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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. All the Asian girls at UB need to lock their dorms.
  2. Barney Miller?
  3. No Tom....I am basing it on Science...hard to believe. If you quantify technology versus time, we are parabolic. We have really only gone parabolic over the past few centuries, and in reality over the past few decades. It CANNOT LAST AT THIS PACE! We will either find the Star Treckies space warp, or the sht will have to hit the fan and drag that graph back down. The collapse of the economy would do that. A huge war could do it. A pandemic could do it. You should root for this stuff before we go poof! Unless that is you think you will be in a flying car, or a telaporter in say 30 years?
  4. They might make a detour through California first.
  5. And what was the most sophisticated weapon in Ancient Rome? or in 1776? or 1862? or heck, even 1942 when the US was at North Korea levels of radiation science? In the swine flu thread the same question was asked. We have SO MUCH technology now that just the 0.001% of error in dealing with that technology is enough to end the world. When humans learn.....but then try to play God, eventually they are going to F up beyond repair. It doesn't have to be on purpose....but it probably will be.
  6. I already said I'll shut up. I listed a series of events that I expect many will happen over the next few years....I gave it until 2012. I have no idea how long everyone has.....but what is going on right now is leading into them. Let's just say I would be much more worried about what my life will look like 3 years from now then I would about 40. The only way we are not approaching the end times is if we can have a setback on a large enough basis to turn back the clock as far as productivity and population goes. It is mathematicaly impossible to sustain these levels in almost any facet of society. If you want to save the world, you will need a combination of MASSIVE war, disease, collapse. We are on the brink of all 3 possibly. So I guess there is hope after the dust settles. I enjoy going back and reading some of the threads from last year. People's sense of normalcy changes. Things that were near unthinkable then are now accepted as reality. All the original scoffs that were unwarranted are deemed still valid in the scoffer's mind as their balance has shifted. People want locusts, and demons, and fire coming from the sky. Again...I say closer to 3 years than 40 before you get it. My mistake was assuming the moves of those in power would be blaitant enough for the average person to understand just how much at risk their future is. Especially in the US. Those that do understand will not twiddle their thumbs forever.
  7. No...I validate it with your anomie
  8. And miss all the fun? I'm happy enough with ESPN, I don't need to be on MSNBC.
  9. Now if I was just nuts, you would ignore me. Because there is truth in much of what I say, you chose to laugh. Much like the most successful comedians wrap around the truth in their comedy, you know that I am correct in much of what I am saying, but just find it to be hyperbole. Eventually I probably will be locked up, considering any God-loving, Constitution supporting person is pretty much considered a domestic terrorist by this administration.
  10. That's why I say........your self-doubt leads you to seek validation in your viewpoint from those you rely on. I don't need someone to tell me a monkey is a monkey. There may be hope for you yet as well.
  11. My Jewish friends think I'm nuts too, but they still offer me macaroons. $$$ knows no religion.
  12. So you are saying that these people have formed an opinion on me and feel that I am nutty? I just ask because you said most of the christians you know feel that way about me. I am wondering how they learned anything of me in depth enough to form an opinion.
  13. I've stated multiple times that I came to the conclusion we are approaching the end times BECAUSE of what I see taking place all around. I never claimed to be a prophet who was handing down godly proclaimations. The economic system is dead.....your government sold you out to the financial elite and China. The level of growth in technology and population is unsustainable and will have a major setback. These are facts. The current geopolitical climate happens to match up with prophetic verses too exact to be pure chance. In the end, all I can do is warn. As some of the items have been unfolding in front of your very eyes over the past 2 years....it is up to you to determine how many acorns this blind squirrel finds.
  14. PS....the economic system was the metaphor. I am sure there are others here that understood that one.
  15. Really? How many do you know? If it is most, I assume the christians you know are from this board since you have their opinion of me on record?
  16. Genius? Now you are going to have to clarify something for me here. Is it possible for a Christian who holds true to the bible to have rational thought? If the answer is no, then you and your friends have wasted a great amount of time in attempting to ridicule, debate, and libel me. You should just enjoy the sunshine and pay no attention. If the answer is yes, then once again you are joining Adams in the Literal Lucy camp by denying I was correct in my dire warning at the time. I understand that sometimes you all have fun in attemting to get my goat, but I have even greater concern if you actually believe that I was far off the mark. Not only that, when the next wave of disaster happens...your kind will have your guard down even further, allowing for one hell of a shock once the system takes it's last breath. You ever have the remote for the TV not work......so you open up the back of it and roll the batteries around? That should last for a bit....until it happens again. That move may last so long as to make you forget that the batteries were on the verge of dying and need to be replaced. Until it happens again. Sooner or later you need to replace the batteries. All the rolling and flipping in the world won't get it to work. Don't get stuck having to walk back and forth to the TV the rest of your life once the batteries die.
  17. Thanks for admitting once again what this is really all about. The fact that the person who was in all effect, running the government at the time comes out and says that we were inches away from not having any infrastructure in place and chaos would have insued.....don't let that influence your opinion of my warning. Yeah....I'm sure in the middle of a banking holiday and food riots that the local authorities would have just loved getting 80,000 people together on a Sunday afternoon in close confines in 16 of the US's largest cities. I love the irony of pure stubborness from a faction that so badly wants to ridicule someone for holding true to a religious doctrine, that they are unwilling to admit their own folly by continuing to dismiss warnings during a time of peril only because they were at odds with the messenger. This in light of all the results we have seen over time, and when reality is shoved in their face.....like in this article. Those who continue to ridicule are only exposing their own self-doubt.
  18. Yeah.....I was really smoking dope. Sugar & Roses
  19. Don't get me wrong....I'm all for simple games of skill. I love bocce...I think washers is neat given you don't need a playing field....but to go and pay $$ for something you have at your house...a trash can, laundry basket...cardboard box....and then get so excited about it......that's what gets me....these people I see playing it are watching that freaking frisbee like it's the Golden Bear on the 18th of Augusta for the win. Sorry to those that like the game....I have plenty of hobbies that others think are crap so to each his own. It's taken Buffalo decades to lose the stigma of bowling...now we are blessed with this.
  20. I agree that the game is a bit "lacking". I think the sellers understand this and the video is ripping on themselves. They basically spoof white-trash getting overexcited about playing a game that an average 8 year old with an imagination could have come up with for free in any year before 1994.....when children still required imaginations. I live in Cheektowaga and these are all over the place. Shocking, I know. I would drive and ask myself...."what the F are these a-holes all standing around a can for? Why is that a-hole throwing a frisbee at those people? You hit my car with that and I swear I'll take out your entire white trash family." Now I know the legend behind the trash....I mean...can.
  21. Alright....enough goofing around....I have to tend to business. I paid hundreds of dollars to get some entertainment delivered to my place. It's almost impossible to find someone who can get you a prime 18 year old, let alone a 15 and 12 year old to come over at this time of night...especially on a Tuesday. I can't wait to put my lips all over them.
  22. Yeah...probably some ninny that claims to be offended, but in reality she is going to go home and read a Harlequin novel as she dreams about two distinguished gentlemen going to town on her icey clam
  23. Don't worry about it.....if there's a problem, the worst you'll have to do is a little Cop Blowing
  24. And before you say I must have no life to post all these.............I have a loving wife, and she swallows up to five times if need be to keep me happy
  25. I don't know about you, but there's nothing more enjoyable than having an elderly man fisting your caboose.
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