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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I feel Lynch is a HUGE story behind the scenes and everyone is trying to stay mum on this. Too bad Oakland is stacked at RB because they would be ideal. The closest realistic option for Marshawn to land would be Seattle. He wants to be back home and is looking like a more dangerous version of McGahee developing off the field. At least Willis was shy and stayed out of trouble. We aren't talking about little things here.......it sounds like Marshawn is one mistake away from having a life-altering experience from several different angles. The NFL would be #3 on his list of worries from what it looks like. I hate this because he gives a great effort on the field. He just doesn't understand that off the field he is putting himself in huge danger with his attitude.
  2. What a great description......at 35-17 it was palpable that something was happening. I know that feeling well from horseracing. Sometimes you have a horse that seems ordinary or not very impressive....then all of a sudden he feels just perfect and the lightbulb goes on, and he does something "funny" in the morning workout. Yousee it, and feel it, and right then you start planning for when he croses the finish line first. You 'know' you are sitting on something special. That game had that feel, right at that point.
  3. Let's just say I would stick to seafood for a few weeks if I were to eat at his place.
  4. What a trip that had to be. He came across as everybody's favorite uncle. Well, at least if you are Italian!
  5. PS.....I did so bad yesterday I should have just sent Churchill a check and cut out the 5 hours of pain.
  6. Poor Sheik Mo doesn't know what to do anymore. First he buys up the best broodmares....then he buys up the best stallions....then he buys the best at auction.....then he buys up anything that looks like it can run with some pedigree between October and April. I give him credit.....he does love the game. He isn't like some flake sitting on a throne, looking to be entertained. He is knee deep in the whole operation, so to speak. To have what happened yesterday is why everyone is in the game. Work hard, study hard, and get a little bit of luck.
  7. Donna Barton Donna Barton Brothers Watch out...I'll get her husband after you! She's a really smart and nice girl. Her husband is a trainer and he ships his better horses into our barn in Florida during the summer for big races sometimes. They also bought a horse from us for a client.
  8. A horse that has raced a grand total of 828 seconds of time and has earned $1,234,200. That is $1,490 per every second he works. And he has a 24 inch dingdong which he will get to use on 150 different women every year for the rest of his life. To him...you are just a human!
  9. Nice facial hair. What the hell are you doing with a flugel horn though? Nevermind.....they must have changed the order. Speaking of Chuck Mangione.....maybe the Jets new song when they score can be The Children of Sanchez. I need some sleep.
  10. In the big toilet stall! Anyway.... At 5-1 I am hammering I Want Revenge I will then use him on top of a trifecta key with Papa Clem, West Side Bernie, and Firesian Fire underneath.
  11. Don't give up so easily. At least Tom sees the humor in it. Speaking of failings.......who here has to find a babysitter for the kids the next few weeks??? A) Nobody B) 1-3 people C) 4-10 people D) Everybody Answers accepted until May 6th. Yes...you may change your answer as we go.
  12. ??? You need to read Lucy. I've never talked with Cincy. I said that even though Cincy and I have different views on the End Times....which I know because he has posted on them before and I actually pay attention to his posts......that we can still work together on an important issue like this. He doesn't let a personal bias cloud what he sees in front of his eyes. Unlike many of the Lucys here. If I tell you Lucy that the sky is blue, you'll claim I am lying because I said the sky was gray 3 months ago. Oh yeah...that's right...it was raining that day! But that doesn't matter to Literal Lucy. You are more worried about making sure your friends see you hit a basket against Michael Jordan. The score might be 33-1 against you.....but dangit...you scored on Michael Jordan! Good for you Lucy. Don't worry...you don't have to obsess over me much longer. The ballgame is almost over. MJ understands....here...have a Coke, kid.
  13. Make sure to a get a gun, too That's all I've been begging people to do is to be prepared before you are forced to go out there with 95% of the population in a panic if the crap hits the fan. There are too many loose bolts on the airplane wing right now. If you are flying without a chute, good luck.
  14. I guess so since I willfully choose to stay here in hell with the lot of charmers chiming in.
  15. You are correct.......all I asked was that people had a few months of supplies, keep their gas tanks full, keep some cash under the mattress....and keep your eyes and ears open. Precious metals are a historic preserver of wealth. There have been many empires and paper dollars that have crashed and burned over the centuries, yet metals somehow always seem to survive. You don't hold gold and silver to get rich....you hold it as not to have to resort to "unspeakable acts" as everything is crashing down around us.
  16. GG...I said I am out. I said 8200 is a resistance level that I don't feel we will bust through. If it closes today anything more than 50-100 points over that, I will consider myself wrong. There is almost no way we could break through the 200 day moving average after that which is now at 9K or so and drifting down. If the market busts through that and we head towards 10,000...I will gladly admit that I was too cautious and will eat crow. Just because I do not want to ride in a car without any brakes doesn't mean I can't give directions to the guy who is willing to take the risk of a trip in that car. The roads stay the same. You keep missing where I am coming from. The Bank Holiday is most likely going to come from a geopolitical faction. This is much bigger than the banking system on it's own. In your little world of haircuts, reports and compliance....sure....you would probably know about an internal lockdown that was about to happen.....if....it came through means of a pure financial means. I was on alert prior to the elections due to Paulson's coup of Congress and our tax money. Once the passing of the torch to Obama was secure.....the timeframe is more wishy-washy for everything.....but these events are not years in the future. A plan is in action......China is making the calls....the Middle East will blow up like nobody's business....wildcards like this "flu" can shut down our country overnight. Say for instance.....a press conference is called for Sunday night, and we are told we are in level 6....and all schools will close for 2 weeks and all sporting events and gatherings should be cancelled......what would that do to the economy right now? Can the system sustain everyone locked down? This isn't about a few stocks....this is about empire collapse...as I have said going on over a year.
