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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I guess not...but that was the same play to the other side as our famous hit on SanDiego.
  2. Stratton just got company if Bush is done.
  3. My friend....this is the website for you! No Marriage
  4. That's one Mighty Expensive Closet he was hiding in.
  5. Mike, I think it's much more than the NFL itself as to why there is a real decline in passion all around. The Free Agency is just magnified because there is no loyalty between anyone today. It's a player's RIGHT to get his payday. It's every man for himself..Politics, Religion, Work...hell, the Mafia is a shadow since it was cool to turn whstleblower. Then you add in the internet and video games and ipods and all this instant entertainment.....in 1985 I used to get all amped up at 6:30 PM on Thursdays because Inside the NFL would be on in a half hour so I could see highlights and predictions. I used to cringe every time that flamer Bonichanti took the Dolphins even though I knew it was coming. Today, I can watch 3 games simultaneously on Direct TV, run stat tracker at CBS Sportsline of my 5 fantasy teams, call my friend in Detroit on the cellphone as their Lions are losing, and have the NFL Films soundtrack playing on my IPod. It is stimulus overload. The ritual and character of the game has been replaced with the all you can eat buffet. I used to think it was me becoming older and more cynical, but now I realize that if $$$ comes calling, the NFL would trample me, Ralph would trample me, TKO and Willis would trample me, and the guy sitting next to me would trample me. Donahoe was a metaphor for this league....smoke'n'mirrors, and now the Bills fans need convincing to come back out, and I don't blame them. It's a long haul ahead.
  6. It's pretty weak. I wonder if there is a lawyer that can sue? I'm not one for lawsuits, but can't you say this is discrimination? I know it's private property, but if I own a deli, I can't say "Only Jewish Customers can buy here". What is the difference in this case?
  7. Usually a hobby is a side effect of a passion. What are your passions? Being a lawyer it may serve you well to take up golf or skiing as those are popular business trips. You already like football, so the next offshoot is gambling, which is big in white collar land. I don't know if you're married or close to it, but any hooby that isn't firmly established beforehand will get nixed by the wife....and it is hard enough keeping ones you already have unless she is into it too. Hopefully you'll make cash and can throw some at her to keep her quiet. My big hobby is horseracing, and it's also a job. It's one of those, "if you love what you're doing it's not really work" deals. If you are opinionated, like to research, and are decent with numbers, you should catch on quick and have fun. You have to think to make money, but you are entertained as well.
  8. Oakland-Al's into name recognition, they need to get respectable fast, LaMont Jordan was banged up and bad....Fargas is a backup.
  9. BUTT I just don't understand West Coast ideals. I liked the laid back feel around the outskirts of LA, but it really lacks character.
  10. Thanks.....I'm trying not to talk myself out of sticking with Indy and NE. They are getting some real points next week. The thing that scares me about Indy is that Harrison is going to be a non factor in blocking with that hand. I have to take the points though. Indy 23 Baltimore 20 New England is so classy, that even if they lose, they should be close. The Bills should have beaten San Diego if the refs didn't job them, and I'm not one to make excuses. Gates will be key, as Tomlinson shouldn't be able to go crazy on them. New England 24 San Diego 23 Chicago should wake up against Seattle. Grossman will rise to the occasion I believe, and Seattle will be lucky to crack 20 points. Chicago 31 Seattle 16 Philly and New Orleans is a tossup. Should be fun to watch....I'm trusting Brees at home NO 34 Philly 27
  11. If I ever get arrested in NH, remind me not to hire you as my lawyer
  12. Ditto....plus Seattle moves on, probably to Chicago. I really like Chicago and I figure money will be burned on anyone who plays them. I was a bit scared of Dallas, but I think the Bears take care of Seattle by 2 Tds+. What a finish!
