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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. What's going on here? To answer GG's previous question of "How can you say stocks and metals can go up at the same time?" But then again....I'm just a crazy dude waiting to shoot zombies.
  2. George Wilson and the Union got to him. They are trying to make a big deal out of this to keep fans on guard from getting too close to these guys. Pressure was put on Leodis I would be willing to wager. These players want it both ways. We get TO and Kawika Tweeting us every time they drop a turd in the toilet.....streaming live and pushing products to us 24/7......but then they also want to be protected like Ft. Knox.
  3. I haven't seen you around much.....you guys must be busy.
  4. Here's another one with the same crew....
  5. I agree that McKelvin has showed some class and modesty I for one have seen ZERO SUPPORT FOR THE ACT ITSELF. Almost everyone agrees it is wrong and childish. The majority of contrarian opinion has more to do with the fact that the act on it's own was not the world-ending calamity that many here seemed to make it out to be. Smart money was on it being kids doing a prank. Over-reactive money had it being an Ex- Navy Seal who was part of the KKK and was hiding in the bushes on 20-A with a rifle and scope, waiting for McKelvin to pass by in his SUV from practice on Wednesday. On your last point.....it looks like the NFLPA Union got to McKelvin today. McKelvin wanted nothing to do with charging the kids yesterday and brushed it off as some dopey kids. George Wilson on the other hand was on record making it out to be a big deal....and all of a sudden today we hear McKelvin went in to file a report and press charges. I would ask McKelvin if he received any pressure from Wilson or other Union Members to file charges.
  6. Obama is too much of an Academic wuss to be the anti-christ. He is just the product of system-think. He has the boldness of tofu.
  7. Having lived in Miami for 10 years and having dealt with multiple associates in New York, Washington, Dallas, etc.... the rest of the country looks at Buffalo as a city where there is nothing to do and the average person is an overweight, undereducated bozo who clings to nostalgia and elevates seemingly meaningless events and activities to high priority because there is nothing real to do or worry about. I hate it when those clowns are proven right. I can hear the office now.....a Bills fan in the midst of Dolphin, Steelers, Bucs, Cowboy, Jets, Giants and Redskin fans...... "Hey...really....what do you guys do in Buffalo? Buffalo....Bills....Bowling....Big Women.....Beer....Bratwurst...." McKelvin has handled this with class. He got pissed that someone came over and did that at first....then laughed it off because he knew he goofed and it was sort of correct....then when it was confirmed it was just a few kids doing something stupid....he didn't want anyone to get in trouble. Good for you Leodis.....you made a new fan out of me. That is what should have happened without exposing the situation. Mitchell looks like the clown for having to put this out there. Hell....Owens is a media whore and didn't say a thing at first...he gets it. "Do the lawn again when we're in the playoffs." That's the right attitude. These guys are pimped in the media 24/7...some continuing to put themselves out there unneccessarily on Twitter, reality tv, etc.....in the day and age where it is all about People getting attention, and being discovered, and having a youtube video go viral. I'm amazed these kids didn't videotape themselves doing it and then put it on Youtube. That would be par for the course. I am sure this story will be a non-issue in a few days, but it is just such a trumped up issue that I can't tell if the fans have a chip on their shoulders or have really lost all discernment whatsoever. I would hate to see the reaction if some members of the Cal band went into the Stanford campus and took the Mascot outfit the weekend of the game. Holy Hell....breaking and entering...tresspassing....I'd shoot that 5 foot Asian trombone player right between the F'n eyes if I caught him doing that.
  8. Which is why we are seeing an over-the-top reaction for what was nothing more than 2 kids who knew where a Bills player lived and now had an excuse to take advantage of that inside information, albeit in a crappy way.
  9. Come'on Crayonz.............if you're going to come busting in the middle of a good "You're a fag/ You're a psycho" fight....you better bring your A game. What happens when the US gets nuked and you will be forced to move to Canada if you want to survive?
  10. It's kind of hard to forget what she does when you were the one who pointed it out as you diagnosed me with a mental illness. And try to be original as I already made you the Foster to my Hopkins in an earlier thread. I guess I was correct since I am now on the ban list........actually, you have my sympathies.
  11. Uh oh.....wife is a social worker....daughter of a preacher......now you don't have to answer this, but since you are going to rip on me anyway I might as well ask.....I am guessing your wife has some real anxiety issues and probably battled an eating disorder as a teenager?
  12. Awww....pookie..... Well, I would be willing to wager that at the AIDS walk, there will be plenty willing to suck the venom out for you.
  13. Actually...I had a Derrick Burroughs flashback.
  14. It's amazing what one will come out with from their subconcious..... I said "Prius=Participant" You volunteered the rest of that garbage.
  15. Thank you for making a rational point about the original intended subject. China has been spending those dollars on natural resources, and precious metals. They have even gone as far as telling their citizens to purchase and hold metals. They are currently working on leading an alternative reserve currency to the US dollar to be introduced soon.
  16. The fans also would openly urinate in the stands. I guess people were a little more thick skinned back then having been a decade removed from a world war and all.
  17. Showtunes and football usually aren't in the same cubbyhole! I laughed when you put that song down, because I was thinking the same thing. I guess I can only add: Pick a little score a little Pick a little score a little Cheap Cheap Cheap Ralph won't pay for players
  18. See you there! Prius = Participant
  19. I was pleased to see him do that last night. The crowd was stunned....they didn't know how to react and were very uncomfortable. Even though I don't agree with guys like Stewart and Mahr often, they at least try to understand the issues at hand and will call out the scumbags on all sides if it becomes obvious enough.
  20. Ask Simon....multiple threads vanished as well as posts in established threads. Then he rubbed it in a few of our faces by starting his own thread.
  21. My point is.....I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH TAKING HEAT!!! If I am going to dish it, I will take it. When certain posters chime in with insults because they have no shot at taking me down with logic or original humor...I see it for what it is. No big deal.
  22. Nor is "And thou shalt not defaceth thy sod of the stealth negro who refuses to kneel by means of aerosol propelled rivers of destruction." But we sure are bowing down now aren't we?
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