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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I am pretty sure NY goes down to $2.10 with the comingling of Canadian funds as the excuse. I don't think he will go down that low because it looks as if a few of the better horses are going to take a shot at him here. I think he paid more to place yesterday because of all the people printing out the $2 tickets to sell on Ebay and for collector's item + keepsake. I was at the Preakness for Smarty Jones and kept an uncashed win ticket just in case. The untold story here is that folks in Buffalo should root for Big Brown. Why? If all these people don't cash the $2 win tickets and keep them because they are worth more on Ebay than to cash at the track, the state of NY gets to keep all that money that should have been paid out. Not the track, not the other gamblers, but the state. Maybe Big Brown can fund another 10 sets of blueprints for the "signature bridge" that is talked about.
  2. Really what these guys do is Profile. If you can see someone, you have a good idea about many things. If you can get a reaction, then you can work with that as well. One of the things I like to do is go through the yearbook of a friend or family member, then start spouting out facts about everyone as I page through. You can tell a lot about a person through their eyes and their smile.
  3. Very good. If you notice, I don't start out like that. As the rational replies disappear, my poetic license jumps a bit since I don't really approve of outright coming out and calling people names. Once again, there is nothing left to do but wait. In reality, the biggest way this impacts my life is that the Bills are probably going to just miss the playoffs again this year and have to draft another WR nigh next year. More than anything, this thread for me is a compound of disappointment in the Bills actually taking Hardy to begin with, then the excuses for Hardy that developed as if he should be treated like the Patron Saint of Chicken Wings. Instead of violently showing my frustration, I amplify my sarcastic Achie Bunker side x 10 and let it rip. I just found it interesting how fast the locals were forming an entourage for Hardy while some of the same posters have gone out of their way to start threads about the Cincinatti Bengals legal problems, called Chad Johnson a trouble maker and cancer, etc. Once the bees are in the collective bonnet of the supporters, it was hard to step off the accelerator, which wasn't the best idea. Like I said, I usually don't like to get this deep into it, because people are right, I don't know all the facts. The last time I looked though, it wasn't a crime to go off of your gut instinct and come to the conclusion that a guy doesn't look like he has much of a future after I was able to read, watch and digest the media out there on Hardy and hear a few words out of him myself. At the end of the day, he's probably going to make 15x my income this year, so what I think of him is really irrelevant.
  4. But he has been arrested and suspended for 2 different things in a matter of 2 months which is multiple. There are 100 different sources that show Hardy getting a 14 on the Wonderlic. Since none of the sources are the NFL or the Wonderlic people themselves, I will not post a link to further accuse MR Hardy of actions that he obviously did not commit since we do not have the proper information. I once again embellished a bit. The IQ is considered roughly 2x Wonderlic score + 60.....which puts Hardy at an 88 IQ. The average WR gets a 17 or has an IQ of 94. Of course, we know how biased these tests are, and they are of little use to us in truly evaluating intelligence.
  5. Right By the way, I am in Ocala 6-8 times a year, so if you want to meet up in Gainesville for a beer or something, let me know. If you want to know my opinion on hiring Florida undergrads vs. Florida St. undergrads, I am more than willing to give my opinion on that as well.
  6. He's going to suicide bomb an Arby's by Halloween.
  7. Valid point. Lesson that I would hope others would learn out of this. "Don't be a lying sack and a thug, because some people may still have some standards and not want to hear the excuses next time."
  8. I understand with that last paragraph. I am the furthest thing from running around with my hair on fire. I'm not saying the guy is going to shoot anyone either, but when there is a cloud of trouble that overhangs someone....it doesn't pass easily. That is just School of Hard Knox 101. Go with your gut, use your head, and don't forget your heart when needed. I just think that some here are using their heart too much and not their head...and some are just the full of BS type of people I would lump into the group I try not having anything to do with. Now you are pretty decent about things and I hear where you are coming from. My "strong opinion" probably triggers some others' BS signals as well, and thus a conflict ensues. Once I understand you aren't just blindly supporting a Bill, and you understand that I don't think Rap lyrics are the devil and I homeschool my children in a cave in Idaho...then all is well. My original comment was a figure of speech, but you had a right to call me on it, thus I would have bet. In reality the odds are better that he doesn't get arrested or shoot someone. And as a side note...I think you overestimate the role of Child Protective Services. That's a story for another day.
