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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. study after study after study thats says in person schooling is critical for the development of children, study after study that proves that students from lower income and minority families are disproportionately affected by school shutdowns, and not one study anywhere that shows the virus is transmitting from either child to child or child to adult in school settings. In other words, a disaster all around succumbing to media hysteria instead of facts...and hurting the very people the most who supposedly the "left" is fighting to protect. Awful
  2. My lord, what a shame this is what you think the role of government is all about..
  3. So looks like California is going back to shutdown mode eh? What a mistake. LA and San Diego county online school for the fall. What a disaster.
  4. Again, just anecdotally. Daughter took a test at a CVS here in Richmond on a Thursday , no results on Saturday , still no results. So she went to an instant test site so she could go back to work and received instant negative. She received negative result from CVS ten days after test. son just had to get tested to as a co worker of his tested positive. He is in Morgantown. Test at a clinic there on Friday, received results this morning, so just a couple of days and over a weekend. all over the board it seems. Wow, thought the Corona was the virus we fighting. Now it’s the very system that made us the greatest country in the world. do so hope you are just trolling and hyberbolic, or please don’t let the door hit ya!
  5. did not even click cause of that Euro trash?
  6. My reward points from Total Wine have skyrocketed!
  7. What part of this can you not understand.. He specifically said masks were of no use and never mentioned using cloth face coverings...he never said once "please, do not buy masks, but please cover your face with something to help limit the spread" so you have a choice of two things 1) he lied to Americans about the efficacy of face covering...believing one thing while telling us something different. You good with that? 2) He truly did not believe face coverings matter and changed his opinion as the evidence changed...that's what I believe happened. Have no idea why you want to believe he has no integrity, i respect the hell out of the man..appears you do not. Trump is a stooge and bad for this country...what the hell does that have to do with Fauci being wrong on so many aspects of this virus?
  8. 1) Not correct on #1..not even freaking close. Fauci said masks do nothing, zero, to help prevent the spread of the virus. Then changed it to any cloth covering works..nothing about production masks etc. If he truly thought masks helped stopped the spread in March and April, he could have simply said...we believe face coverings of any sort will help prevent the spread, but our healthcare workers need the masks..just use cloth face coverings at all costs!!! Its okay, Fauci is a human, not a God. He made a mistake, as every single human on this planet has. 2) Fauci voice would be even stronger if he went on TV then got fired. Are you that naive to believe he goes away if Trump fires him? Damn you really are dim
  9. 1) Aghh so now he was really right that it would die off in the summer., as he testified before Congress .and every college is going back early cause of those statements ...then come back strong in 2nd wave in the fall with flu...show me one place where he prediced this massive outbreak in the South. Show me one, thats all it will take.it And everyone never Trumper in the world is touting the fact that if we had only woron masks since the beginning, cases would be way down. Accroding to every media outlet simply wearing a cloth covering prevents spread of the diasease. So PLease for love of God address his remarks about masks then and now...and how you think it impacted not only national opinions but spread of the virus. 2) Are you saying Fauci is owned somehow by Trump? And yes, i am saying no way in hell is Trump retaliating against Fauci in any way shape or form from a purely political standpoint...but lets say Fauci believes he will be fired if he appears on TV shows. Are you saying Fauci is worried more about his job status at 79 then doing what is right and potentially saving hundred of thousands of lives? Do you think that little of him that he would protect his government job over doing what is right? Man, that's some poop right there. Listen, i think the guy is a stand up dude that deserve the respect and praise of this entire nation for his lifetime of great work . He has gotten almost everything on this virus wrong
  10. #1) Fauci has been wrong on just about everything so far..masks, # of infections and deaths, virus going away in summer only to get hit with 2nd wave, ..tell what he has gotten right 2) Fauci can go on any damn TV show that wants to have him on.. 3) Where the hell did this quote come from? You scared to post the source?
  11. i have had two tests, daughter one, son one..none of us reported anything like that, but have seen that on TV..looks nasty
  12. A week or so back, Jersey added 600 some deaths that had previously not been noted as Covid, to Covid. My guess is that is continuing to occur. Frustrating for sure
  13. Well, of course the only job left in a West Va paper is the photographer! AARP set, aka me, gets local papers for one reason, and one reason only. Obits. And BTW Margaret, you wonder why people call WAPO ( of which I am subscriber) propaganda at this point , all one has to do is read this oped. Talk about echo chamber.
