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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. Comments? Slander, Threats, Accusations, Religious Biggotry.............. Spraypaint on a lawn with no threats or hate speech by 1 of 2 million fans in the Greater Niagara Region (Thanks Russ for coining that one!), after a guy making $20 million makes a decision a Pop Warner kid wouldn't make.
  2. On this website alone...heck, on this thread alone....I have been slandered, accused of breaking the law, had my occupational livelyhood threatened, my Religion belittled, my mental ability and status mocked and degraded..... Is this not a rabbit in a stewpot? If someone is willing to slander me because they don't agree with my opinion or personality, or accuse me of malace....what else are they willing to do? I've got to protect my family and myself. Maybe I should look into certain avenues of protection or recourse. No....I don't, because I'm not a P***Y. If someone wants to act like a slimeball....I am going to assume it is because they can hide behind a computer screen....just like it is safe to assume that the spraypaint on the lawn was just some overemotional jerk and not the KKK getting ready to scout out some trees and tie some rope. Discernment is no longer.
  3. Lori...I hate to tell you, but I have close to a dozen stories about some of our present and previous "heroes" that never make the paper because they are allowed to slip out the back door of 74 Franklin. I am talking about some real heavy stuff. That is why I laugh when we coddle these guys at times. I have a question.....if my car gets a window busted out at Ralph Wilson Stadium because I wear a Dolphins shirt: A) What will the owners of the parking lot do about it? B) What will the Bills fans do about it? C) What will the media do about it? A) Nothing B) Laugh C) Nothing I think Leodis can afford 2 minutes with a Toro
  4. You are overwhelming me once again with your talent of debate and humor.
  5. Yeah... there are 20 pages of posts ACCUSING A BILLS FAN of vandalism. It could have been his next door neighbor pissed that he booms Bass at 1 AM for all we know. Now we are holding a Tim Russert Memorial Vigil for McKelvin on Sunday......
  6. Well said. The NFL promotes these guys 24/7 as well as tacitly endorsed a billion dollar a year gambling industry. The NFL promotes fantasy football, which in 99% of cases involves wagering Twitter, UStream, et al., only encourage more un-needed exposure of these athletes, and is a minefield which is still unfolding (Hey...anyone here watch the live Ustream with Lynch, Nelson and our buddy Kawika Mitchell....where Lynch is smoking a "cigar" in the background as the smoke detector constantly beeps from a low or removed battery, Nelson refers multiple times to "White Bitches"....and Lynch holds up an Oakland Raiders helmet and tells this camera "This is what it's all about!"????) If Mitchell doesn't Twitter...I've got $100 that says we never hear a word of this. The Bills were 5-1 underdogs to win the game.......you think...just POSSIBLY...this wasn't even a Bills fan but someone that lost $$ on McKelvin's mistake? Better yet...it was probably some 15 year old that was winning his Fantasy Football matchup by 4 points, until Brady threw his 2nd touchdown and lost it for the kid. People need to stop and think sometimes. The NFL pimps these guys out on every form of media 24/7, then cries when someone receives a little "creative" constructive criticism. I've gotta run now.....I just caught an 8 year old chalking out a Hopscotch on my sidewalk......little B word!
  7. This FROM HIS NFL SANCTIONED DRAFT BIO WHICH I LINKED!!!: "But off the field, trouble followed. He was arrested on May 19 on charges of domestic battery and interfering with the reporting of a crime, after his girlfriend accused him of hitting her and the couple's infant child. Hardy pleaded not guilty to the charges and later accepted a court's offer in Fort Wayne to settle his case through a pretrial diversion agreement. By accepting the program, he had to comply with the conditions of the agreement and pay court costs. He also apologized to his teammates and IU in his statement." If you would like to continue to stalk and slander me, I going to go Wawrow on you.
  8. Lynch Hardy hits Girlfriend and Infant son Paragraph 8 of Profile Hardy beats up and pulls gun on father I am sure that ESPN, the NFL and CBS are non-reputable sources in your Homer-Fantasy-Land
  9. I'll repair the damage.... I have a lawnmower and 45 seconds of freetime on my hands
  10. I was censored on 5 consecutive posts last night and was not going to back down. I don't even know how a ban works, so if my IP was blocked I was just saying good luck.
  11. Where do I falsify information about Lynch and Hardy? Also....you found it neccessary to START 4 THREADS that make fun of Cincinatti Bengals and Miami Dolphins getting arrested....yet you manage to be one of the biggest Bills appologists here. You are just dripping with dignity. I guess I am mentally unstable, because I seem to be one of the few that don't want to take little Leodis to my bossom and cuddle him to sleep. Oh...the humanity of it all!!! How will he ever recover??? Here's a work project for you.....go in the lab and figure out how the estrogen level of the average Bills fan has quadrupled in the past decade.
