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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. have no idea how my original post ended up here...meant for another thread
  2. same way i do when anyone gets sick with any disease, its sucks, but its the human condition. Arizona has always seemed to really increase on new deaths on Tuesdays.
  3. Thought Trump handled himself well today..measured, did not get in pissing matches with the reporters, sounded calm and informed...
  4. I took that as 70% of the $600 initially in next bill, but like yu he is going fast and I may not be hearing everything correctly
  5. WTF..this is a Covid press conference..not Maxwell...ughh ohh, Trump wishing her well. That's gunna be in an ad tonight
  6. And not it devolves based on a question, not Trumps fault. wisj he would have addressed the "it will get worse before it gets better" on this question
  7. the 4 vaccines are in advanced trials..mass producing all 4 so that the minute one gets approved, can get it out to the public immediately. Man, thats lots of money, and also great news
  8. mass producing top 4 vaccine candidates
  9. asked for mask wearing again
  10. Why did he say "will get worse before it gets better"?
  11. i am freaking old, cant make "lying B word" or "dont want to engage"...maybe they really said lets get drinks at 5?
  12. wife and I were just talking about this. Friend of hers opeartes/owns several of a higher end "pre-schools franchise here in Richmond. Prints money in normal times. Now, she is actively looking for retail space to do grade 1-8 instruction during the day...and man it will not be cheap.but the demand from her clients is so great she said she has to do it. And the divide will grow ever larger still between those who can afford this and those who cant. Anecdotally, also found out the private school here in Richmond where my kids went K-12( Russell Wilson went k-12 too!) is bursting at the seams with new applications as parents try to find any solution to getting their kids in school, now that most school districts here are going virtual for at least the first 9 weeks. Collegiate is doing 5 days on campus, in person , instruction. Good for them! And again, the divide will grow even greater
  13. Well, thought is many more people have had it than than positive tests indicate. Weare well over 1%..hell NY did studies and 22% had the antibodies..anecdotal evidence that maybe herd immunity is reached at 20% or so
  14. we can get in a wordsmith debate about " defunding" ...but i think that belongs in another thread..hate when this thread gets into the other stuff...my bad.
  15. the implication is people do not trust Trump based on the media..i do not trust Trump based on his actions and words..nothing to do with the media I did What a pure chit show those are going to be...but they will be must see TV. Be interesting to see who makes more mistakes
  16. maybe not..this paper speculates could be much lower ..at the 10-20% level. Non peer reviewed certainly, but interesting https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.15.20154294v1
  17. has nothing to do with CNN or any media, has to do with Trump and words that come directly out of his mouth..crimminy even in the interview yesterday he was caught telling a falsehood about Biden..
  18. hmm, not quite. Maybe its the fact he is constantly using alternative facts . I don't think it was part of his reasoning, i think it is 100% his reasoning. I will watch tonight, if it turns into a rally I will turn it off quick as can be.
  19. Interesting article here from 5 Harvard Professors in the Boston Globe. Tons of great links embedded in the story on effects of opening schools etc. Some snippets from the article. I copied link at opened in Incognito mode on Chrome to avoid paywall. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/07/20/opinion/listen-science-reopen-schools/ Some relevant quotes [Edit: thank you very much @plenzmd1! So here's the thing - implementing risk reduction strategies costs money. Many school districts around here, have kleenex and colored pencils only because they ask parents to donate.]
  20. now its even Harvard that is saying forget the hatred from Trump, listen to the science, and reopen schools now https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/07/20/opinion/listen-science-reopen-schools/
  21. Hey Augie, my radar went up on this story yesterday... Friday night a friend of my daughter told me the exact story at dinner, and then heard the exact same story again last night from a bartender at golf course. And i do mean exact same story. My guess is it will be proven that this prolly did happen somewhere, but has now taken over the social media of people under 30. But like you, so hard to know what to believe and what is agenda driven.
  22. saw it last week on the Northern Neck of VA around 4:45 AM, very little light pollution there, perfectly clear with both naked eye and binoculars. Preety cool
  23. watch this piece, and then watch the reaction of the anchor at the end of the piece
  24. @B-Man, and anyone else interested in the history of the Freedom Riders...rent or watch this film. I knew so very little about before i watched this. https://www.amazon.com/Freedom-Riders-Stanley-Nelson/dp/B084F21RFN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=73F6X58DY4W1&dchild=1&keywords=freedom+riders&qid=1595159474&s=movies-tv&sprefix=freedom+%2Cmovies-tv%2C256&sr=1-1 The courage of these people will leave you awestruck. If you have children, I would highly recommend buying the film and watching with them.
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