  9. Damn F'n Skippy on that one. You abuse my animal in front of me, you're done riding for me....and if you caused my horse any physical harm, you better run. Sort of like if you beat women and children, I'm not as apt to believe your story next time out.
  10. No, I am trying to argue common sense BECAUSE HARDY HAS ALREADY BEEN INVOLVED IN MULTIPLE CRIMES, ARRESTS AND SUSPENSIONS. Really....I'm all for a little joking around, and I'm all for being a fan and loyalty, and I shouldn't have taken up this cause because in reality, Hardy is just another dude getting paid to run, jump and skip. Somehow I dove into another level of the internet...the one where you have to take a shower afterwards. I showed bad judgement by continuing to post in this subject, and I'm sure since everyone here is so forgiving, they will understand it was all a misunderstanding on my part. I should have known better than to imploy logic on an internet message board, no matter the team it involved. I send my sincere appology to James Hardy for confirming his 85 IQ and personality disorder, and I hope he catches 90 passes and 15 TDs this year.
  11. That is the problem Kelly....I have been trying to argue for common sense to be used from the start in this entire subject. It isn't worth arguing all the tickey tack things, That is what some here are doing. "Oh...duh...the Police didn't arrest him so Hardy didn't do anything wrong." It's only cheating if you get caught, right! Whatever....I believe I already made a bet for charity with someone else, so don't worry about it. I'm sure we will have a few more times to revisit this topic in the near future.
  12. I know you like to roll around in textbooks, so you may want to look at the works of Dr Freud and then ask yourself why you chose the picture that you did for your avatar.
  13. I never saw Hitler fire up an oven. I went through this little game with posters on the Sabres board last year at this time. I couldn't prove that Darcy wasn't going to sign anyone, and that Quinn was lying through his teeth, and that the Sabres had no heart and were going to tank until it actually happened. Your line was the line that kept coming up. "Prove it with facts". The facts are....watch and wait. I tend to read the actions of people and have a good idea of what they may do next, especially if I am familiar with the subject at hand. In reality, Quinn may be more evil than Hardy, but Hardy has little brains, questionable work ethic, an emotional disorder, and is quick to lay the blame somewhere else. Doesn't sound good for on or off the football field, and I would be interested to know who was the main guy in the Bills front office pushing for Hardy. My guess is that it was Modrak, since we drafted like this with Donahoe. Marv seemed to tame the crew down the last few years. All we can do now is wait and see. Much like your views on religion or world culture, the proof comes over time.
  14. You my friend have a verry common viewpoint. I do not share that viewpoint. If the Bills go into the thug-harvesting business, I will not support them. Simple as that. By taking a chance on Hardy and having this blow up in their face so soon with the crowd that thinks a bit like I do, then the Bills are now on probation themselves. I am interested to see where they go from here. I'm not sure where you are going with JP. I have no problem with JP as a person. He's a little snarky and emotional, but he didn't beat anyone or pull a weapon out on his dad. He just doesn't have a high football IQ. If Trent Edwards was a meth-dealing biker, then I'd rather have JP in there. Edwards seems like the kind of guy that would pay for your coffee at Starbucks just because you are rifling through your bag to find some change and holding up the line. Edwards is also much more under control and makes better decisions than JP on the field...and probably off as well. The Hargrove situation was a little similar to Hardy, but Hargrove is a little crazy. He could saddle that craziness to his advantage on Sunday and was good spirited many times, but he also lost it off the field a few times. I can be a little more forgiving when a guy has a tift in public, but once again Hargrove isn't pistol whipping family and children. I think Hargrove had enough smarts to come out in his playful personality. Hardy seems like dead wood and without a clue.