  12. Do I get a candlelight vigil?
  13. The joke is the overreaction from the media/fanbase. That is what I am taking issue with. From some of the reaction here, you would think there was a burning cross on his front lawn and his kids were being held hostage. McKelvin made a mistake.....he's a nice and talented kid and I hope he runs back 3 TDs next week. However....in the Real World before Twitter and all this other BS, this would not even be a story and you wouldn't have a clue. This stuff has gone on for ages....by Kawika having to scoop it to the world, he is only inviting more attention seekers to see if they can top this.
  14. 63 for 1017 69 for 1052 In case you were wondering.....those were afformentioned players' stats from last year. And they weren't wearing full 'fros from what I watched!
  15. Wow...you can write for the New Yorker. Maybe your buddy Wawrow has some connections.
  16. Maybe it really IS...the apocalypse
  17. I appreciate the class you show by actually admitting you agree with me. The guy who did this is an idiot, and if I see someone doing that to my lawn....I scare the kid to death....but for anyone to be shocked or outraged by this is a joke.
  18. Lynch....hits a girl with his car and speeds off, gets arrested with contraband firearm and drugs in the car Hardy...hits his girlfriend while holding his infant son, pulls out a gun while confronting his father Whitner, Parrish, Simpson, Hargrove....all arrested for various violence and alcohol induced tirades. This in the course of a little over 12 months..... But some yuppie kid who was decent enough to voice his displeasure on a renewable canvas without vulgarity is what pushes the fanbase over the edge when it comes to the image of the city and it's people.
  19. You guys are about to lose your entertainment because I have a funny feeling I am about to be banned. People have lost their frigging minds.....some yuppie with a paint can does 30 seconds worth of work which a Toro will rectify in 3 sweeps....and you'd think the President was just shot. 3-1 Leodis couldn't even read what was on the lawn Good luck everyone.....it was fun while it lasted.
  20. I'm with you.....a Toro cures this in 30 seconds. I hate to tell everyone this...but the NFL isn't a game. It is a $50 billion business in which tens of millions of dollars are wagered on a weekly basis. Players and coaches determine where those millions go by their decisions and performance on the field. They are compensated well for their public exposure. While I don't approve of what happened, it is not shocking or outrageous. I am involved in horseracing and have been insulted to my face at the track, been told that my horse should break a leg and die, have had someone stalk the stable because they had a Kentucky Derby futures bet on a horse and found out cell phone numbers somehow after it was decided the horse wouldn't run in the Derby......and I am just a small fry that not many people know. But to the guy that bet the rent check on my horse at 5-1 and she came in 4th.....he knows us all now. Mitchell should have just shut his mouth and ignored it. Instead the clown who did it gets attention and a non-story becomes a hot-button issue.
  21. Serious question......do you write things down that I say and put them on the fridge? That is quite some handy work to pull something up...YET AGAIN....a year after I said something....right on cue. You come across as a balanced fella, so I find it confusing that you would do something so obsessive. Once again.....either I am crazy and my outlandish statements should be obvious enough to all as to make my opinion worthless and of no threat... OR.. My constant grasp of subjective macroeconomic, geopolitical, and psychological material is of great interest to you and many, and out of the depths of denial, jealousy, and self-doubt...your attempts at mockery are actually a goading into getting me to divulge further information. Even the class bully gets bored with picking on the retarded kid after a while. Your motives are clear. I stand by everything I have said... The financial system is broken and will collapse China controls the game There will be an unrelated event used as cover for economic collapse in the US This will end in war...be it WWIII, Civil, or Revolutionary If you continue to play under the assumption there are still rules, you will be burned
  22. Feel free to call me any name you would like...... ????
  23. So what you are saying is that you are looking for: This Not This
  24. Last night's gameplan shows that Jauron ball CAN work against a superior opponent. They did the right thing....Bellichek was frustrated even as NE moved the ball because the clock was clicking down like torture. The Bills win the game 90% of the time if McKelvin doesn't fumble.
  25. It is true......not only that, they covered as well. I put out a Wayne Root 5 star lock on the Denver game last year. Edwards looked so bad because Reed was gone. Teams went over/under on Evans all game...and that left James Hardy, Roscoe Parrish and Robert Royal as Edwards' options. Gee...go figure. I would have to think Reed was hurt last night. There were a bunch of 2 TE sets....but Reed should thrive with those short slant routes we had going.
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