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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. That's not the point....the point is I believe the Sabres won't win. It's 31 against 1 and I'll take the 31.
  2. That's not rooting against....it's a harmless way to take advantage of altered perceptions and greed. Like the stock market....you short a stock, not because you want to see the economy of the US crumble and fail, but because it will make you money. I've said before that I believed in the old Bills teams and thought they all worked their butts off every game. I think the Sabres got lucky by building a team of soft players who could take advantage of the New NHL rules for 40 games. Once the NHL realised that even less people care about the new NHL than the Old NHL and the refs let them play....the downslide began. I think 30% of the viewers of the All Star game were from Buffalo, maybe more.
  3. NOT....the Sabres. It's that simple. This team was built for indoor soccer, not hockey. They cannot stand up for 4 rounds of hockey against bigger teams that have almost as much talent. Atlanta is the perfect team to crush them. If Emery can calm down, Ottawa can beat them. After watching what Pittsburgh has done and their addition of toughness at the deadline, they can do it. Pittsburgh is last years Sabres squad with twice the talent. My pick would be Calgary to win it all. 4 lines of forwards who skate through everything, 6 defensemen who can punish you or play the puck, and a goalie who is top 10 if not top 5.
  4. LSI....I voluntarily removed myself from the Sabres board a month ago because every time I pointed out the Sabres might be less than the greatest team in hockey history, the Sabres Jihad came after me. Don't worry, instead of logically looking at what is going on, they will try and support the Sabres with statistics and excuses. True, the Sabres have 6 out of 8 points......They also have technically lost 5 of 7....but they don't see it that way. It is impossible to logically discuss this team.....use your newfound strength, bet everyone around town even money the Sabres won't win the cup, then lay 1/8 that amount in Vegas just in case you have to pay up because that will pay it for you.
  5. The Deal or No Deal ho's- Why do you have to ruin a body I would like to jump through my TV and work over like my Labrador does to strangers legs, with "witty" comments that make me want to strangle you? Open the damn suitcase and shut the F up!
  6. Nice Win! Bad news for Buffalo as all the Dukies will leave town with their cash tomorrow.
  7. I'm sure this exact sentiment has been expressed before, and I am sure there is a link on this exact subject. The perfect reply would be to find said link, post it here, then tell you that you are a bad person for discussing a topic that may have been discussed at 2:12 PM yesterday, without finding the post on page 4. I agree...if you are the first to discover a cure for cancer, then by all means get a patent and let the world know about it. If you were the first to post that Coy Wire will be a linebacker next year, then someone else starts a thread about it 2 hours later and you feel the need to chastise that person for stealing your thunder...then you may want to consider professional help. Help, as in going to The Sundowner with a stack of 100's.
  8. How's this for breaking the softball catcher stereotype? Hot for Catcher
  9. Anne Hathaway Diane Lane
  10. I don't think the Bills have had a RB with burst since OJ. If the Bills have any interest at all in Chris Brown....save the money and take Hunt. I don't know where he would go as it looks like people say 2nd or 3rd. After comparing him to the others...I don't know how a cold weather team like GB,CHI,DEN,BUF,etc...doesn't try him in the 1st. Hunt and A-Train could pound teams and set up our play action. I hate seeing that video....I am convinced he's an All-Pro!
