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Dwight Drane

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Everything posted by Dwight Drane

  1. I figure with all the chaos happening on the board...why not add a little more?
  2. Everything's fine...... No worries.....
  3. After watching all the video I can find, it isn't a bad group of guys, but the only guy that gets me excited is Moats. Spiller (B+) A safe pick, taking the highest rated RB. The Bills front office falls in love with straight line speed. What is amazing about this guy is that he accelerates at about 30 yards into his 40 yard dash. He also wobbled a bit. Could have clocked in at 4.3 Seems like he has a decent head on his shoulders. The problem will be that if the line can't give him enough room to build up his speed, fans will be left swearing at the 3-4 shoestring tackles every game. Nice to have a back that can pull away IF he gets to the second level Troupe (B Minus) Another safe player that should be on the roster for a few years....but he is pretty much Kyle Williams II in his talents. Not a lot of lateral movement but he has nice balance. If they got him in the 3rd or 4th I would say good pick....but there doesn't seem to be much upside or downside. Carrington (D) I just don't like what I saw. He is not balanced, doesn't seem to have any zip. I can't find as much on him as others, but this looks like the type of guy who won't dress all year. I know he had big numbers in school, but I don't like it. Easley (C-) We might as well have kept Justin Jenkins. Another who doesn't have good body balance. While his bench was ok, he looks like he will come up short in the run game and can be pressed. I don't hate him, and I wonder who the hell IS going to play WR on this team, but this looks like a special teamer pick. Wang (C+) He is quick for a big guy but ridgid. He looks like a tweener between guard and tackle. I have the feeling the way he carries himself he will get overpowered. Maybe if someone works with him, he will develop into a good backup, spot starter. I like some things about him but I would think he is a coinflip to be in the league in a few years. Interesting. Moats (A+) I got a chubby watching this guy. He IS a linebacker. Smooth as can be.....quick north south movement and change of direction.....built like an athlete should be built. My only knocks are that he is a tad topheavy and his lateral movement isn't top notch. I think this guy is going to make some noise early in camp with big plays, and he looks to have the talent to be starting by next year at worst. Looks like a late 1st early 2nd on athleticism alone. Batten (C+) Looks to be a pure special teams pick. His heart is big, he wants to kill guys, but he just isn't quick enough. He looks like a poor man's Poz. I don't see much upside, but would make a nice practice squad guy...or even to keep for ST because of his attitude. Brown (INC) I can't honestly grade a QB without watching games. He is built lvery well though. Saw a 28 wonderlic. Who knows. Calloway (D) This is no athlete. He must be tough as nails, because it looks like he couldn't catch an 8 year old on the street if the kid stole his wallet. Very baby fattish and not broad up top. I would think he is cut without a 2nd look I am not thrilled but I can't say it was bad. If their draft was pizza, it would be Pizza Hut
  4. Always a pleasure..... Magox has been a good torch bearer without the Jarko Ruuttu tactics that I use.
  5. I've noticed one thing.....for a guy that poo-poo's conspiracy thinking...you sure seem well versed in it. I'm not talking about Dinty Moore....but you've pulled up terms that lead me to believe you are more than a casual observer. Are you a self loathing survivalist, Tom? I wouldn't call myself a survivalist. I'd call myself 1 part Marc Faber and 1 part Max Kieser
  6. Big deal...30 guys had porn on their computer. I am sure there are 30 members of Congress having gay affairs as we speak.
  7. Soon to be? Where do you think I was? Where is it discussed? I missed it.
  8. I ran out of Ramen and Spam.
  9. Back to my roots. Sides should have been chosen by now. I just saw this and figured I'd bust some balls.
  10. This was too good to pass up. I may have to start posting again to make up for a certain member who may suddenly be firewalled from TBD, as well as some of his other favorites. Boobies for Boobs
  11. wouldn't an irrational belief in irrationality make me .....rational? By the way.....nice job spewing insults when you don't even bother to review what is included. I think your day could be better spent chucking peanuts off your porch at the squirrels.
  12. Chaos + Chance? Chaos + Chance?
  13. Usually those that feel the need to "disprove" God to such an extent are currently undergoing internal struggles, or hold on to deep anger from perceived unjust treatment. I feel bad, because there is legitimate pain that triggers a defense mechanism. You almost NEED to convince yourself there is no God so you can cope. It is ironic in a sense that some would say those who do believe are the ones attempting to cope. I understand the hypocracy of many organized religions turns people off. Someday your anger will subside and hopefully you can see the simple things in life as the blessings they are.
  14. Did you listen to Obama today? He wants to get rid of nuclear weapons, called Israel an occupying army, calls for a one world economy....and Quadafi calls him "my son". There are some REAL nutbags that will not take kindly to that.
  15. Well then he's going to really love my Ustream broadcast.
  16. You guys are like a bunch of sorrority sisters.....I ask one a question and someone else answers it for them. Let me ask Ramius a question, then maybe Alaska Darin will chime in.....he seems to be the only one missing from the Drane Circlejerk. Edit: whoops....he gave me the potato chips.....forgot about that. Ramius....I'll give you a mulligan today. I saw your response in the other thread so I'll try to explain very simple, once again that I do not make financial predictions because I feel we are in the end times..........I came to the conclusion we are in the end times after seeing the financial and geopolitical situation we were in the past decade. There is no way to reverse the magnitude of the financial problem without starting a major war of some kind. Be it civil, revolution, or world. I don't control how or when we get there....I can just give my best estimates which is what I have been doing. I really hope I am wrong....but I fear I am not. You have a right to laugh. I said I used to laugh too. It's just a really sad state of affairs.
  17. Congratulations on the new baby by the way. Where did you find that thing?
  18. Here's a question. If everyone thinks I'm goofy and full of crap... And everyone says I don't know what I am talking about and have been wrong about everything I said... Why would you want me to admit to being wrong about something, in such a desperate manner? Would it not be a given that you should not take what I say seriously, and I will be wrong in any manner? Your intensity, along with the intensity of others in "following" me only leads me to be flattered. There are plenty of clueless posters on this website....I tend not to respond to anything they post. Your demands for an admission of fault or an appology of some sort comes across as a jilted ex-girlfriend who wants self-validation long after the fact. Not to mention I tell you specifically in this thread that I previously said I was wrong. I for one do not see anyone supporting me in any substantial regard here, so I don't understand why you are so bent out of shape. If you want me to pack up and go home.....it will be soon enough, don't worry. Even the amount of fun I have getting some of you guys worked up in a tizzy isn't worth it if it becomes too personal. I don't wish harm on anyone, I just enjoy some mental sparring while I am busy waiting on other things. You need to relax a little Adams....you're a good dude. I know you will understand in the end what it was all about.
  19. Why do I suddenly feel like watching "Cruising" with Al Pacino and Paul Sorvino?
  20. Well I would have to attack them another 120 times each to match the total times your backside has been attacked by random men at various rest stops across the country.
  21. Maybe....but at least he gets to nail Mary Travers.
  22. "Lucky Baby.....Lucky Baby....Lucky Baby!"
  23. If this message board is any example, it is obvious that man is the pinnacle of the universe.
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