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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. 34% of the drives in the NFL go 3 and out. Given that a run was highly probable we will call it 50% on this drive If McKelvin goes down on the 25 with 1:58 left....the Bills run 3 plays at 6 seconds each for a total of 5 yards and the Pats take timeouts...4th down on the 30 comes at 1:40. Moorman's career net is 39 yards. New England would have the ball at their own 30 with 1:30 left. Even if Brady went 5 for 8 with an average of 12 yards per pass....with 7 seconds for an incompletion or an out of bounds...and 15 seconds for a completion in bounds....they would come up short. The Bills should win this game 90%+ of the time. Just on 3 and outs alone it is 76%.
  2. If Evans and Owens pulled in those 2 drops....and there wasn't an iffy flag on Owens....they would have had 8 for 120....putting both on pace for 65 catches and 1,000 yards.
  3. I almost wanted to start another thread....but I wouldn't be shocked to hear that Jim Kelly had some input into this offense. The screens.. Draws with misdirection.. The 20 yard skinny post Evans dropped (how often do you see Evans over the middle?)... These were bread and butter in the heyday. Next week you know they will take some shots. There was no real need to tonight as they were seemingly in control of the scoreboard.
  4. Bon Jovi fronted him $500K in operating costs. We called it even after I wrote a song for the band. Look for "She Squirts Like a Plum For Me" on their new album.
  5. In his will, he left me his ownership share in the Philly Arena League team.
  6. I hate Jawarski because he banged my mom in high school.
  7. Our bloodpressure you inbred hick! Now go home to your couch and drown your sorrows in a bottle of Black Velvet and a pack of Marb Reds like a true Buffalonian.
  8. Bell and Nelson are talented....but they aren't the sharpest either, and were flagged 6 times total. I know Wood is the fashionable guy to praise....but he played like a captain out there tonight.....driving guys 10 yards down the field...picking up stunts......I guess this line might be ok, if we can adjust to other teams having tape on the new system.
  9. I have more respect for a guy with an 80 IQ who tries hard after making a poor decision than I do for a guy with a 120 IQ who doesn't play until the gun goes off.
  10. My bad...thanks
  11. Anyone else pissed at watching Evans unbuckle his chinstrap and pout with 12 seconds left only to just make it back at the last second? Also....Levitrie was calling for a timeout with 29 seconds left and we didn't get it until 22. Evans always rubs me the wrong way a few times a year with his Fem tactics....and tonight was one of them.
  12. I like how the most offensive part of my reply was that there were 1.5 million people! Read on....I say that there were a few hundred thousand. The point is that there was major opposition marching...from a group that does not protest....and they were ignored by the white house and the media. It is the marginalization of peoples' real concerns that will continue to fuel even more push back. When the headline burried in the NYTimes says "Thousands protest"......that's like me saying "Hundreds show up to watch Bills/Patriots play at Gillette Stadium".
  13. I will be the first to admit 1.5 million is high......but 50,000 is an obvious understatement. You can tell from that video that there had to be a few hundred thousand at least. If there were really 1.5 million there....we will be at war in months. As it is, the obvious marginalization of what is happening is only going to add to the magnitude of explosion once this goes live. As I have said in the past...3% of the population and 60% of the military is all that is needed. I am now convinced the populus has enough momentum that there will be an end game. The military is probably at 20-30% right now....but once American Soldiers are ordered to patrol and enforce their own population....that number will grow fast. I have noticed over the past few months there are people on this board waking up to the stink at hand. There are still way too many that are not prepared in the mental, spiritual, and financial realms. Then there are those that are part of the problem and just don't care. I wish everyone well in their quest. There are some stubborn people here, but when the tsunami of events is too overwhelming to ignore any longer...I have faith many here will choose the right side.
  14. 50,000??!!!! This is one street...rally at Capitol building And there was an embargo imposed on the networks. The bigger and more realistic the threat becomes, the more oppressive the Commies are going to get.
  15. You know...I agree...... The next time my loudmouth wife gets to bitchin about something while I'm driving, I'm going to clock her in the face and tell her to shut the F up. It is my car that I am required by law to have complete control over.....so I cannot be distracted by that slut. And what question didn't I answer honestly? Were you sitting in the corner, rubbing your grubby little fetal alcohol syndrome hands together when you asked your question...just hoping someone would beat around the bush instead of saying what you know full well nobody is going to say? "Ehhh Ehhh...I'll get those racist right wingers but good on this one....eh ehh..slurp!" That's why liberals are the scum of the earth. You have no souls. You purposely bait a question with the intention of attacking....even though you don't even give a crap about the issue itself in reality. I don't know if it is the lack of God in your life...the lack of 2 hetrosexual parents that were around for you....or the lack of proper DNA.....but you really are scumsucking bottom feeders. In a way I feel bad at the obvious lack of love you have received in your life at worst...or the obvious lack of ability for critical thought at best. There are plenty of lefties here that don't bother me because they are saying what they think is right. People like you however, are why there were 1.5 million marchers on Washington yesterday, and why there is soon to be pure f'n chaos in everyone's lives. Hopefully you are the type of liberal whose daddy has money so you can skip off to South America while the rest of us schlubs clean up the mess you hippy flamers have made of this country the past 40 years.
  16. Actually....I am just following the lead of Obama's administration. I am sure you are quite familiar with John Holdren, but I just did a search and no threads came up...so just in case you didn't know that Barry's science advisor is in favor of mandatory population control through sterilization and abortion.. Another Gem
  17. Says the one whose party platform considers killing innocent, defenseless babies a RIGHT.
  18. Bet I'll Lose my Liver Soon
  19. It's better then when the Bills used to give Troy Vincent an extra day off to go fly home to Philly on a regular basis.
  20. There is constant direct misconduct on this website between posters on a daily basis, as well as several taboo issues...and items posted for the sole purpose of mockery. Maybe I missed some really disgusting stuff, but I feel the video is relevant. This smacks of a "too close to home" issue for a decision maker on the board. Let the video be seen and allow posters to police themselves. If Lankster is a signed up member of this board and is offended, then by all means...pull the videos. With the amount of mocking Dick Jauron takes for his lack of "charisma"...what if it turns out he has a social disorder but is too modest to use it as an excuse? Does that make it right for 800 posters to call him a Loser...not for his on the field record, but because of his personality? The only reason Lankster is getting attention is because his press conference was so horribly bad....FOR A PRESS CONFERENCE! I also find it ironic that a member of the AP is tacitly in support of censoring of media and comments. Go figure.
  21. After the amount of $$ I spent in Miami strip clubs as a slightly younger lad, I think I deserve to write off a few underage South American girls as dependants as well.
  22. After watching him on the HBO series last summer, I couldn't figure out how he made it. He is a good guy....and he's got a little bit of philosophical preacher in him....but he would make key decisions on a whim.
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