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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. You my friend, are no longer allowed at any TBD tailgate. @Cripple Creek, can you believe the nerve of this guy? Pulled pork in crock pot.... you like breading on your wings and then baked ??
  2. Hmm, expect some blowback on that statement. Warranted in my mind, but will leave my response to the PPP board, as i believe this belongs there as well. You should go there, ignore a bunch of the idiots, but the Covid thread( again, minus the trolls) discussion and articles on Covid are actually quite good and informative. BTW, i can help with who to put on ignore LOL!
  3. see, that is where the logic fails me...if before we were only testing people who had more severe symptoms, testing people with less sysmpotoms should yiels a lower positivity rate no? So lets say before we did 100 tests on really sick and older people, and 10 were positive, we have a 10% positivity rate. One would expect if we did 1000 tests and testing people with less symptoms and more do to contact tracing, same 1000 tests should yield something less than 100 positives. So increase in # of cases for sure, but decrease in positivity rate. But that is not what we are seeing, we are seeing like 120 positives? Agreed death rates are falling, but think we need to see 2 to 3 weeks out after these huge spikes in FLa etc
  4. someone help me out here why my logic is faulty. I may not be remembering correctly but are positivity rates not increasing,. If as stated above there was strict guidelines on who could get the tests earlier , i would think that would drive positive rates through the roof. Now, from the same tweet above( but not shown), 1/2 the people in that guys clinic are getting tests as asked by their employer due to contact( my daughter just had to do this) , would you not think positivity would be declining? BTW, funny here in the Richmond burbs..all the folks in my little circle were killing me for my stance on opening up etc last month...now its all their little darlings getting Covid from a series of high school graduation parties here in the West End of Richmond...classic case of do as i say...now they getting smacked on Social Media as its funny as hell. My daughter who is senior in college had to get tested cause someone she worked with was at the parties. She was negative BTW
  5. Hmm, certainly not seeing that in Richmond Va or the District as of yet, at least in terms of supply and pricing in the cities. One person in our building in DC just sold above asking in less than 4 days..all done virtually. We are about 1 mile from White House. In Richmond, we were hoping to make the switch from burbs to the Fan district, which contains Monument Ave..where the protests are all going on..nothing for sale. Conversely, nothing is selling in our burb neighborhood right now...and pricing dropping. Anecdotal for sure, and not Manhattan or Brooklyn if that is where your son lives...but sure wish it would happen here!!!!!
  6. man, yall eat some nasty?
  7. While I agree with most of this, I do think we need this to play out a few more weeks in terms of the death rate. I am really hoping it stays where we are today. Cause then it truly is back to 90% normal.
  8. well, think all of us having been in a lot and game for 10 hours helps out the " taste" of @Hammered a Lot wings! To say nothing of adult beverages! If I am going to take time to double fry, i do this method https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2012/01/ultimate-extra-crispy-double-fried-confit-buffalo-wings.html I posted recipe for Korean Wings upthread..i like that version way more the BonChon version, give it a shot And i dont think a place that does the volume the BarBill can double fry..way to much time and too much time to flip table!
  9. majority do not...and i doubt you can find a restaurant anywhere that does...
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jun/29/chesapeake-energy-fracking-pioneer-files-for-bankruptcy-owing-9bn Just of note, more debt than Exxon and Chevron combined.
  11. same wings as you are used to...no mutated chicken species! Here is the deal.."Buffalo Wings= fried once, no batter, thrown is some sauce once fried to doneness. Korean Fried Wing..cornstarch and flour based batter, fried twice, extra crispy..asian based sauce with gochujang, soy, ginger etc. Gochujang is a fabulous ingrediant in lots of stuff by the way. Korean fried chicken is same process using all parts of the chicken, not just wings.
