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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. Was it on TNT? I seem to remember it on a Turner network.
  2. I like this guy...he is honest and he held out against the stimulus money. That's probably what got him. Looks like he was always a bit of a loose cannon. At least it wasn't a guy. Where he was going........I thought we may have had a bigger surprise. As for Newt, that guy is patient. He will make his big run in 2012 IF we still have an election. At least it wasn't a guy................
  3. Whatever he did.....he did with Newt's blessing. Sanford is a Patriot.
  4. What ya'll are missing is why would he go to ATLANTA first? Gee...who is a major political figure in Atlanta that has bided his time in preparation the past 2 decades, waiting for the eventual collapse of his country that he New....I mean knew was coming? Who in Georgia embodies almost the exact opposite of the current administration, and isn't afraid to go after Republicans when they don't stay on task. It's getting close folks.
  5. The reason Flutie's accuracy was amiss is because the poor guy had to thread needles on close to half his passes. You give Flutie 3 inches and he probably turns into Favre. My main point with Flutie was that I trusted him to make the right decisions. If he just accepted himself for who he was instead of going around with a chip on his shoulder, he could have been a career starter in the NFL. His tragic flaw wasn't his height.....his tragic flaw was that he turned into a blowhard because of his height. I loved watching him play. I love Edwards as well because I feel he has the same mental set as Flutie but is built closer to the typical QB. Edwards' accuracy should be better...going back to your point. He isn't a runner, but he knows when to run.....and if we go to the spread this year, I predict Edwards will rush for many more yards than we all expect. Tark wasn't a giant, but he was closer to average for his generation. Because they both are nimble makes the comparison relevant. And Flutie never hosted a show with John Davidson.
  6. Mr - Fuzzy Navel Mrs- Johnny Walker Red In all seriousness, I would rather get into a physical altercation with Barak over Michelle.
  7. Dude....you are giving me flashbacks. I once went to a Dream Theater cover band show because my friend was close to obsessed with them. There were 13 people there. All I remember is a lot of syncopated background noise as the waitress was tongue raped by patrons paying $5 to do body shots off of her. If I did drugs it would have been the pit of the devil. And since I am a grade A dckhole, does that make me great?
  8. But if Flutie was even Tarkenton's size, let alone a standard for the era....he may have been one of the best ever. Poor Flutie is such a miserable SOB because he knows he has the tools to be a HOF but is just too darn small. I have never trusted a QB to make the right decision more than I did with Flutie. He was amazing at knowing when to run, pass, check down, audible.....you could just let him do his thing. Kelly was good but made some boneheaded decisions. Trent Edwards has me excited because he reminds me a lot of Flutie, but he has more passing tools. You should sit back, relax, and trust your QB at the helm of your team...not watch him like you are in the car with your 15 year old daughter at the wheel for the first time. Last point on Kosar.....he was good value at QB. Nice player, not flashy, often left out of the conversation of top QBs, but for a reason.
  9. None at all. Buffalo is all the proof you need. If you want to look at how deep and circular it is, just look at Golisano and his dealings. I am not even saying that Golisano is mobbed up....I am saying look at the political process and how everyone is tied in. When Golisano came into the picture to "rescue" the Sabres....it was nothing but a juiced up deal with a circlejerk of favors. Larry Quinn who is beholdant to certain "developers" who are in bed with the state, gets tens of millions of debt waived and tax favors for Golisano to takeover the team. They then use the team/arena as a centerpiece bridge for other contracts and developments. After things play out over the years, Golisano returns the favor by putting millions into certain races and securing jobs for those that will continue the circlejerk of beholdancy. The overall strength of the outfits are diluted over the decades, that is for sure. But in smaller towns like Buffalo, they are a freaking cancer. The sad thing is, the old timers mindf### themselves into actually believing they are entitled. I know guys that are good guys, but were part of the old crew that oversaw things.....and they B word about how crappy Buffalo is now. Well...how the F do you think it got that way?
  10. Freudian Slip for GG. It's the Federal Trade Commission. Another branch of Supermen that protect the public from boogeymen!
