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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. does not matter..and i am not saying this derisively of Brees..but this came down to a business decision. I would prolly have made the same decision.
  2. you are correct, i worded that wrong.
  3. He did nothing wrong.but his wallet was more important to him than his opinion.
  4. Wacka-Shut Up and be Dumb And a really good coach and PR firm that said " you getting crushed, we crafting a statement" Good, then you fully support Kap and his opinion, glad we are on the same side on this one! I am guessing this means you have served? I have always felt the gratutious " thank you for your service" was kinda weak, am I to take you agree with that? When i was traveling a ton, always gave up my first classseat to service members in uniform, brought them into the airport club with me as "guest" etc. My one friend who i got to know throgh my nephews went active duty this year, as a thank you paid for his ticket and airbnb to the Nashsville game last year. Nother funny story was at the Cinci away game a few years back, me and the guy next to me, big Bengal fan were having good natured back and forth in the driving rain...tons of trash talk but tons of fun..comes out he served. When i came back from beer stand with two beers for him, he was like WTF?.. I said simply "respect for your service, the Bengals still suck.cheers!" He was dumbfounded...we had a great time rest of the game as well! He left a fan of Bills Mafia I can tell ya that!
  5. we shall see..i have no idea if it was or not...
  6. this showed up in my timeline, have not vetted or verified yet
  7. PPP IRL( might want to turn volume down a scoosh)
  8. okay, now this poop is getting real
  9. Dude, been thinking bout you. Thought I saw something about some protests in Columbia Heights yesterday, but i may be wrong. Hope youo are well, hope your move went well...have you participated in any of the protests? Any first hand reports greatly appreciated. I have only spent 3 nights in DC since this poop started in March, and damn i miss the District! Hopefully be back next weekend , maybe we can get a beer! BTW, this is the Bills bar we talked about
  10. hmm, this is a cool bar, very near my place in the District...big Bills bar, owner from Buffalo. Hope everything okay. BTW, that rounded building in the background is what we callt he Reagan Hilton..where Reagan was shot
  11. absolutely, and lets fight like to hell to get the bad ones arrested as well, not hidden to protect the shield. Same as we need to fight like hell to get those who put police in jeapaordy in jail and prosecuted . Again, the facts presented in the original report I linked said blacks die more often when unarmed than whites, almost 50% more. If you do not believe that is a stat worth examining, i sure do.
  12. as much as i despise Trump, the one thing I always told my MAGA friends was he nailed the "what do you have to lose" piece when speaking to black voters during the last election
  13. but it is the conversation that needs to had. The evidence is incontravertible that arrest rates and convictions are much higher in the black population. Can a small percentage of that be ascribed to systemic racism? Sure, i am sure a small amount, and for a number of reasons. The lareger issue is you state above. I think it boils down more to economics and education...lower social economic folks tend to commit the most crime..i think that has been the case since time immororium. Just happens that a greater percentage of those folks in US society are minorties. I think the conversation needs to start there, at the grass roots level of educational review. Its not necessarily a money thing, as spend per student is highest in some of our poorest areas. And i dont have the answers right now, but i do know that this economy is moving more and more towards the have and have nots..and the haves have skills and education opportunities...until we can figure out how to tackle the education question, i think there will always be this divide. where did that stat come from? Not debating it at all, and it needs to be part of the conversation, just would appreciate the link. Again , two things can be right...why cant we have a discussion that encompasses all the facts
  14. who has said that in this thread? But to look at the numbers at say black folks die at a rate 2.8% greater rate than white people and deny there may be a systemic issue is putting your head in the sand. Let me ask you this way, what do you ascribe that increase in rate to?
  15. Never made any qualification one way or the other...and i used that study as it is peer reviewed..newer numbers out there. Is your argument based on this statement that most likley the deaths of black people was more " legally justifibale" than white people?
  16. the number of people killed by the police in custody by race vs the percentage of that race in the population of the population is in fact...fact. The number killed while armed by race is in fact..fact. Does not diminish at all what officers are faced with on a daily basis. But @SoCal Deek in one thread wants to use numbers as facts..and understands percentages etc, but is this thread chooses to ignore them.
  17. this math..the same that says yep cases are up 3%, but tests are up 12%... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6080222/
  18. cmon, you can do the math when it comes to Covid, but not when it comes to this situatiion. Thats just intellectually dishonest. Besides that, how many of these incidents happen without a camera present and never get reported? Just like in the pandemic, two things can be true .... yes, there is a problem systemically across the board..even if only 5% of police are bad, but they are allowed to operate without any consequences, that is a systemic problem. Yes, the idiots rioting and causing mayhem and propagating violence are to be condemned, and should be dealt with harshly and to the full extent of the law.
  19. This is the lunacy we deal with. BTW, that is one handsome guy who tweeted this
  20. Nope, it has magically gone away. Here is what i do know...if there is no spike in hospitalizations and ICU usage in the next two weeks, so almost 4 weeks from Memorial day and all the predictions of massive outbreaks...we gunna be in Orchard Park just like normal on Septemebr 13th!
  21. I mean.... I am a never Trumper and all, but my God the lunacy that is the press.
  22. Correct, this is from last week. The OP stated without the outside pressure and the video, he prolly would not have been charged, and that happens all to often when it comes to police and black victims. BTW, i wonder how hard it would be to have a seperate DA that only looks at these types of cases. Seems to me , i the DA has to work with that particular police force to do his job, it is an inherit conflict of interest of interest no?
  23. https://thesource.com/2020/05/29/watch-da-mike-freeman-there-is-not-enough-evidence-to-charge-the-four-minnesota-officers-in-the-death-of-george-floyd/
  24. if you go to DC, sit down and play a game. Great fun..They know i am a rank ametuer, more than happy to take my money! They also play in Dupont Circle, little more serious there, not as fun..younger crowd. The old guys in Lafeyette know tourists are their marks, so they keep light and fun
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