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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. could be,,but age is obviously known, and i am sure any underlying conditions can be documented if teacher wants to stay home. But also see your point
  2. so you agree with Trump schools need to be open in the fall?
  3. you think schools should be closed obviously
  4. and those teachers should be able to stay home and get full pay and benefits, absolutely. But remember, the demographic of child care workers vs teachers is much different, and child care workers and their families are in a much higher risk group...so that is why people will be okay with keeping schools closed and forcing kids into childcare...
  5. good gif game, why you scared to discuss the subject? https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/07/03/big-factor-holding-back-us-economic-recovery-child-care/
  6. but just you wait and see, the very same people and politicians who scream we need to keep the schools closed will be the very same screaming ne need more money for expanded capapity in childcare so people can get back to work...cause ya know, the virus will spread like crazy in school and the teachers and the teachers families will be at risk, but it checks itself at the front door of a childcare center and the care givers there and their families are immune to the virus.
  7. i get that, an of course the most cases have the most death...but this weekend with the 3rd being a holiday we even more lag..1 death in Arizona...and unfortunately you had people using that number as proof Arizona had no issue! ( not here BTW).
  8. I have had two tests completed, and a 3rd coming up end of July prior to travel. It is not what you see on TV..barely noticed it
  9. This is an awful chart to use, especially after a holiday weekend. The Previous 3 days Arizona reported 17 deaths, then 5, then 1 death July 6th. So 4 day average =35. Now, lets see what happens next 3 days off that number...50 will not be a huge decrease, just as 117 was not a huge increase.
  10. I will come to her defense, she is in an impossible situation as a mod. We have had a productive back and forth over the last week or so, and i do get many of her points as well. As I told her, i get so frustrated but the misinformation and let it get my ire up, and should not let that happen..that board or here.
  11. Let me know when you present some cogent facts around positive test increases, hospitalizations and deaths in the spiking states and i will engage. Until then, continue on your political rant , and let your political ideology get in the way of rational discussions.
  12. Okay, don't engage in discussion and defend your position, or advance the discussion only say " what about" . Do you deny what was stated in the article? And Why? Why is Florida spiraling out of control?Please use important numbers and not just positive tests. I will take a serious answer to any of those
  13. Show me how Florida is spiraling out of control. And please use numbers that matter, not just case counts As to the bolded..follow your " good press conference equals good results mantra..i will take results. Cuomo is a politician, he was born to lie https://fee.org/articles/new-york-admits-to-intentionally-undercounting-nursing-home-deaths-after-changing-reporting-rules-report-says/
  14. Uhmm, i am pretty ***** sure the uneducated ones are the person who wrote that article , and the people who buy it lock, stock and barrel..like you. Read this again and tell me pray tell what be wrong with it. Jesus I fear for our country Students in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, who have been diagnosed with COVID-19have been attending parties in the city and surrounding area as part of a disturbing contest to see who can catch the virus first,
  15. Never said any such thing..what i said is a guy who has been in charge of a state with by far the most deaths in this terrible mess should not be taking victory laps. He made mistakes, he should admit them as he so bolded screamed from the mountaintops yesterday. Mistakes have been made , and will continue to get made..but to lecture others when your mistakes cost thousands of lives is beyond the pale to me. And as I said, Cuomo fans ( which i was until about a month ago)have become worse than Pats fans..almost glee in their voices now that other parts of the country are experiencing spikes in cases...like they would rather people get sick...i just don't understand it
  16. is there a pneumonia vaccine? One I have put off has been shingles, and getting signed up for that!
  17. See, we found something to agree on! And that @YoloinOhio needs to go tot he emergency room! BTW, i have volunteered to be in a test group for the vaccine..and while not in the high, high risk group..58 with a scooch of high blood pressure puts me in a bit of an elevated risk. Anything i can do to help this country get through this, i am willing to do.
  18. Should you not go to the emergency room if it does not soften before September?????
  19. and your point? Do you want me to quote a day from April? NYS 2K, Florida..7..and you never addressed your comment about 7500 dead in one day. Look, the whole country shut down when the poop hit the fan in Northeast, and there was barely a blip of this stuff in the majority of the country. And NYS had the curve that we tried to avoid, it was not flattened, it was an inverted U shape. We can do neither again. But as mentioned upthread..don't use March and April numbers to make decisions on July and August policy. Its just dumb...and to assume a 5x rise is cases is going to result in a 5x rise in deaths is just proven to blatantly false right now. Please get deep into all the numbers, noy just positive case counts. And please fo the love of god Cuomo stop taking victory laps with 32K dead in your state..it is unseemly.
  20. think two things can be true. Trump has failed miserably, Cuomo leadership is self congratulatory press conferences..taking a victory lap with 32K dead is unseemly to me. And i wish he would follow his own adb=vice yesterday..the buck stops on his desk, and admit he made mistakes as he was proselytizing yesterday. If the buck stops on his desk, the nursing home fiasco , and intentional mis count of nursing home fatalities, is on him, not the CDC. If the great results in the number of dropping cases is following the CDC guidelines, that's on the feds, not him. He is being a typical politician, no matter what party. Take credit for what worked like your a genius, deflect and blame me someone else for your mistakes..sounds like someone in DC
  21. One has 10X the amount of deaths? I will let you tell me which one
  22. all of this talk referring to ADP...only one conclusion. Everyone, right now, please overweight ADP in your portfolio. Thank you
  23. Great post, and i agree with much that you say here , especially the bolded and the last paragraph. Regarding your last paragraph..i think if you take what you say up post regarding better understanding of the virus and how it attacks , better treatments, better testing, protecting our most vulnerable, ..for all of those reasons and many more i think a return to sports and fans attending is inevitable, and well before a vaccine. BTW, i have been wearing a mask since late March indoors. I would encourage everyone to add Alex Berenson and The Ethical Skeptic to your twitter feeds.
  24. originally from the post i reacted to See, there is a reason why people cite these 3 and not California, which shut down first and was amongst the last states to "open" and which is also experiencing a huge spike in positives...and why my numbers were Florida, Texas, Arizona Promo ,that statement is not even close ....and this is the type of mis-information that does exactly no one , any good. I mean your perception 7500 people died in those 3 states when less than 200 did... take that across an entire country and think of why this whole situation is politicized and we are unable to have truthful discussions and policy made on numbers. from the recognized "source"..deaths yesterday NY=14 AZ=88 FL=49 TX=45 https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ All of them suck, be great if no one died of Covid, or Cancer, Or Drug Overdose...
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