  14. @Hapless Bills Fan, agree on we have plenty of studies and epidemiological( many i can barely say that word let alone spell it) knowledge ..but with other viruses, and not this one. This seems to be be behaving differently, but again agree way to little information to claim one way or the other. I am also of the opinion we need to make allowances for ALL teachers and support staff that have high risk factors..and by allowances i mean be paid in full etc. How that gets done, that's the tricky part. If say 20% of teachers and support have high rick factors and stay home...how does that affect class sizes etc? So many questions I have let Richmond Public Schools know I am more than happy to help in the classroom any way i can, but lord knows I am no teacher...but will do my part if they need me in any way..including janitorial work and working the cafeteria etc .
  15. according to this chart, 14 years and under we have had 14 deaths, and we are at least 6 months in. https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Death-Counts-by-Sex-Age-and-S/9bhg-hcku And according to this website, we have appx 60,000,000M in that population https://www.statista.com/statistics/241488/population-of-the-us-by-sex-and-age/ so14/60,000,000M is equal to .00000023. I am not talking IFR, but death rates vs the population. It is a statistical blip. In terms of schools and being disease amplifiers, we have little to go on outside of other countries and some anecdotal studies. Here is one article that points to their being little risk of transmission. Lets not forget, these were daycares catering to front line responders, theoretically the very same people who should carry highest risk of infection, especially early on when PPE was not the best. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/24/882316641/what-parents-can-learn-from-child-care-centers-that-stayed-open-during-lockdowns On the flip side of that, we have the 82 sick at the Missouri camp. Now, sleep over camp completely different, but a development that bears watching without doubt. Another good article about schools opening from ab
  16. where did you get those numbers ? Need to be correct, worldometers has 890 https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ Thing to remember there is that number is based on cases with outcomes....how "outcome" is determined i am not sure
  17. The point being that the authorities in Tulsa state there was several large gatherings besides the Trump rally, they have contract tracers working like crazy and as a result of those contract tracers they are requiring restaurant and BAR employees to wear masks. does that scream a “ superspreader” event? No, it does not. Cause just like we have learned about choir practice etc being a super spreading event, we would know in a flat minute if contract tracing pointed to the Trump rally being one. BTW, as I said at the time, we should have paid those people to attend and become part of an experiment on how the virus spread at an event with some scale indoors. I would love to see numbers related to that to further our understanding in that front.
  18. Did you read this piece? When asked if the cases in Tulsa are going up due to the rally on June 20, Dart said that there were several large events a little over two weeks ago. Bynum said that ordering masks for employees at bars and restaurants has helped the Tulsa Health Department with their contact tracing by showing them what the leading contributors are to cases in the Tulsa area. hmm, so in first paragraph there are indications of several events that took place in Tulsa, now 18 days ago as the article points out and incubation tone is 3-14 days. also says their contract tracers are swamped and working overtime. If Trump rally alone caused the infection, pretty damn easy to spot that no? and last paragraph states they are ordering masks at bars and restaurants as they understand leading contributors to cases rising. hmm, all that and all ya had to do was read.
  19. all good points..and let me counter and hope you grant me the benefit the doubt you ask. I do not not have people in 'high risk" groups as you do, and ceratinly that impacts our views. I do however have two kids who lives are being dramtically impacted, even though all evidence points to the fact they are are at less risk from Covid than the ordinary flu, or less than .0002 percent chance of dying. And yes, that number is correct. And yes, case rates have been escalating since Memorial Day. Deaths have not escalated at same rate. So we are a good 7 weeks since then, when do we say its evidence? After 12 weeks? If it changes, it changes. but i hope policy makers are not going to use numbers from NY and NJ in March and April to form policy moving forward
  20. just curious...do you have any idea on the age of the new positives? Also, was there any other events in the area during that week? I have no idea, but assume tyou are saying no other events took place in Tulsa in the days around the rally. From your article
  21. or maybe, just maybe, the areas where the peak had already occured, not much of a rise. But those areas where the virus was just starting? Like texas, Florida, and Arizona and California? Maybe it helped fuel the explosion in cases
  22. So it took this chucklehead 6 minutes to finally getting around to “ good news is death rate keeps dropping “. And you can tell in his voice, he wishes more Americans would be dying. so he could be “ righter” Hope the door did not hit your backside when ya left
  23. 36 in Arizona today..Jersey with a spike to 71..something not right there. Still awaiting Cali and Texas...Florida at 49 btw
  24. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/30/us/coronavirus-schools-reopening-guidelines-aap.html https://www.npr.org/2020/06/24/882316641/what-parents-can-learn-from-child-care-centers-that-stayed-open-during-lockdowns You need more ? Or is the American Academy of Peditrics not good enough? And in and article researched and reported by well known Trump mouthpiece NPR. sources like the conservative bastion Brown University and the YMCA have zero instance of transmission in child care centers catering to children of front line workers..you know the very people who are working with Covid patients everyday.
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