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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. If this is the case, my wife thinks I can be a Pro Bowler.
  2. WTF?????? What ever happened to good clean fun like Cow Plop Bingo?
  3. Watch out for sneaky stuff too, like pasta sauce. I know multiple people that have gone to the ER with what turns out to be this diagnosis. Not fun, but sometimes it ends up just being a fluke attack.
  4. I guess you won' be getting your popcorn when watching TO this season.
  5. Goodie! I'll finally get to test out those new "Yo Mamma" jokes I've been working on. The kids were due to go to summer camp anyway. Saves me $250 during these tough times.
  6. I drilled a hole. You don't feel the splinters after day #4.
  7. You're right....that's why I'm on mine right now, drinking a 40 and waving my ding-dong around at the 12 year old girls as they go by on their bikes.
  8. Obama is a very bright guy that is able to sit down, absorb information, and understand it at more than a basic level. HOWEVER.....his pride is such that he needs to show the American people that he is able to do this. In doing so, when he goes off the cuff, he exposes what is going on behind the scenes. In previous press conferences, if you listened to what he really said, he admitted that America wis in the middle of a depression according to his economists. He didn't say those words, but by attemping to show he grasped the situation, he gave out too much information....saying his economists projected a contraction of demand of 2 trillion dollars over a two year span. Sure the government can spend into that, but if you piss on a forestfire....it's still a forestfire. He also said that the US can't expect lenders to continue funding our debt. "Eventually the party will be over, and in fact the party is over." Both of those were in response to a reporter's question. There is no way in hell he would say if prepared. Now we have him calling cops stupid. Nothing like admitting you are on the verge of bankruptcy....but the trend continues. Imagine if Bush came out after Katrina and said.."Those people that stayed for a category 5 hurricane are pretty stupid. What do you want me to do about it?" Kanye West would have killed a puppy on TV after that.
  9. But the point is....the cop ISN'T RACIST! He may have made an arrest that didn't have to be made, but not because the guy was black. If Tom Arnold was the homeowner and did the same thing, he would have been rung just the same. The professor is the one claiming racism and that is what made the headlines. Then you have your president and COMMANDER IN CHIEF commenting out his ass during a national press conference. Way to weaken your authority Mr President. No he is backpeddling on national TV as I type this.
  10. The cop didn't have to arrest him, but there were a few factors that added up to him pulling the trigger. By stating 'Do you know who I am?...you don't know who you're messing with!", the professor loses all credibility in claiming bias. He himself tried to establish his own person to be of more importance than "an average citizen". That is also a passive threat to the cop, hinting that the cop is going to see some retribution for the confrontation. Also, the cop was leaving and all was fine....until Gates belittled the officer in front of multiple officers from multiple jurisdictions, as well as the now gathering public. How do you save face when you are a supposed community figure and you take it up the rear from someone in front of so many people? If nobody was there he probably keeps walking and mutters "jerkoff" to himself. He was challanged multiple times by Gates and it was one too many times. Have you ever seen a baseball manager get thrown from the game even after the arguement as he was in the dugout? Same idea. Use the original heat of the moment to debate/complain.....but once peace is established, do not flame up the situation once again. That is what got Gates arrested.
  11. GG, Kelly, and LA have it. This is not a Black vs. White issue. This is Litigious, Cantankerous, Tree-hugging, elitist pansies vs. Common sense and respect Wrong time for the professor to go into character. If you have a problem with authority, acting like an ass when the cop is actually trying to protect your property is not the best time to rant.
  12. Now...when I am at the Quickie Mart in So Fla at 1 AM and waiting outside for my friend...and a cop asks what I am doing there....and I tell him...and he asks for ID....I show him. I know he is profiling ME because I am WHITE...and what is a white boy doing loitering outside at 1 AM in an all black neighborhood? He almost HAS to be looking for DRUGS. I could get pissed and say what right do you have...all I am doing is waiting on a 12 pack from inside....but I get the drift. There are plenty of jerkoff cops, but don't give them the chance to be. To me the story behind this isn't that the guy is black in a white neighborhood....it is that he is a liberal flamer from academia that leads me to believe he is in the wrong most likely. I know blacks get profiled...and if it was Leon Six Pack getting pulled over in his car for no reason, I would have sympathy. There is a police call to this guy's house....he fits the profile of a possible break-in...(black/white/purple)....when you are playing with the lock and can't get in, all the time while having some bags on the porch....it is not a typical lazy-day sipping iced tea out on your front stoop. It looks conspicuous. If Obama uses a primetime press conference to claim foul....he is just exposing himself as Mickey Mouse. Just say "let the proper local channels handle it". But since he is proving to be a micromanager to the greatest extent...he couldn't help himself but to jump in. Not to mention the "cool, in-touch" factor he needs to keep up.
