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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. Obama is the right guy in the sense that he will have the best shot at keeping the younger generation under control as we head into relative chaos. He has built up good will and hope, especially with the age group that has the potential to cause the most damage with civil unrest as our banking system is reset and states fail to make unemployment, pension, and welfare payments. The final nail in our economic coffin will closely coencide with military ramp up. He is going to have to convince these kids that we need to work together....and that includes them giving their service to the government/military. At some point it will not be their choice however. It's game-on folks. Obama was groomed for this point in history. It isn't a question of how high he can lift us up in glory, but how long he can keep us from falling apart.
  2. By the end of this administration....it just may be.
  3. I hate to say it..but probably true. Buffalo....3 feet snow on ground....7-9...Russ Brandon Miami....72 and sunny.....Division Champ....Bill Parcells If the money was the same...no real recruiting needed.
  4. This day has been so great.....sick to see poor Willis get hurt like that. After watching this game, how far away are the Bills....man!
  5. Moonstruck....has cultural value, but storyline is chick flick.
  6. Toto....Rosanna I don't know how gay it is, but it's gay when I try to sing the high part in rush hour traffic.
  7. Richard Dawson....... 1 part Dean Martin......1 part creepy Uncle who makes you sit on his lap at the family BBQ.
  8. There are a bunch of goofy laws mixed in. I don't know if it's still in the books, but in NY you could smoke pot in your own home as long as it was less than a quarter ounce, or something like that. Sure....you could go to jail if the saw you buy it or stopped you in your car with it, but once you got home it was green light. Like Cincy said, the whole alcohol taboo thing is just a way to stuff the pockets of municipalities and lawyers. We live in a time where we are conditioned to accept guys smoking poles as normal and honorable, yet if I want to stick a 2 inch Marlboro in my mouth, I am a menace to society.
  9. If it means that much to you, you should also have a 24 hour test done. You whizz in a bottle, don't eat overnight, then they take your blood....you swallow some sugar drink, then they draw blood after to see how fast you process it. My doctor said I had it off of 1 blood test and when we did this I registered fine. You could have pre-diabetes which is pretty much what range I am in, but that may be good enough to get you in. If you have insurance it should cover the test, if not it might be worth the gamble. Good luck
  10. The people of Buffalo are used to getting stomped on, so the economy tanking hasn't taken a huge toll yet. We've already had business gutted from high taxes and our population is holding steady in relation to jobs. The spirit of the people will hold the city together in the middle of a financial/political/social disaster. To me right now it isn't about the mistakes of the past, or planning on growth in the future....it is about financial survival. For the time being, Buffalo is weathering the storm like a charm. Big problem ahead...pension funds and government budget. Once the reality of our situation is obvious and in the hands of those that rely on the government....the doodoo will hit the fan. We will have 70 year olds in the street with pitchforks. That is the only thing I worry about Buffalo right now. Also, along with the lake we have Niagara Falls. In a time of war or scramble for resources....don't take the importance of that lightly.
  11. You're right......when Jews and Carpenters get rolled up into one story, there's usually going to be a crucifixion in the end.
  12. Along with 2 bananas, and a can of whipped cream.
  13. Ann Coulter is the type of chick you pick up at the Dulles Marriott bar at 10:58 PM after you missed your connecting flight and are stuck waiting overnight. I think deep down there is a hetrosexual wanting to be unleashed in Maddow. She still has that gawky 13 year old girl thing about her who is waiting for a boy to ask her to dance at the junior high formal, and after a few more years of waiting just decided to dive right in to the underground world of muff. She's very smart and probably was influenced by some butch in academia her senior year in high school and into college. That became her identity by default. Deep down she still has dreams about a prince charming coming to rescure her from the cruel world. I think we need a daily thread like this. How about: Kathy Lee Gifford vs. Kathy Griffin Suzie Ormon vs. Paula Dean Chelsae Clinton vs. Cortney Love It can be like a Wrestlemania of influential, bi-sexual women.
  14. I would think quite a few Ukranian women could play tight end in the NFL as well. Why did we cut Cieslak? He looks to have the best instincts of any TE we've had here in recent memory.
