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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/
  2. @Big Blitz ty! Will try to figure it out in AM
  3. aghh, i get it . So thats where that dwell time thing comes in. Thanks
  4. "at this Time " Hap..."at this time" they have baseball starting two months before the NFL. We still have hope!
  5. can someone explain this chart to me? I know I want to like that account...but his charts are so confusing to me so look at this site..it lists hospitalizations..where do you think that data is coming from..says from Florida DOH https://tallahasseereports.com/2020/06/30/two-charts-show-positive-trends-for-florida-in-coronavirus-battle/
  6. wanna bet game tickets this deaths for those 3 states combined will never go over 35K..with about 3 times the population of NYS I get it, Cuomo gives good press...but little things like people dying actually matter...and BTW, i despise Trump, love science and data...and what about your friend Newsom? First to lock down, one of last to open up...hmm, why do you conveniently leave him out Cuomo apologists are rapidly becoming the Pats fans of Americans...unbearable, at least Pats fans had wins under their belt
  7. why do you keep pushing btis erroneous narrative. What part of " at this time " does not register with you? letrs see..NYS state 32K deaths. Florida, Texas, Arizona..combined 7500 Asking for a friend which number is almost 5 X bigger... Go Bills 32K deaths vs 7500...combined Always funny why California is never mentioned when posts like this are made...wonder why?
  8. not saying it says specifically baseball, but read what i posted , this is right at the top of the announcment this document is predicated on the tenet that no live audience, fans, or spectators will be authorized to attend any professional sporting competition or training program at the time of publication."
  9. why do you say that..we are two months away. NYS Guidelines rules issues today https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/no-fans-allowed-new-york-state-issues-guidelines-for-reopening-of-pro-sports/71-58246890-54cd-4bc0-8ae3-5b4f5b4f8496 From the text..this is meant for baseball right now agree with this..no way they charging for preseason this year
  10. and you know as well as i , if the surge ICU was being maxxed, we would hear about it everywhere. This is what i did find https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-health/2020/06/29/arizona-coronavirus-update-steady-number-hospitalizations-reported/3278375001/ now, what that article does not state is is that after surge capacity was added or not? The larger point I was trying to make is we are a good month past when the "media" reported being at 100% cpacity for ICU..a month that saw expomential growth in cases..sometimes it does matter who and how the report is framed
  11. Okay, they really want to piss me off, make me eat two home preseason games..looks like games 1 nd 4 cancelled, both road games for Bills. PR says make the preseson games fanless no matter what..or free
  12. i agree if the numbers are correct, the numbers are correct. But as I mentioned this morning, maybe the numbers are not correct. When i googled Arizona Covid to look at varying sources, this was the number one result https://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/banner-says-icu-beds-are-approaching-100-capacity Look at the date on that sucker...almost a month ago we were told ICUs in Arizona were at 100% capacity...now it would make sense after a month of exploding cases and increasing illnesses that ICU usage would be stressed beyond compare...but i have not heard nor seen that yet. So yes, sometimes the source needs to be taken into account
  13. have no idea how this popped up in my Amazon Prime recommended...but damn is it bizarre/awful/awesome in that same Tiger King way. Made in 2009, i had never heard of it..worth a cringe worthy watch https://www.amazon.com/Wonderful-Virginia-Tribeca-Festival-Premiere/dp/B009ZQ7XKA/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=amazing+white&qid=1593626206&s=movies-tv&sr=1-2 hey @LewPort71, this clan live near you?
  14. Funny, i have always said that was one of the most fun games i have ever been too! 4PM start, was at Weichecks till like 3:30, in seats in time for kickoff...think i sat in about 8 different sections that day..the game was the game...but man i had fun! I don't remember anything about the Colts game..and i mean not one thing..but know i went!
  15. That was on a game by game basis...not a season long thing..only the games the scabs played in...and i went to both home games....for full price!
  16. Thank you..and just to clarify, wife had CBS on local to see something she wanted on the program before CBS morning news started. In the background i heard them report that 1200 number just after i had read the numbers on here...and why i want to send to one of the national guys for them to bring attention to it if thay are jacking the numbers by that much to spread fear.
  17. and that makes sense..but you and @shoshin seem to have been following the detah numbers more than others, and though maybe you guys, and i should include @Magox might have some insight on how they could be so far off.
  18. This makes total and common sense, which we had more of both in this world! Hope this did not hurt your Mom financially I did not see that in the mail..but i could have missed it
  19. okay, someone help me out here. CBS News reported this morning 1200 new deaths from yesterday, and both of yall saying not even close. Would really like to smack them over the head and send clip to Ethical Skeptic and Berenson , but want to make sure i have my numbers straight. Can either of you guys help me out here?
  20. you had more money than than ya do now! yep, throw massive amounts of slat and pepper on a butt, throw it in the oven at 250 for 8-9 hours, let it rest 30 minutes, throw it back under broiler for 15-30 to crisp up fat cap. Serve with some dipping sauces like chimichurri, nuac cham, or your favorite BBQ sauce. Just did this a few weeks ago when had a crowd coming over and could not attend the smoker properly..10 minutes to make sauces total...was perfect
  21. Need a couple more weeks, but lets say for discussion sakes the mortality rate continues to be low while the positive test rates continue to rise? Maybe then it becomes palatable to have fans? FWIW, i will keep my tickets no matter what, and hope we get some games in and get credits for the ones, if any, i am not able to attend per the Bills. My bigger fear is they have fans, but only allow fans from NYS to attend. Then i gunna have to hit up my daughter and have her order me a fake from her preferred vendor!
  22. ^^^^^^^That was awesome @Seasons1992, have fun in Berts Bikes lot next year!
  23. One can conservatively say Cuomo executive order to force nursing homes to take still positive cases in cost at a minimum 4300 deaths, and some think closer to 19,000 deaths....even at 4300 deaths more than other state in the country outside of New Jersey and PA. That order was 100% on Cuomo..no one else. https://www.businessinsider.com/cuomo-executive-order-4300-recovering-coronavirus-patients-ny-nursing-homes-2020-5 He gives great press conferences compared to Trump, no doubt. But numbers and outcomes are numbers and outcomes, and one just cannot argue he cost more lives in this pandemic than any other single person in the US with that order. Now that states like TX and FLA are getting their first wave, he is taking a victory lap which is quite disturbing to me .
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