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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. That play cost me ol' pocketbook a few pence. The Giants look like another team that has become fed-up with coach Coughlin. When you have a blowhard coaching you, it can be a good thing if your team is in disaray and needs direction. When your team is good and he still rides you over the top, you get sick of it and stop listening. The Giants are a playoff team, but may mentally chuck it.
  2. Yeah...at the begining of the return, there was a block in the back as Roscoe went by the guy. The ref had his hand near his hip and then it looked like Roscoe was going to go down in the pile so he took it off and let the play go. Once Parrish broke it for good, it was too late to call the penalty. That happens a lot in the league...they say you can call holding on almost every play and it is true. Where they will call it is if a RB sees daylight on an obvious hold whereas they let it slide if he gets gobbled up at the line of scrimmage. Either way...great run. If he was any taller than 5'7", he would have toppled over.
  3. We could probably do a Robert Royal collage that is very similar.
  4. I was comparing their verbal leadership styles, and JP has won me over more than Johnson did. If you are getting your a$$ kicked out there and you can communicate to me that you are not getting the job done, but are working hard at it and to trust you.....sometimes that's all you need to do to let me know you are still there. Hey....I led the keep RJ parade when the decision had to be made between Flutie and RJ. I remember the majority thought it would be Flutie to stay. The day before the decision, the RJ jerseys in the pro shop were discounted to $10 from $45 and I bought 12 of them to clean it out. I think it was through this site if I remember correctly. Needeless to say, everyone including the dog got an RJ jersey for Christmas. JP might still not have "it"....but he also doesn't not have "it". I think the Ralph's collective reaction when RJ was thrown into the game against us when he played for Washington pretty much sums up his "it". Cue the Marv Albert music.
  5. Factless impression? I didn't call the guy a giant pu$$y.....I said that JP can convey the point to the city that he has underachieved, that he is disappointed at the results so far, that he needs to learn more about the game, and that everyone should be patient because this team is going to explode upward at somepoint. I don't know if Johnson was too caught up in the Flutie debate and that burned him out....but I wasn't exactly running to grab a 3 foot spear to launch into our opponents' chests after listening to him talk. You don't have to be charasmatic to be a leader if you play well......but if you don't get the job done, and you look and sound like "whatever", I am not going along for the ride any longer.
  6. I'm not saying he didn't care....I'm saying that is what came through to me. JP makes an effort in pressers to say "I didn't do this and I need to learn", and he seems like he knows he hasn't been good enough and can't wait to prove to the city and the team that all their patience will be rewarded. RJ was nailed as a surfer dude because he didn't look to have that fire on the outside. That's all fine and good if you are Joe Montana, but when you don't get the job done, it looks like lack of passion. Since I'm not in bed with them to hear their most inner thoughts and fears at 2 AM, I have to go with what I see, and JP has impressed me much more through the learning process of QB, and I will give him the benefit of the doubt that we're going to get this puppy rolling soon.
  7. So let me get this straight, you'll work the sushi bar and I'll work the grill?
  8. Since we've been through this before with RJ, the biggest difference between the two is that JP really wants to learn and do better. Johnson had the "who cares" attitude that came through. That alone lets me keep more patient with Losman.
  9. I find both the article itself, and your posting of it here, ironic.
  10. Not bad....we'll be 3 point underdogs our next 3 games, 3 point favorites the 2 after, then @Baltimore which is the hardest on paper. Could be 9-7 if we tighten the screws.
  11. Wow, and this whole time I thought Ted Nolan jumped Hasek's wife because she was good looking. I guess it was just part of the hex.
  12. Invited? He's the Grand Tortilla
  13. I've always wanted to start a website "Celebrity Deathplane", where people can come and put the 100 celebs they would most like to see on a plane headed for disaster. The website could compile the votes and show who makes the plane. Elton John would be sitting somewhere around 3D I believe.
  14. Both actually......and then upon completion, the Giver has to yell into the Givee's ear, "White Cheddar!"
  15. God knows there's never any mutual ma$turbation in the military
  16. I must admit, I would prepare for a viewing of that tape as I would for any Bills Superbowl. There would be little sleeping the night before, I would invite all my friends over to watch, and there would be plenty of munchies. The only difference is that I would replace the nacho dip with a jar of vaseline.
  17. Just like it is 1,000 easier for the Bills to get a FG than a TD. If Bill Bellichek was our coach, and Brady was our QB, I don't mind the call. 6 minutes and you are about to go ahead of the best team in the league. I understand mixing things up, but that is not our style, and our QB has yet to prove he can handle these situations. The only reason Losman didn't fumble there is because he was nailed into the ground with more acceleration than the ball received from gravity.
  18. Right...but the arguement of how good Manning is...and he's going to lead them to a score for sure.....then even if you get the TD and miss the 2 pointer, that same arguement shold hold in the poster's mind, and Manning will take them down for a TD. The playcall reminds me of something John Kerry would do. The correct thing to do is sitting right in your lap, you've been doing it 95% of the way....and then you get cute and F it all up. It is a reach out of character for the gameplan.
  19. I agree 100% with the post. In the first half I was yelling at the TV that we were playing Pu$$y Ball. I thought there was no way we could get enough points to win playing that way....BUT.....we had 2 monster plays on Defense and ST, and all of a sudden the plan actually worked. It probably had a 10-1 shot of working but it did. Who knows, maybe Fairchild had the under in Vegas. Then....when all you had to do was center the F'n ball on 3 runs which would fit within your gameplan....7 step pass??? It is that 2nd guessing of one's self that makes me know we don't have the right OC. He had it and gave it away. And to anyone who said we needed a TD because of Manning....we would still need a 2 pointer to go up by seven. If we miss, we lose anyway. If Indy scores, we get another drive most likely.
  20. He was awesome....he'd work himself into a frustrated tizzy, grumbling and moaning and pacing.....I couldn't understand what he was saying, but it was great. I always liked the cocky guys who had some personality, like Piper and Murocco. That's what made it so fun.
  21. The key to being a true "professional gambler" is to have inside information and a good support team around you. They are usually one in the same. You may be able to grind out a small profit over time if you are using your own picking techniques, but the only way to make a living is to have a sniff of what is going on behind the scenes. Your best friend would be the team doctor. A good story I have.....a few years ago there was an MLB pitcher who was having "relations" with a very seductive and gorgeous girl. This went on for a few weeks until the girl got enough of what she wanted and told the guy to bug off. In this short amount of time he had become 100% addicted an obsessed with her. So obsessed that he was locked up in his hotel room, crying on the phone to her the morning he was going to pitch a game. I learned of this minutes after the phone call and the sweet devil in me went to work. I called every guy I know who likes to put a few dollars down on a game and told them the story. I myself, a hobbiest in the wagering department, turned professional gambler for one night. The result: IP: 1.1 H:5 BB:4 ER:7 If you are privy to about 20 of those kind of stories a year.....be a professional gambler.
  22. Bingo! I thought it was funny. She would have looked confused and done a WTF? instead of just "What?" if she was throwing a tantrum. She did look nervous beforehand, but was just playing off a little disappointment with some humor. If you wanted to get a good camera shot, you should have seen what a few of the Bills did and said right after Losman threw the cross-field pass on 4th down at the end of the Jets game.
  23. I'd try to scan some for you, but then the glass on my scanner would look like the baking sheet after icing 2 dozen Christmas cookies.
  24. She was my all-time favorite from March 2003-May2005. A)She was a Juggie on The Man Show B) She "was" a porn star under the name Angel Veil
  25. Todd Collins.......NYS assembly?
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