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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I'm wondering why he didn't look into the camera, even ONCE! Once again....too honest. He's trying to show a grasp of the situation at hand, but in the mean time he tips his hand because he doesn't know when to shut up. You don't say, " The party's over. It is going to be hard to get other countries to take on our debt going forward." That's like a used car dealer telling you..."You probably want to knock $1,000 off the price because the fuel line is going to go on you and we put some duct tape over the exhaust pipes underneath that should melt off about 20 minutes after you drive it off the lot." Cheney is probably sitting in his boxers, laughing his ass off.
  2. You're a little late to the ballgame, Padre. There's nothing to listen to now. As far as I'm concerned, everyone knows plenty and any decision they make is free will. That wasn't the case a year ago. If you still trust the infrastructure of your daily life after what has happened the past year and a half....then God bless ya. Or Petri Dish bless ya in Ramius' case.
  3. The Bills are the Federal government Hardy is the trade deficit Mularkey is Bush Donahoe is Paulson Marv is Colon Powell Ralph is Baron de Rothschild The Jills are Subprime Lending Tagliabue is Greenspan OJ is Nixon Travis Henry is Bill Clinton Hank Bullough is Jimmy Carter The Dolphins are Russia The Patriots are China Pozluszny is Poland Our O-Line is the Military Moorman is Obama And the Free Bison Chip Dip in the back of your program is the US Dollar Any other questions.....???
  4. So much for your reading ability. The only thing I said WILL happen for sure is the banking holiday. l took odds on Hardy knowing full well they were against me. In the 19 days after the time I said "Enjoy this Oakland tailgate because we may not get a chance to have another one this year", the Dow lost 25% and went from 11,388 to 8,451. I don't know about anyone else, but I "might" consider that a crash. The banking holiday........it pains me that the American public has been so complacent as to their rape. It will come...and I am sorry to say the destruction of our economy and political capital is so far along now that it will happen on THEIR terms. I stand by everything I have said since last January. Stock up on food and all needed goods....keep some extra cash around...keep your gas tank full...and insure yourself with precious metals. There are going to be some interesting announcements this week alone. If I knew the exact day that the banks were going to close down and your credit card won't work, I would not be posting as I'd be hauled off to an undisclosed location for telling everyone specifics. Oh wait...that's right...Obama is in office now, so I'd probably just get a finger wag and a lollypop! James Hardy is a metaphor for our entire situation. Look the other way as long as you can benefit from something that isn't quite Kosher. Well....you have to pay the piper sooner or later. The Bills have to do so by going and getting another receiver this offseason. We all will when it is announced that pretty much every state, pension system, unemployment system, insurance company, bank, and even the federal government is no longer solvent. If I were you, I'd go buy a chastity belt for when them Tallahassee boys stop getting their guvment aid. Them gunracks will come in handy for once.
  5. Nice to see Mike Billoni with a steady gig. It's a bit ironic he was there for the presentation as I often think of him when I watch Hardy attempt to run routes on Sundays.
  6. The Bills know what type of player he is. I think they will also use him as an example of a guy who outplays his contract, yet is a smart, team player that shuts up about it until it's time to talk money. If we can get a C, top TE, and a solid top 3 receiver to go with Evans and Reed..(aw shucks, same as last year)....Jackson will be a star. How nice would it be to run some hurry-up with Jackson, then bring Marshawn in for a change of pace and the 4th quarter to protect a lead? It is so close....if the front office learned from their mistakes last year.
  7. Like Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker trading riffs, today it is Joe Biden's turn to throw a dart into the eyeball of America. “If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong,” was his message at the meeting. Obama/Biden make Jauron look like a firecracker
  8. Sorry if I can't be on an internet message board 24/7. When there is something to say, I say it. I warned where we were headed over a year ago. If you haven't taken steps to protect yourself by now, you are in full denial, an idiot, or just don't have the means. Last night Obama confirmed that he is a side-show circus. He was worse than Biden when he talked. He has that overwhelming need to try and be clever every time he speaks, and he is going to keep F'ing things up. Not only is he preaching doom and looking unprofessional, but he is zero threat to our enemies. Heck, they aren't our enemies to him...just friends that haven't been hugged yet.