  17. Gaines seemed like a positive influence in the lockerroom as well. With Owens in town, Gaines might be a good, calm buffer to keep a guy like TO from getting too hot under the collar and disruptive. I would take him back in a flash.
  18. Size doesn't matter....I agree. Your frame, and how you carry your size does matter however. That is where I took issue with Hardy, and why I am concerned with Maybin, although not as much. A player is a player....but an athlete is an athlete. When you are built like an athlete, your odds of becoming a player increases greatly. Maybin is muscular....but he is lean where it counts...down low. That is where an athlete generates all of his power from. If you want to see what a freak of nature athlete looks like, check out Jason Smith from Baylor. Now Jason Peters was sort of a poor man's version of Smith when it comes to body type, and you could see his talent level. He just has rocks for brains. Even on the offensive line you always hear about "This guy has a big bubble." You can be fat as a lineman, but when you carry that weight in your butt and your upper thighs...it allows you to stay in balance. Your power is still generated down low and you are able to drive through players. Nowadays with all the drugs and enhanced workout schemes, it can be tougher to see a pure athlete for what he is. Some Bills from the glory days that were built like winners were Biscuit first and foremost....Bruce....a guy that I was shocked didn't become a mainstay because of his ability and smarts, Mark Maddox....Andre Reed..(still looks like he could play)...Will Wolford..(a little fat, but balanced throughout like nobody's business)...and it is tough for me to think of a can't miss guy at DB...but given our history, that probably isn't surprising. Guys that got it done on heart and head...Talley...that's why everyone loved him so much...he probably weighs 175 now....Kelso...come on, he's a math teacher!.....Jeff Burriss......you see, it is harder to come up with stars that aren't built like pros. But there are guys in the middle like Thurman, who is another example of a guy having the right center of distribution down low to get the most out of his power potential...that aren't obvious looking athletes that went on to be Hall of Famers. Kent Hull....another who isn't smooth and ripped, but had good balance and drive. Tasker........but these guys all had it Down Below. With the last few drafts.....I do not have faith that some of our decision makers grasp the physics of an athlete. I would bet good money that Orakpo and if his knee isn't totally shot, Malcolm Kelly, will have more accomplished careers than Maybin and Hardy. Sure, I can be wrong......I thought Tony Hunt would make it in this league as an RB. But I am fairly confident we reached on this one again.
  19. Sorry...I'm not quite in the woods sporting a crazy beard....yet!
  20. I don't know how much you followed this ongoing conversation, but this is rooted with a few posters going back over a year. I gave multiple warnings on the pending doom of the financial system. I was trying to get people out of the way of a mack truck. If someone decides not to believe me, then that is fine. The personal attacks are when I bite back. I understand this is an internet board and people don't know who is who.....but I put myself on the line on a consistant basis to the point I feel comfortable. There are sharks in the water here that would love to get a gold star from the teacher by snitching on their classmate, so I cannot give details on personal connections. All I can say is that I have been lucky enough to be in multiple loops where I was able to take note of my surroundings and piece together the current situation. When you see a few things firsthand, then things which seem innocent enough on a regular basis start to take on different meanings. In all honesty, the amount of risk I have put myself in here is probably not worth it in the end. If it wasn't for some encouraging words, I would have stopped long ago. In response to claims that I am vague, I posted a list of events that I feel have a very realistic chance of happening over the next few years. I have discussed many of them over the past two years, and even though certain folks want to scoff.....some will happen. Heck, some have happened or are clearly in the process of happening, yet the same band of Literal Lucys continue to attempt to discredit me. The List If people are waiting for MSNBC to come out and report some of the stuff that is going on behind the scenes....you will have a long wait. There are sick bastards out there struggling for power. The United States is already an also-ran. Our only hope is that the good people of the military, law enforcement, and medical communities can see clearly and remain brave in making some tough decisions going forward. We are talking life and death decisions for all of us. This isn't a conspiracy anymore....it is an operation. Please...any rational person that wants to dismiss...fine. But as these things start to happen, if you still have the chance to prepare and protect your families....then please do so. When so many end up finding out they were late to the party...there will be an over-reaction, and then all bets are off. I will gladly leave this community if it turns out I am smoking crack. I am sure there are others here that have pieces of information about the condition of our society, but cannot post. I don't enjoy beating this drum.....but I have to do so. Until I am silenced. But as I am silenced, there will be millions of others that will need to be silenced as well. You can take comfort in that.
  21. I do.....for those that will understand what I meant....finally. Not for the Literal Lucys who stand with their johnsons in their hands and start crying.
  22. I think the Vikes had an amazing draft for their offense. They added a playmaking receiver and a huge tackle who is light on his feet. Rosenfells is a smart kid, and the passing game is going to take some pressure off of Peterson. This could be the year we add to the 2,000 yard club.
  23. Elvis gets it!
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