  12. did oyu actually read the article? His distance smelling is a bit off...man, lets keep everyone in lockdown and schools closed cause one dude cant smell bacon from 50 metres. What an asshat headline, and people wonder why the media cant be trusted
  13. I will weigh in..i don't think there is any doubt positive cases have spiked in hot spot areas. To argue against that would be not following the numbers. If you claim to want to be numbers based , the numbers say there is a massive increase in positive cases in the hotspot states. Having said that, according to this newspapers website, a least in Florida, hospitalizations have not tracked with that surge. Deaths is a huge lagging indicator, so i dont think that is a good barometer for at least another 7-10 days. https://tallahasseereports.com/2020/06/24/two-charts-show-positive-trends-for-florida-in-coronavirus-battle/ But i have also seen a graph, which i could not find, where hospitalizations in Texas have corresponded directly with the huge increase in positive cases. It is something that bears watching, and to dismiss is just folly in my mind. And if you know my bent, it is this a virus that affects the elderly..but damn these case increases and positivity rate are worrisome numbers
  14. Fine, just let us pay no taxes then...i am sure all DC residents be fine with that. No thank you on the MD idea..lived there for a spell..DRM for a reason LOL This is just blatantly false, been an issue since i moved to DC in 87
  15. If i were the NFL, i would have everyone that will come into contact with players or even be in the facility tested now...and then set up some kind of structured testing process. And we as a country need sports, and there are tons of tests available now..should not be an issue So here is a good article about that..smart to be catching these early. No one requiring hospitalization, 50% asymptomatic...bright side says 20 some positives not out there spreading the virus...football is saving lives! https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2020/06/26/clemson-says-14-more-football-players-test-positive-for-virus-total-now-at-37/
  16. This account has been very good with the numbers. The premise is not that elevated temps get counted as positive tests, more the fact that elevated temp is a symptom of Covid, and therefore the tests are, of course, yielding higher positive numbers..affecting positivity rates. Agreed critical to know how many/much this is happening. The positive test rate scares me prolly more than the actual case numbers, as that indicates with 100% certainty that increase in testing is not why cases are skyrocketing in places, more people are getting Covid. But if that rate is increasing due to reasons like this, or better contract tracing etc, those data points are important to know as well Yes, i think it is close to 9000..very worrisome. Hospitalizations and death rates have not increase at same rate since 06/01, but damn that doubles cases from just yesterday. That can not be good in any shape or form.
  17. you and me both brother..that account had graphs that take me twenty minutes to figure out what he is saying
  18. I think what he is saying 956 get their temp taken everyday...people with elevated temp above a certain number are given a PCR test. Of those people, 18% actually had the virus. So while 956 were screened, the 103 given tests were already showing a symptom..therefore it would increse positive test rates, which is just as, or more scary than just pure cases ...and has been increases steadily in the hot spot states
  19. This type of information on actual numbers of companies who are temp testing before work would be very important. Not sure how they should count the "normal" temp who do not get tested, but can certainly see how this impacts on the percent positive increasing in the hot spot states. [Edit: Ah, Plenzmid? The PCR test data comes from diagnostic tests done by FDA-approved labs, not from individual companies scanning temperatures. The temperature scans are NOT being recorded as positive covid-19 tests, anywhere by anybody. That is a very confusing internal report of some company. If the client is reporting % temperature scans to the state, that does not mean the state is reporting them as positive RT-PCR tests results. If you feel they are, kindly provide a source - other than some dude with a Twitter. Now, the states WERE lumping together diagnostic RT-PCR tests and antibody test results for a while, but AFAIK that all got sorted and they stopped. -Hap]
  20. this is very interesting...he says 1000's of companies are doing this...any of yalls places of employement doing temp screens everyday? If so, see how it could have a massive impact on positive tests
  21. Florida's case numbers have been increasing at a good clip since ..wait for it, Memorial Day. Yet hospitalizations and deaths have not. https://tallahasseereports.com/2020/06/24/two-charts-show-positive-trends-for-florida-in-coronavirus-battle/ Now, 9K today, wow! Strictly my take on it...March and April only people getting tests were really sick, in higher risk groups, so naturally hopitilations and deaths were naturally going to higher. As we have gotten better at testing and contract tracing and more are available, many more asymptomatic people will be tested and those key numbers , especially deaths, just will not be the same percentage as when only really sick people were getting tested. Think Pence said nationwide April was 15% of positives hospitalized, today its less than 5%. And, I suspect in some, many hospitals that have been devasted by empty beds, a good number of those folks do not need hospitalizations. Having said that, the opposite would be Remisvider has to be administered in hospital and for 5 days i believe, so that is prolly also driving the hospital numbers
  22. Take a look at the charts posted below...not seeing that trend in Florida Obviously anecdotal...but now know 8 people who have tested positive for the virus, and none of them have passed it on to other household members. Interestingly enough, of the small number that have had the antibody test, none have come back positive for them either Why, very few requiring hospitalizations and very few at any risk of death. Funny how people are using March and April results and outcomes and not May and June. https://tallahasseereports.com/2020/06/24/two-charts-show-positive-trends-for-florida-in-coronavirus-battle/
  23. man, to think i could get paid for my lifes work! Wow, if i dont go 5 times a day I get worried!
  24. good article for parents here with young children and or want to weigh in with their school board. Essentially says no evidence of child to parent transmission in child care settings. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/24/882316641/what-parents-can-learn-from-child-care-centers-that-stayed-open-during-lockdowns
  25. can end this here..they all suck
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