  9. Someone needs to pull the mic away from Obama. As he was just giving a sermon to his Democrat faithful in the House, he admitted we are in the middle of a Depression. He didn't say so in those words....but as he was trying to give credit to the economists for making dire predictions, he let slip that his team is projecting a $1 trillion contraction in demand (GDP) this year, and then another $1 trillion in 2010. That my folks....is a Depression. The current GDP is just under $15 trillion and was down 0.5% in Q3 '08 and 3.8% on an annualized basis in Q4. Using Obama's numbers, we will have lost 10% from our GDP in Q1 of 2010, and 15% by the end of 2010. Now...call me goofy, but an 800 billion stimulus won't do a dang thing long term as we are still sinking trillions into the banking, insurance, auto, etc. systems at the same time. Too many holes in the dam. Now, this isn't a shock to me....what was interesting was how bad Obama is when he ad-libs about things he doesn't know about. If anyone watched him tonight, he was almost like a drunk best-man, giving a toast. He isn't stupid and is a much better speaker than Bush, but his desire to prove everyone wrong is going to make him look like a fool. Between the appointments dropping left and right, and a few of these other side shows.....this can get out of hand in a hurry.
  10. And....they'll get you a beer from the fridge afterwards!
  11. Enjoy the ladies.....Argentina has some classy-hot women. Go to Brazil for your young, crazy party girls. I for one am partial to Columbian women. They are the happy medium of the world. Good looking enough and fun, yet hard working and a good head on their shoulders. Columbian women would fit in well at a Bills tailgate. Not missing much here. Just talk of a few states getting ready to secede. Don't worry...Obama is going to give a nice speech to the pensioners that should calm them down. Have you ever been in line at the buffet when one of them gets to the crab legs to find an empty steamer? Just imagine how pleasant they will be when they are told they won't be getting their full checks soon. Let us know if you go to the racetrack. Bet on the horse whose groom has his own bottle of tabasco sauce.
  12. James Hardy isn't a bust as of yet, by definition. However, if you are happy with his performance so far and still have unblemished hope, then you are in denial. You need to look at it like a stock. James Hardy getting picked in the 2nd round as a WR gives him a value of say....$10 DeSean Jackson drafted in the same general area can be given a starting value of $10 In comparison....say the best WR's in the league (Fitzgerald, Owens, Wayne, etc.) are all in the $40-$50 range and good starters like a Lee Evans and Hines Ward are in the $25-$35 range. The question you have to ask yourself is...what is James Hardy worth today relative to his drafted value and relative to other WRs in the league? Sure, he still has time to develop...and that can be factored into his value. You have to do the same for every other player. If James Hardy was worth $10 on draft day, I'd price him at $4-6 off of his performance this year....and after the injury, he is worth less than $5 in my opinion. Buy at $3, sell at $5. In contrast, DeSean Jackson in one season has turned into a solid starting receiver and special teams threat. While he might not be as good as a Lee Evans today, his performance along with promise puts him in that $20-$30 range right now. Now....the reason everyone has their panties in a knot about Stevie Johnson is because he was a good value for the Bills. He isn't ready to start...he might not even be a top 3 receiver, but he showed a drive for the ball, has size, and because he was drafted in the 7th round....he went up in value. A guy like Johnson coming in in the 7th is probably worth $1-$3 on draft day. If he went back in the draft today, he wouldn't be a 2nd rounder....but he would be higher than a 7th in all probability. Right now I'd say he's worth $4-$7 range. Johnson played himself up and Hardy down to about the same level. Hardy's "potential" is the only thing keeping him from being an outright lesser player than Johnson at this point...but in a year or two, there is no longer any value given for potential. People saying that Hardy still has time to develop are correct, yet don't assume he is going to become Eric Moulds or anyone at that level. At this point in time, Stevie Johnson has just as good of a chance, and the two of them combined aren't worth what Josh Reed is. Sorry for the long post, but all too many people don't really grasp the difference between value and bargain. Hardy and Johnson are about the same value, but right now Johnson was a bargain.
  13. Do you know when game tickets are for sale? I wasn't even thinking about going, but when Ralph made it and the Bills are in the game...I jumped in. Hotels are crazy inside the area, but I used some points that I had saved for a splurge just like this. I was thrilled to see enshrinement tickets available on the website, and good ones at that. I figure I can always scalp tickets the day of the game if need be....but it would be nice not to need them.
  14. I'm setting the early, over-under on his acceptance speech at 41 minutes.
  15. "Ryan...you have to hurry to the airport now if you want to make it back to Phoenix in time to start in goal tomorrow night."