  13. I know....what a flamer. How can he be in any positive place for that last throw after the way he was pouting?
  14. HERMAN EDWARDS=Loses his mind during playoff games. You will be looking at your TV set in awe when he makes a decision that kills any chance KC has. Peyton has no pressure on him since everyone assumes he is a choke job in the playoffs. Indy 33 KC 16 Seattle and Dallas is a sad state of affairs. I was impressed with the Dallas D enough to think they will somehow pull it out. I hope Bledsoe gets a chance, but Parcells is too proud a guy to put him back in there. Dal 20 Sea 17 Philly has been playing well, and NY hates Coughlin, but 7 points is a lot for a team that has 2 starting RBs. Phi 23 NYG 20 Billy Belichek can get 22 guys from this board together and come within a TD of the Jets. He is the man, as much as I hate to admit it. He probably gets 2 hours of sleep a night this time of year. NE 30 NYJ 13 Remember.....Herm Edwards. That is all I am sure of.
  15. That's sad....but the Bears still get out of the NFC with him in there.
  16. I must admit I was ready to cry after watching JP stumble and fumble into the Ref at the end of the New England game, but that really was rock bottom for this team. That was like Black Tuesday in the stock market where all the junk and doubters get out. I had that little feeling in my belly again going to the Tennessee game that I haven't had for years. It was nice.
  17. Heck, they won't even get into fights on the ice.....hangin' with the teenie-boppers at Soho is safe confines these days. I think the fight here is thug culture vs. actual thug. Thug culture has gone mainstream to include not only the majority of Pro athletes, but preppy little white kids in Orchard Park. That's just the way it is. I cringe when I hear the music my niece listens to, or how my nephew talks to his friends....but they are good kids. I let it be known what can happen if you hang out with actual Thugs and ride them mercilessly like Frank Sinatra would Eminem, but it really is the way.
  18. I didn't pay close enough attention, but the most informative Canes fan I know was all over Gore as the next big thing.....and how he didn't have the support in front of him besides the injuries. He always asks me how Willis looks and if he has found 4th gear yet. I picked Gore in every fantasy league last year because of that, but only had him in one this year.
  19. Hey...I blew $30 on it. The people in town are starting to act like Yankee fans though.
  20. I have boiled over with the Homer attitude towards the Sabres. I hope they win the Cup, but people are taking it WAY too far. I threw together a 1 page website as a venting place. Some of the attempted humor is warped and I wouldn't suggest children or anyone who is easily offended to go there. NSFW Soupy & Pommers
  21. If you know how to box...and use your skills on the game, you WILL get a workout. The only thing missing is the impact from the blows, and a few ounces off of your wrists. The system really is revolutionary. My mom has been in a wheelchair for years and was able to go bowling again thanks to the Wii. She was giggling like a schoolgirl. Madden is pretty sweet. I haven't started a season yet because I've been doing all the training camp drills to get used to feel and moves. I did have Lindell kick a 45 yarder into a 25mph wind and it fell short for all who care.
  22. Haaa! I was going the same route. Actually, I had the same thing happen to me just about your age..23-24. Went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. One thing that I have found to possibly add to the feelings is if I have had oil in my food. It could be a gall bladder response that mimicks the same symptoms. I get the onset with me having to take deep breaths and I get slight numbness in my limbs. For some reason I end up burping a bunch. Doctor said panic attack and it makes sense as I am one to operate cool under crisis and pressure, but then get the attack when on my own and out of harms way. When I tell my doctors I get stressed out like that, they laugh because I am outgoing and handle the obvious effects of pressure well. I agree with with the Brett Favre prescription.....painkillers and booze. It is the only thing that lets me keep my personality and edge, while generally relieves symptoms and unneccessary worry. It may not be PC to say, but it works.
  23. Great point. That BS they pulled with the Miami game was proof. I'm sure there were people who had flights out Sunday night...then payed the $100 or whatever to change over to Monday, only for the game to stay the same. The NFL has turned into a monopoly since they know they are the only big time sport around. They treat their fans like the cable company does. It's no surprise the two of them are in a battle.
  24. For anyone who went to the last 4 home games....the wind was pretty consistant for all 4. Lindell can make it 35 yards into the wind....and 60 yards with it. If we were going the other way, I would have more confidence in us trying a field goal from the 50 over Lindell trying that 45 yarder. People have every right to complain about the confusion involved, but the call to go for it was 97% correct.
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