  11. He has to shut up if he really wants Israel to stand down on the nukes. If Obama riles this thing up, which he won't, then you speed up the "process" for Israel to do what they have to do. I wouldn't be shocked to see massive ramp up of military action by Israel over the next few weeks no matter what. If the "Twitter Revolution" turns into anything with legs....then fails, Israel needs to act fast. The question becomes, how much are we in concert with Israel? I feel we have turned our backs for the most part. We do not want Iran to turn into chaos now. The dominoes will start to fall fast around the world.
  12. "Hey Jimbo.....what's that bag of powder doin' under your foot?" Poor Bernie.....he had his hands in everything off the field the past decade. When you never leave the casino table, you will eventually give it all back. PS......Trent Edwards is better than 50/50 to outplay Kosar's career. Top 10 is a little painful to attempt with a straight face. Nice underated QB....just like Henry Ellard at WR or Wilbur Montgomery at RB.
  13. I'm sure nothing goofy ever happened in Southeast Asia boarding schools to awkward young boys without a concrete sense of self and family. I'm also sure that the coping skills and denial that would be instinctive in those situations, couldn't possibly be held into adulthood to deal with similar situations of dominance that the young boy would then face in adulthood. And people wonder why we are going to sit around the campfire holding hands as the world makes decisions for us.
  14. They are starting to figure things out. Going with intelligence on the line was a year late, but can fix the entire offense by next year. They just need to stay away from the gimmick picks. Also, I would raid the liquor warehouse in the club section at 3am on a Friday night. 80 cases of premium hard stuff makes for a nice signing bonus.
  15. Good point. And when the russians invade, they will go for a nice place like SanDiego that doesn't get snow. Good thinkin! I must also say that Elk Jerky is quite nice. +3
  16. Really then....what reason do you even go to a place like this? If you can't post about shared experiences or individual experiences that are relevant to the subject matter at hand....what good is this place? The dude's giant house is for sale...I know the neighbors....said it is the craziest place I've ever been in...and that helicopters used to stalk Danny when they first put the place up and he was playing. People have such F'n chips on their shoulders on this board, it is amazing. 10 years ago there were a solid group of 30-40 posters that actually were well rounded, courteous, made sense, and I could respect their opinions. I know it is cliche', but society has gone to sh%#. My posts have become a characature of themselves for the simple reason there is very little actual analysis or thought left here. WTF????
  17. Carlin lost it a little bit for a while to me, but once he went to rehab he seemed to turn it on again. I hate to admit it, but I would watch Leno over Letterman the past few years. Leno is so commercial, but at least when you tune in you know you are getting a B/B- every night. With Letterman, when he was on, he was an A+....but for the past 10 years or so those really never happened anymore. Once he renewed that contract, it was over. Plus I'm sure the heart problems may have changed his outlook on a few things. Carlin really was the best.
  18. I have directly asked for experts in the matter.....all I get in response is "You so stupid......you know nothing....I know everything." I am asking to be educated as to why nobody sees this as a risk. You mistake my reference. I didn't assume you two were homosexual. Although a guy who secludes himself 24 plus hours away from the rest of the country and another that has been in college the past 10 years does raise some questions.
  19. I wasn't in Marino's house..... I know his neighbors. I thought since this thread was important enough to post, someone that actually knows a little something about the development might be relevant. I guess that was self serving. I once shook Don Beebe's hand......I guess that is bragging as well. Just so you don't feel left out, let me know where you live and I'll drop by. I'll make sure to make a post about it afterwards. Do me a favor though and shut off the alarm system if you have one. The aura of my giant ego will set it off from 300 yards away.
  20. Which one? They didn't use him on the powerplay as much as I figured. Still had 13 even strength goals which would have put him in the top 3 Sabres. But I guess he was too slow to play for that juggernaut.
  21. How them Sabres doin? Since I am on an insult binge, I figured I had to hit you with something.....but I actually like you and respect your opinion, so that's all I got.
  22. I would have pegged him at 19.....sorry for insulting the wunderkind of microbiology. Well....at least he should have the inside track on curing AIDS. That should make both of you happy.
  23. I know what's been pushed up 7 years.....my cornea transplants from looking at your POS avatar. I think I'll go find a picture of a giant dildo and use it for my avatar so I can at least compete with you for Message Board Attention Whore.
  24. Taking a few codeine with a Miller High Life doesn't qualify you as a bioscientist, son. Now let the big boys play and call us in 7 years when you are finally out of school.
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