  16. Sorry about the age thing. You said girlfriend...leather jacket...and you are upset at the police....figured younger. Well, if it takes you 20 minutes to walk from the bar to your home, at a good clip of 4 miles an hour that is 1 1/3 miles...we'll call it a mile and a half for the turning radius of a 1997 Crown Victoria cab. Most cabs I know of have a flat call charge of anywhere from $2-$4. Then charge between 25 and 50 cents per eighth of mile. Worst case scenario it costs you $4 to hail a cab, and $6 to go the mile and a half....and $2 for a tip, that's $12. Best case is $2 to call and $2.50 to travel....and 50 cents for Akhmed to weave through the hoardes of renegade cops that are littering your route home. $5. I'm not saying these guys weren't yanking your chain. I'm just saying 9 out of 10 times there is a reason why they are doing what they are. You showed up and complained, so to your credit you weren't hiding anything. Sometimes a yes sir saves everybody some time and energy. Save the anger for the big battles.....because they are right on our doorstep. I don't know many people out walking the streets in nice little retirement communities at 10:30 at night, so the cops were probably just making sure you lived there...which you have' "on and off for 6 months". Going to their superior isn't going to win you any points though. I'd be even more careful now.
  17. A) You must not fly very often, because you'd really have a hissy fit about the airport B) You keep complaining about the police report.....there wouldn't BE a police report if you didn't go into a tizzy about getting checked out at what pretty much amounts to a police checkpoint. Would you freak out if you came to an intersection in your car and 5 cop cars were there for a DWI checkpoint? Would you complain to the chief that your rights were violated because the cop shined a flashlight into your car, wanted to see ID, and asked if you had been drinking? I mean...what a stupid question.....drinking? How dare he.......he should know that I was coming home from work from my closing shift at Bed Bath and Beyond....the nerve of those pigs. Well.....if there were 5 cops on a beat, there are problems in that area and they were going to check it out. C) Your clothes speak volumes. Preppy boy in polo shirt and leather jacket walking alone in crap neighborhood could very well ring alarm bells that you are looking to score some drugs. You see....a crack addict that lives on the streets is no good to the system to bring in. He is just going to tie up money and manpower from the city. You have to house him...feed him....get a lawyer for him....who needs that crap for a guy down on his luck having a little poke? But here we have a young 20 something all prepped up and out of place. What you are wearing says you have money, and if you have money you probably have a job and/or a reputation to protect...and you are willing to go to court with your own lawyer, get the cops some court time, and be willing to plea down a minor possesion count to a slap on the wrist and a tasty fine. I hate an abuse of power as much as the next guy, but maybe the fact that there were 5 cops working the same area at freaking 8 oclock as you say it was....might be a sign that you should invest in a $5 cab ride when coming home. Just the fact that you started this topic with such outrage is reason enough to believe the police picked up on your vile for them in the first place and may have asked a few more questions for the heck of it.
  18. This is a Good-ol-Boy section of Florida, and if there is a church, a school, something like that and it is in an area where there are drugs or seediness going on, the cops are going to protect those assets and in fact can bring in more fine money on plea downs for the town by getting someone in front of or a block or two away from a "sacred" asset. Most cops don't care about little things, unless there is a mandate for them to do it or there is something in it for them.
  19. By the looks of it, you may give off an angry, paranoid vibe to the cops. One question...if you were walking, what "every cranny" did they search? Clothes? Backpack? OK....2 more questions.....what type of clothes were you wearing, and were you within a few blocks of a church when they stopped you?
  20. Indiana it is. She's a little raw, but cute and sincere. When did they take this off national tv?
  21. Texas....done. Like Big Brown in the Belmont. I gave odds on half the girls and hit 9 but missed 6 in the final 15. If I can get 4 of 5 finalists, I will be happy. There's always 1 who manages to give some favors out to the judges before the competition.
  22. Nice! That was a quality 70 minutes invested. Here are my official odds. Texas 7-2 Ark 5-1 Wash 6-1 Virginia 6-1 Tenn 6-1 Ind 8-1 Miss 8-1 OK 8-1 Mass 8-1 Kansas 10-1 Kent 12-1 HI 12-1 Neb 12-1 Nev 15-1 NC Del SC Georgia New Mex Louisianna NY 25-1 Iowa WV Idaho Minn Rhode Island The Field 4-1 This is Texas' to lose. There are very few girls that are hot enough and can speak well enough. If you're looking hotness...Washington and Mississippi are there. If you want an all-around girl, Virginia and Indianna are nice. Texas has the whole package though.
  23. I was listening on radio, and all I can say is that they should have made Aretha Franklin lip synch too. It ain't 1968 anymore baby....unt..uh!
  24. I can't say anything about SanFran's food, but in NY, it is nice not to have to think about where you want to go eat. There are so many good places, it just sort of happens. I'm only there for quick trips, but my Italiano bretheren always have a great place in store for me. In Buffalo I need to drive 15 minutes to get goodies like Tripe, or Sweetbreads, or goat if I'm lucky. I don't need fu-fu....I just want authentic, and easy.
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