  15. The consensus seems to be that there is a real threat of a hydrothermal eruption....the whole thing doesn't have to go. If it just blows a gasket to let off some steam so to speak, maybe only half of Wyoming goes down the tubes! The AP and some sources had a general blurb on it, but I can understand not making a big deal out of this. If it explodes, everyone nearby is toast...and by nearby that means 20-600 miles nearby. If they put out a Katrina type warning, the panic would be too much. It is better to chance what is a 600,000-1 eruption on a regular day and maybe a 100-1 eruption at this point than it is making sure half the US riots. If Obama goes Morgan Freeman in Deep Impact and ends up 3 miles underground...nice knowing ya'll. I guess I would really back end into my economic collapse and martial law predictions.
  16. The Drane Compound is monitoring the situation closely and is upset that the Patriots aren't visiting the Broncos this week. There are not many geologists out there...because this should be a wet dream for them. There seems to be a lid on the media with this, which is interesting. While nobody has ever seen a supervolcano get ready for an eruption, all signs at Yellowstone are pointing to some sort of underground movement on a large scale. The fact that the earthquakes are not on fault lines, but in the area where the volcano top is under the lake...that is what makes this a story. If the crust cracks enough to let the water sink into the caldera or the magma to ooze into the lake.....it's showtime. FEMA is on the case though and released a statement that they have not been asked for Federal help as of yet.....that's nice to know.
  17. I think someone needs to pull up a video on what happens to us as the Volcano at Yellowstone undergoes hundreds of earthquakes in the matter of a few days that turn into a harmonic tremor. Considering it's happening right now....might want to hurry! Something is out of the norm....question is how big a problem?
  18. I was praying we did this last year. Jauron and he are good friends. Mariucci is the type of loose, swinging type of guy we could use. He is a free thinker, yet is structured and players play for him. Jauron could trust him to run the offense and make clock management decisions, and Jauron can focus more on the defense. Fewell and Schonert won't like it, but it could and I feel would work. Too bad I am smoking crack. Imagine what Mariucci could do for Edwards and with the talents of Freddy Jackson and Evans. Trade for Tony Gonzalez and draft a real WR #1 and all of a sudden we are putting up 30 points a game. Jim Fassel...nice guy. Butch Davis....the Mularkey tree of coaching.
  19. At this point, Hardy should pray he turns into Chris Burkett. If Roscoe Parrish and James Hardy had a baby, then I would think about drafting it.
  20. Not only that, but even the stale ones can be rolled in metal shavings and used as a light source. And when things get really boring during nuclear winter, you and the ladies can have a nice game of ring toss. On Jauron....I like him, I think he COULD take a team to the superbowl, but he just doesn't swing enough. It seems when things are going well, he thrives. Improvisation just isn't his strong suit. If he is gone, I understand. If he is here, I am ok with that.
  21. I prefer Funions. And I don't wear a shirt so the crumbs collect in my beastly chest hair.
  22. I really love Ko Simpson and the style of play he brings, but he just never made it back from the bad wheel this time around. It used to be that he looked a step late then would explode the receiver. Now he is a step late and has lost his edge. McKelvin isn't ready to start. If they let Greer walk, we may be in trouble. McKelvin has a gung-ho attitude and wants to make plays, but for every big play he has made this year there is also an Eddie Royal wide open by 20 yards on a bite that luckily was overthrown. He is very immature, but I think he can be solid down the line. Corner is interesting...he looks like he has instincts. We still need Greer in my opinion.
  23. It's looking sort of like pretty much anything else I say on the Sabres, Political or Bills boards. I say it......get laughed at.....get some people riled up.....then hope that the good hearted and intelligent folks out there are either too shy to post or are busy with more important aspects of life as I celebrate another cerebral victory with my imaginary friend, KoKo.
  24. Since you assume no flexibility, I'll just say the Bills could have taken Carlson first...or Dustin Keller, then Kelly in the 2nd. I had 3 guys targeted in a 1st rd trade down, and it is posted in my profile.....Antoine Cason, Kelly and Carlson. Brains and talent will outperform no brains and talent pretty much all the time. Look at New England. It is a simple formula. PS, if Kelly's knee isn't used up, he will be a much better receiver than Hardy. Now that Hardy is hurt, he is useless. I also said that Hardy was the one receiver I WOULDN'T draft and that he wasn't strong enough to support his size which would lead to no quickness and knee injury. That is why I was even more miffed they took a chance on his character.
  25. Great...thanks. It's amazing how easy it is to find someone to keep shoveling for me for a few bucks now as opposed to last year at this time when the same people were laughing at me. Don't worry Joe...when they take your fingers one by one, it isn't as obvious as when they chop your entire hand off.
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