  13. I lived in/bordering a 99% black area, and I would be asked to show ID at times. There were major drugs around, and I am sure the cops were just making sure I belonged and wasn't up to funny business. 30 seconds of co-operation and all is well. I have also had the cops stop and shine a spotlight on me next to my own home. You see, I understood that by me smoking a butt on the side of a poorly lit house at 2 in the morning....to a cop on patrol it may look like I was up to no good. I give a half-ass salute with the cig, wander towards the front of the house...and they move on without a question. Some people just need to be a-holes.
  14. It was all just one big misunderstanding. I have it from a good source that the Cambridge Police were truly sorry and sent Gates an apology along with an offering. We're Sorry Sir....With Our Complements....
  15. You're right.....that's why the US will eventually be in a full-fledged war in Pakistan. It's a lot easier to pick up a spare nuke or two in your own backyard.
  16. Why yest it was! But I have a great story to go with it. The day I picked it up at Al Ross after like a $10 job to sew on a nameplate....I went bowling with some friends. The Lord works in mysterious ways, as who walks in and gets a lane near us???.......Mark Maddox and Oliver Barnett. I schit you not! I had the jersey in a bag in my car and ran out to get it. I went over and asked him to sign it, at which time his wife went gaga. "I've never seen one of those.....where did you get that...oh my god!" She was great, and so was Maddox. I didn't have the heart to tell them it was a retread, but I did say I got it at Al Ross. Maddox signed it and I still have it today. I have one other great jersey story. I lived in Miami for 10 years and would go to Florida Panther games. I am a big guy so it is hard for me to get a jersey that fits right. JC Penney had a Panther jersey in an alternate color of bright yellow....thing was this wasn't even an alternate jersey of theirs. I would get comments all the time because here is some huge dude in a traffic cone of a jersey....but people liked it. So I am in Buffalo the week of the NHL draft. I go to the arena to check it out. I am getting a beer with my friend when someone yells, "Nice Jersey!....Schitty Team!". I turn around, and it is Doug McLean, who used to be coach for the Panthers and a GM. He had just been fired the past season and it was a little ugly aftermath. I laughed...but he was such a cool guy, he comes over to me to start asking how I am and what I was doing in Buffalo. We talked for a good 5+ minutes and he even introduced me to his family. What a genuine, no BS guy.
  17. Yeah...but only every 5 years! I was thinking more along the line of funeral director. Or maybe buy some stock in whomever makes those nice creamatorium furnaces.
  18. I admit to wearing the following: Langston Walker Mark Maddox Kevin Maguire Wayne Primeau
  19. This thing is freaky enough
  20. Nice to hear.... The Pats are the Pats because of high football IQ first and foremost. While some of our front office and coaching staff may not be oozing with it, at least they have come around to understanding it is important.
  21. Really though.....how many size 14's can they have?
  22. On the relative immorality scale: Taping nude stranger through peephole- 8/10 Taping nude public figure who ascends the ladder due to physical appearance- 6.5/10 Searching for tape on internet- 3/10 Clicking on link in thread brought to attention- 1.5/10
  23. That seems to be the story. The late pays were chronic in the middle of last year to the start of this. What I think has happened is that all the log-jam of everyone owing each other has worked it's way out a bit. If it's a big customer and they will be around for a while, give them a discount. If it was a long standing customer who is in trouble, settle on what they owe and have a short leash going forward. If it is small beans, cut ties and eat it. Most of my books in/out are cleared up now, but I took a lot of pain in settling with a few people, mainly my best guy who I did most of my stuff for. Everyone that is left standing is in the same boat.....the chaos has cleared but we are left at a reduced level sort of saying "Now what?". Even if things don't get worse, which I think you know how I feel by now, it is going to be a slow, steady grind of a recovery. Where can the next bubble possibly come from to boost things to previous levels? People have wised up a bit. They are going to try with the Green Goods BS, but it is going to take a while just to jumpstart what is left.
  24. One thing that gets burried in the numbers is the plight of all the small business owners. There are so many that have had their revenues dry up, and have done everything possible to keep things going. You aren't going to see these people apply for unemployment even though their income has essentially vanished. This has really become the heart and soul of the economy, yet all these new policies being handed down are going to stifle any recovery in that sector. Obama has intentionally neutered America in my opinion. As it stands already, I am close to $15K in the hole to start the year as someone self-employed versus taxes and benefits that could be picked up by an employer. And that is assuming an average salary. At a certain point with a long term slow down, and increased government pressure, small business is going to get crushed. Why put up with all the headaches of making sure employees are taken care of, going into hoc, and getting pummled from the government when in the end you can go take a 60 minute civil service test and then rake in $75K a year with your thumb up your butt in some government job? That's what this administration wants, and in a few years you are going to start to see the neutering in full effect. Big business can always patch up the life raft for a few quarters and get by.
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