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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. If they remade the film today, there would have to be an IPhone App to kill Russians....because I can't see these kids figuring out Chineese handcuffs, let alone warding off WWIII.
  2. I have to admit, I ate healthier with the Foreman Grill. I lived on a high floor where you couldn't grill on the balcony, so I got used to the Foreman. It is great if you season chicken breast or salmon. It does suck the grease out of burgers....2 burgers on mine and it would fill the grease tray. I wouldn't do steak on it though. I'd fry up a nice veal steak or strip before I'd Foreman it. Cube steaks come good though.
  3. So would everybody be out $$ in that case? If that is the case...I'm walking out of the museum with like-kind memorabilia.
  4. Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, a hot tub, 2 Viagra, and a 40 of OE............in return for 3 months salary. Do you?
  5. Make of it what you will. $5 Foot Long
  6. I want ESPN to cover them more so Erin Andrews makes another trip to the BAC.
  7. What do you do and what areas of Florida do you need to cover? Orlando is smack in the middle and is the hub to all highways so that makes sense. You get hurricane protection as well there. Miami is hectic, but between Lauderdale and West Palm is more sedate. There are so many condos in trouble there that you can rent a really nice place for a reduced rate. What do you like to do? There are plenty of entertainment districts with housing built in throughout south FL. You want water/beach, night life, quiet, sports?
  8. Why don't we have a public military contingency plan for if I let the tigers out of the Buffalo Zoo in the middle of Special Olympics visitation day? This is how you try to marginalize anything I say. In the first few pages of the Swine Flu thread, you laugh that mass vaccinations would be needed and that the military would oversee the process. Well....here's your plan. I guess it was idiotic to speculate and project what would probably happen. Enjoy your economy when they start locking crap down.
  9. Why do I need a vaccine for something that has killed less people than Ted Bundy.....and why does the military need to be there? PS.....the only thing I am afraid of is that those who still have common sense, a sense of self-identity, a love for actual freedom, and are willing to fight for it.....will have to step over the rainbow clothed, latte' sipping, Prius driving (sorry Adams, you're ok in this thread) flamers bodies in order to get control of the wheel.
  10. Military/Swine Flu Now of course you will say there is nothing dangerous about the swine flu itself......then you will probably say there is nothing dangerous about getting hurried vaccines injected into you even though the flu itself isn't a danger and shouldn't warrant a vaccine....and even when we are all getting stabbed in the arm....you will say there is nothing dangerous about EVERY branch of the military being on hand to "assist" you in your vaccination.
  11. You really can't use an analogy on Tom.....I guess he put all his efforts into the math portion of the SAT.
  12. How's that swine flu comming? Nice to see all branches of the military will be involved in the vaccination of citizens. That's just crazy talk though, right?
  13. With the price of ammo these days, I wouldn't waste the slugs. I'd scatter a few drumsticks from KFC on the ground and watch the fun begin. Save me a few dollars.
  14. There is....but try getting 6 billion people to agree to it. I am curious to see what happens to the Obama crowd as things get more tense and the military is ramped up. With the economy in the shape it is in, it acts as a wildcard. Nations will scramble and do things out of character. I figured Iran would have been dealt with by now already, but there isn't much time to stretch. I am 90% certain their reactors will be taken out, but the question becomes how seriously does Iran strike back? Do they just concentrate on making Israel pay and invade with the help of their proxy buddies in Hezbullah? Do they try to shut off the oil supply and go after the US ships in the area since they have little to lose? Or do they go for the whole shabang and hit the US homeland with sleepers, send chemical warheads into Israel, and draw the rest of the region into it? Then you get to worry about Pakistan falling into disary as well. This was mapped out even before the economic collapse. Now China is calling the shots, and they may force us to sit this one out and let Israel go alone. Everyone at home seems preoccupied and I don't think many grasp how big this can get in a short amount of time. I get called a doomsdayer here, and for good reason......but I hope the liberals are ready to fight if need be because they are going to be in for a surprise soon. Obama won't be able to have a beer summit and get himself out of this situation.
  15. Obama will oversee the deaths of more American troops in the next 3 years than Bush did in his entire stay I am sorry to say. I wouldn't be shocked to see our boys use some nukes either. Isreal will hit Iran....Iran will strike back in wicked fashion and probably get a ship or two of ours.....then we ask Russia and China for permission to finish the job with/for Israel. If Obama abandons Israel, watch out. All hell will break loose.
  16. You guys are pathetic.........here we have the most informed Buffalo sports reporter on his second bottle of whiskey, having a come to Jesus moment......and nobody is digging for information? Instead of worrying about politics, how about important issues like: 1) How many Sabres have boyfriends? 2) Did Marv leave the Bills out of disgust, or was his hand forced? 3) Did Golisano have a sale of the Sabres almost locked up before the credit crunch hit and blew it up? 4) Do the Bills expect James Hardy to even make the team next year? 5) Do you and Bruce want me to drive you around Canton next weekend so we can party?
  17. On a related note....there is a 3-6 month wait time on ammuntion of any consequence. The Latte' sippers may not see how that is related.....
  18. Speaking of styes, if you have one on your eye, urinating on it will clean it right up...no joke.
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