  15. Because I was told that on April 11th by Hardy himself, then 3 weeks later he has his "misunderstanding". I'm a big fan of 2nd chances. If I trust you and you give me your word and I stick my neck out on the line for you, then you screw off again...and so soon? You're done. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII......Ain't Got No..Booooooooooody!
  16. Wow...you must not watch the TV show COPS much! Daddy didn't snitch on his boy, the cops don't want to write up all the paperwork, go get the warrant and get the clown because daddy didn't seem to have a problem with it. Nobody's dead....case closed. Hardy beats up the girlfriend in a blind rage. That is the only thing it can be, because if Hardy knowingly hit his infant son, the guy is the scum of the earth. When you are dealing with a guy that has ZERO control, it is all fair game. The only guy that gave Hardy a chance was his coach, and he held Hardy's hand every minute it sounds like. Even he had to suspend Hardy. Well, now the guy is dead, and Hardy has nobody to turn to once again. He probably has the emotional comprehension of a 7 year old, and his only way of dealing with stress is to throw a tantrum. In this 7 year old's case, he can actually carry a weapon, so there in lies the fun. Hardy needs to be in an "emotional straight jacket". I have to see who his agent is, but if I was that guy I would have Hardy living with me so he can't get in trouble. It is another 4 months until the season even starts. Loooong....hot summer. Tick Tock Tick Tock Clarice
  17. OK....we're done on this one. The original offer is still out there for Kelly and then the windows are closed. If many more people come waving Ben Franklin in my face, I may have to go cold-rooster Hardy myself. My winnings would at least pay for the legal fees I'm guessing.
  18. That is why I am so pumped about this thing. If it was simple denial that is one thing, but I am having a tough time understanding if some here believe their own BS...or are just sticking to their guns in a pure homerism defense. Either way, it is alarming and takes a little fun out football when I see some of the names defending the guy in this thread. The only people I expect to coddle Hardy at this point are Molson2002, and possibly any other schoolgirl going for a liberal arts education. To dismiss Hardy's actions by blaming it on his childhood is an insult to about 50,000,000 other Americans who have lived through similar circumstances yet somehow find a way not to beat multiple members of their family. Maybe when Hardy kicks a puppy over Niagara Falls we'll get a little common sense here.
  19. Alright....I'll put up $100 and you put up $300....just like I said in the post. I want my money if Hardy is arrested or brought into custody by the police for any reason, or at the scene of a shooting by the end of January 2009. The reason I am hesitant to bet is that any chickensh!t that doesn't admit Hardy is at more of a risk to get in trouble than someone in the general population is probably the type of weasel that will not pay up on a bet. Now how do you want to pay? Considering how Hardy is just misunderstood, and he is no real risk.....and just 2 % of the population is arrested in any given year, then technically you can say I should be given up to 80-1 odds considering the timeframe. That is how confident I am that we are dealing with a problem. I am letting you off on 3-1 odds. Now, hopefully you will be at the home opening tailgate, because I have a funny feeling I will be able to collect by then. I hate to "root" for somebody's demise, but since I have zero control over this champion of society's actions, I shouldn't worry too much.
  20. Living in Miami I would get all kinds of grief on how FSU ran the show, and on top of that how the police are along for the ride. In all honesty, there is a bunch of stuff these guys do that never makes it to the public because the cops in every city give them a break. In Buffalo alone, there were tons of stories. The best one that I told before was a former Bill in the 80's was brought down to headquarters for being drunk and disorderly and resisting arrest. The guy was yelling at the cops and being a real grouch. Well, the right guy was called in to uncuff the player and he ended up walking out with no mark. As he was going outside, he told the person that showed up to wait a minute, and right in front of 4 other cops, proceeded to urinate all over the hood of a squad car. The gentleman was escorted back into headquarters for a few more hours.
