an average team this year, I would be as excited about them as I would the Sabres starting 10-0. Since the Bills are bad and the Sabres are incredible, the Sabres have passed the Bills on my personal excitement level for basically the first time since I've been alive. I would venture to say it is the same for most around here. People are deeper into it with the Bills, but the team has to do their part to keep us active participants.
  11. I think the problem with the Tampa 2 is that McGee has been hurt and regressed, leaving Simpson out there looking goofy sometimes. Clements has done his job well in the D and so has Whitner. Fletcher is undersized as always and can be a liability in coverage. Spikes is dragging and our D Line, while good at getting pressure on a semi-regular basis....is leaving the run game open. As soon as we call off the dogs because of big runs against us, a good QB is able to hit his spots against the zone. NE's last TD on Sunday was technically into Quintuple coverage. When you have smart and gifted athletes, this defense is the best there is....the bend but don't break, yet still have a shot at big plays...all rolled into one. Once other teams find your weakness, which to the Bills happened fairly soon, we have to reel it in a little. To answer your question, I don't know
  12. You may have hit the magic potion. If all else fails, I think JP needs to let the public know what his deal is, and then maybe he will stop rambling in press conferences, trying to find himself. I mean, they guy said he was devistated about the storm because he bought his house for the beautiful trees that changed colors...and now they were gone. HELLO!!!! 25 Yr Old Male Buys House for Pretty Trees. Closet cleaning may be our only hope.
  13. If they want a good cocktail, they should mosey on over to The Cloister.
  14. It will be a great place for the Adelphia executives to lay their heads after all day meetings at their beautiful waterfront headquarters.
  15. He made an amazing catch today and had one a few games ago, but he has dropped 4 easy passes and had 2 bad penalties. Today was a good game for him on the receiving side of it, so I'll lay off of him. I haven't been thrilled though.
  16. I don't know about anyone else, but me and my friend laughed about this......the old intro in the late 70's early 80's used to scare the hell out of me. I was a little kid, and Eyewitness News would intro with a bunch of black sillohetes of reporters and cameramen coming at you like the devil. The music made it sound like they wanted to rip your heart out.
  17. I used to play the Hold It Game with Fr. Shannahan back in 4th grade. 12 and change with a laptop....I want a mouse.
  18. That's like the Matrix. The freaker jumps out of the water and manages to get a shot off while flying through the air and still hits his target. Maybe it could teach Kawakie Thomas how to hang onto an INT.
  19. Are we still partners with Florida? They are off to a nice start as well.
  20. You said...spanked
  21. Henny Hughes is a looker and Lava Man is for real, but both of those guys have gone off form before. Bernardini is simply the best horse I have ever seen. He has it all..speed, stamina, class, pedigree...and he gets better as he goes. Too bad he is only going to run one more race. If he wins by anything less than 2-3 lengths I will be disappointed. There is a weak sprint division this year. Henny looks amazing physically, but his numbers aren't that of a dominant horse. My best wagers usually lead me to my favorite horses.... Thunder Gulch, Cherokee Run, You, and Afleet Alex. If you gave a Wonderlic test to Afleet Alex, I'd say there is 2-5 chance he would beat McGahee.
  22. They'd walk to the water together, and both eat the Dolphin.
  23. Finally someone says it!!! I admired Talley for his work ethic and his honesty. If you put a microphone in front of Talley, he didn't know how to come up with BS, he would say it like it is. As far as his play goes....he was more of a consistant solid player...but nothing in terms of Bennett. I don't think there were many offensive tape sessions where the coach said "Holy Bejebus!, what are we ever going to do with that Talley fellow?" But they sure did for Biscuit
  24. Anyone try to buy tickets for the Sabres opener off of the website? I just did and was successful. Buffalo fans are Goobers!
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