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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. the reporting today on the morning news shows were horrendous. "Spiked in cases" due to memorial day., all pictures of beaches, restuarants, and people getting their haircut, not one of a protest to open the Today show....not one mention of protests till the end of the piece. Scarborough going off for 5 minutes saying he has not seen Fauci in a month and that he has been silenced...pick up the phone and book him ya dumb ass, he is freer to speak now that he was on that damn stage.. In an unfortunate side effect of our current health system..how do hospitals runt that balance of being optimally utilized. being 50% empty is sure as not not sustainable, but runing out of ICU beds is not either. Either me or a family member has gone to the Emergency and needed to be admitted 4 times in the last 19 years, all non ICU...every single time had to wait from a couple hours till overnight in the ER waiting for a room to clear...seems like they always running close to 100% no? I get the fear of a huge spike overwhelming....tough business to be in
  2. the one that @Augie is not staying in
  3. cmon bro, you can not detect sarcasm? read my self quoted post...
  4. Why we waiting for test results. 90% of people on here had him convicted and sentenced
  5. hmm....wonder if anyone, after the last two weeks, has a difference of opinion now
  6. woohoo! And its only June 10th!!!! BTW, Megan Wise fits into the category "smokin hot"
  7. Thank you. I could find that.was hoping just for the speech .. I am gunna try to make a gif. That has to be a gif no?
  8. Hey all, I have a friend having an important meeting tonight, huge Bills fan, and i want to send him te Lous Saban " you can get it done " from NFL Films. I just cannot find it anywhere. Maybe some of you dark web dudes are someone under 25 or frankly the vast majority who are just smarter than me can find it? Thx in advance
  9. Agree with all your points @The Dean, except you forgot an extremely important piece , and that is the media. Both MSM and social media create opinion , and the bias, both ways btw, is appalling. just today , depending on the source , I can read how GA deaths and hospitalizations have fallen dramatically, or read that AZ ICU s are about to be overrun, both used , depending on author, as evidence that one way was better than the other. my point as evolved from the “‘experts” know , to nobody knows. Everything keeps changing, yet I am told to take continually take what the experts say as gospel. I get Breyer safe than sorry, but we ain’t safe under lockdown, just face a different set of risks.
  10. pull it now...i know this may be blasphemous here, but i would pay up for a night hame in Baton Rouge way more than this game with the Bills. BTW, stub hubs algos know have learned very wisely about quickly about #BillsMafia..
  11. you forget oh younging I am an old man who gets up at 4 AM...i start at 8!( noon for normal people)
  12. We need to be excellant to each other! o each
  13. Finally a smart man!!!!!
  14. Hey hey, lookee here..it only took a pandemic and rioting in the streets for us to agree on a post! See, 2020 is good for something!
  15. come live down here...and be raking leaves June-August from the damn Magnolias...they smell great, but what a damn pain in da arse
  16. while i am all fro winter>>>>>summer...maybe not in JUly LOL
  17. yep, it was a no go for me for the get go...love out home slate this year and will try to get to every home game( i live in Richmond VA)...and Denver. Would do Nashville again , but Allegiant switched their flight schedule there..so that a no go now as well
  18. summer sucks...
  19. oh my, i thought you were joking...looks nasty!
  20. Her is my point @Hapless Bills Fan, the messanging from "experts"..be they CDC, Fauci, WHO, Imperial College et al..the folks who are quoated most often have evolved like this No need to be concerned about this...to epic pandemic No need for masks... to masks are mandatory Spreads on surfaces... to little evidence of contact spreading Close all schools down...little evidence children spread the virus So dangerous based on asymptomatic spread..to little evidence that is the case Now there can be clear reasons for all of those changes.. but these major themes have all switched over time, public decisions that affect millions upon millions upon millions are based on them, and our fundamental way of life has been altered, maybe permanetly. Count me crazy if i think the " experts" will continue to make changes and revisions to things we "must do today"..that will than change in a few months time
  21. Berenson right 1) Virus hits folks with age and comorbidities much harder that the general popultion. 2) Morbidity rates amogst those without high risk factors is not greater than other viruses 3) it was an absolute mistake to force nursing homes to intake people that were still positive 4) No need to close schools, proven to not hit young people at any kind of rate that justifies all the negative affect that clsoing schoolls has caused. Experts !) No need to worry, this is not an issue 2) Come party in Chinatown, show your suppprt agasint racism 3) masks are ony for the sick, there is not proven science that masks help suppress transmisson of the virus 4) Asympatamatic people are super spreaders, 5)do you need more?
  22. i will refrain from making this political, but he has been right, and not wavered, unlike the "experts".
  23. what is going to be travel policy? Hmm..lots of fishy science in there..good thread on it here. I was all for lockdowns when this thing hit..and believe they have had the desired impact. Curve was flattened 6 weeks ago though. This from the WHO today is interesting as well...as this was a main facet of the lockdowns Again, we learn and learn as this things moves on...maybe temp checks are valid...and you can bet your right testicle will be happeneng at sports events when fans are let in! https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/08/asymptomatic-coronavirus-patients-arent-spreading-new-infections-who-says.html?__source=sharebar|twitter&par=sharebar
  24. Bad bets...go to some little joint that still offers 10X-100X odds...that your bet!
  25. so , still not willing to reveal true identity? why? Maybe a reason i dont understand, but i am willing tio listen
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