  21. He'll be 1-9. Everyone gets $2 tickets to sell on Ebay and for a scrapbook. Casino Drive is a new horse on the scene and his mother is the mother of Rags to Riches and Jazil who both won the Belmont. The biggest thing about Big Brown is that he is intelligent. That is the most underrated thing about horses. A smart horse knows what you want out of it and will protect himself from getting hurt most of the time. We have run horses that don't need to be whipped...they know their job and a whip might even throw them off stride. Most of the whipping that goes on is just a jockey trying to get in sympatico with the horse. A horse takes a breath every stride, so a good jock worries more about getting a solid encouraging neck scrub going to keep everything smooth. There are idiots that will whip a horse that has no chance though, and that is just stupidity. I've only had one time where I went apesh!t on a jockey for that.
  22. I just noticed you're from Tallahassee. No wonder you expect the cops to look away for football players.
  23. At least I go out on a limb and open myself up to get shredded if I am wrong. "Oh Boo Hoo....Poor James didn't get daddy love!" We might as well be the Toronto Bills, because the liberal excuse making fanbase sure as hell acts like they're from Toronto as it is. 3 Weeks. This guy is on pace for 160 "situational misunderstandings" in his NFL career. As a fan my Spidey Senses weren't confortable with drafting him in the first place, and now I have to look the other way already. Pro sports as a whole has gone done the crapper as it is the last decade, and I would like to hang on to the last little thread of distraction and excitement that the NFL brings me. If we are going to sell our souls for production, then I am going to lose interest in a hurry. I'm throwing the Hammer down on this one because you have a guy assaulting 3 generations of his family. Hargrove got into a fight at a bar. Roscoe had an OE and took a spin. Hardy attacked his common-law wife as she was holding his baby son, then 18 months later pulls a gun on his father. Not to mention the 2 games he was suspended for "unkown reasons" at Indiana. At this time last year, we heard how much Lynch loved his mother and was scouting out bingo halls for her in Buffalo to go along with a house. That's a positive first step. By the way...how's Joe Dorenbos doing these days? If we had the patience with him that we seem to have with Hardy, Joe has a right to set off a suitcase nuke in the middle of Ralph Wilson Stadium.....and we would all deserve it.
  24. I am willing to bet that the guy cracks under pressure by January...probably by August. I do not know if it will manifest itself in a shooting, but I wouldn't rule out things like a Mike Williams training camp AWOL, a suspension, a suicide, jail, customs problems, etc. I want a little more subjectivity, although that is what we are really talking about right now. On the other end of things...maybe sprinkle in a few missed practices because "his alarm didn't go off", maybe a missed team flight....heck, maybe Donte Whitner will pull a Troy Vincent and welcome this guy to Buffalo with an IR stint. If this guy goes on to be a productive NFL wide receiver, I'll choke. I once made a bet like this with a Dolphins fan about TE Johnnie Mitchell. He was excited when the Fins signed him and I said he wouldn't even make the opening day roster. We bet, and he didn't make it to training camp before wigging out. This is what this reminds me of, but even more sinister. Like I said, Hardy might not be a true bad guy, but the car is out of allignment, and I don't want to ride in it. I won't bet straight on the gun, but if we pool all the other goodies together I am willing to bet we get multiple instances. I wish the guy well...I want the team to do well...but this guy is going to be in the local press as often as OJ is for stupid stuff.
  25. I know that was what his dad said, that's why I pulled up the article from a year ago when James III said it was pretty much in the past and he asks him for advice now and tries to show how good he can be. The kid might have a right to get angry, but the gun is BS. This type of behavior that is being sold to the public as a "misunderstanding", is the type of stuff alcoholics and people with mental illness not under control pull. Now how fast is the Hardy lovefest going to turn on him when the Bills lowball him on his contract and the guy holds out? If it was me, I'd be on the phone trying to get a 3rd next year for the guy and then wait for training camp cuts to pick up a red zone receiver. That would be admitting a mistake, but I liken it to buying a $10 stock that could go to $40, but 3 weeks later it is at $5 and there are rumors about shady accounting. If I don't have 95% faith in that company....I'm selling.
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