  11. Nice finds on the video. I honestly couldn't tell you anything about watching them during games as I am not much of an NCAA fan. But I can break them down physically and their motion. By far my favorite is Hunt. Hunt- Has size and POWER. He is so powerful in the hips and is fluid in his motion. He wastes little motion in his running and is big enough to lay out licks. He runs like we all wanted Willis to Jackson- Looks more of an all purpose type. He avoided major hits and I saw him dinking and dunking while still moving north-south, not east west. Maybe a bit small, but looks balanced. Looks like a "smart" player from the highlight reel. I don't like any of the other guys enough to get excited about. Pittman- Blazing fast, but he is too small to take the shots that he does. You might have a flashy back for a year or two, then he's dead Lynch- I HATE the way he moves. He looks bow-legged. That will wear you down, and prevent you from moving piles. Bush- A fat Lynch...stay away Irons- Looks like a mix between Pittman and Jackson. Didn't love him but can't knock him. Walker- Every play he went to the outside. It could just be that the guy who put the video together is a flamer...but he is of no interest to me from that clip. Hunt looks like top 10 material Jackson looks like a 2nd round Thurman pick
  12. If Marv and Co. felt that McGahee could tie his shoelaces, they might have kept him around. 1) Kelly can charm the pants off of you and is a Good Ol' Boy when he has a pitcher of beer in his hand. You know he is going to get it done 2) OJ could charm the pants off of you and understood the balance of paying attention to the fans/alumni/owners and doing things for himself. While anyone under 30 just remembers him for a trial, he was the man once Saban came to town. Heck, he still comes back to Buffalo as a fan. 3) McGahee doesn't have the mental capacity to understand anything abstract. He is a creature of habbit, and he has bad ones at that. That is why he is gone.
  13. Good Point. By the way...if driving after having a few drinks makes you a bad guy....then 98% of our grandfathers aren't character guys. The DWI taboo is a recent phenomenon that has been hardlined by trial attorneys and local governments to increase revenues. Driving with a cellphone is against the law too, but I'm not going to call you an ahole for doing it. That is, unless you hit me.
  14. For all the original talk that we weren't going to be players in free agency, I have been impressed. Marv is shuffling out guys on the decline and bringing in guys who have a chance for some upside still. I have no problem giving them this year to solidify, then making a jump next year for the big show. Rhodes can be a decent #1. I don't even think you need to draft a RB if he comes in. We have Shaud Williams as a scat type. If you package our 4th and Willis for a decent 2nd....go crazy on D with our draft picks and see what happens. Rhodes is sort of like Biron....he's great insurance and still might be capable of being a quality starter.
  15. He went over to Foxboro and swabbed #54
  16. I've never seen a guy who's best pass rush move is to face the opposite way and get pushed towards his own endzone. I won't pretend to be able to break down line play, but I don't need a coaching position to know that he isn't a factor.
  17. "Today Must be Tuesday" R Wilson "The Value of Home Dogs" Janet Gretzky "Red Light, Green Light" Pellie Lindbergh "Boating for Dummies" Steve Olin
  18. If it is a chip, it may have just come off recently. It sounds like he got nailed pretty good, and sometimes it takes a while for a fragment to break off. Almost like a dead leaf falling off of a plant...you can see it coming sometimes, but you just have to wait for it to happen. If they re-do an Xray, they can compare it to the old one where there was damage and I bet it was probably part of the original area. All this being said, I am used to horses....but the vets have digital Xrays and can take 20 angles of the same joint at 50x zoom on the computer. When 5 years ago we wouldn't know what was bugging a runner, today you can almost anticipate if one is going to develop problems and where. Good luck...hopefully he doesn't miss much time.
  19. I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like you've nailed it by saying it's a floating chip. The original fracture and miniscus problem could have sent a chip into the joint that has only now gotten in there pretty good. If that's the case, they probably scope it out and he takes it easy another 6 weeks. Like I said I'm not a doctor, but I have done this with racehorses. Does the boy like carrots?
  20. That was you??? YOU SOB....is it my fault I don't like beer in a can? You ruined a lot of kids lives, because I ended up stumbling over to Cradle Beach afterwards.
  21. I'm with you on both accounts. I cannot remember a recent SB where I was looking forward a week in advance because I couldn't wait to see two desrving and classy teams go at it. I'm taking the 7 points, but I wouldn't cry if Peyton and Dungy get a ring.
  22. He'll grow out of it.....my son was bi-curious for a while too.
  23. Thanks for filling out my Lotto ticket for this week!
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