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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. I could see guys leaving after the "opt out " timeframe. Things can change, and some may decide in 2 weeks they are not comfortable based on changing numbers, conditions etc
  2. and thats kinda my point Hap. I had Lasik performed in 1999,,so a little over 20 years ago. Not one little problem with it. You are saying scientifically we will not know long term affects until 30 years now, when i am long dead and buried.All the while, from what i could tell then and i assume is still true, the number of people who have issues with Lasik has been so infinity small that i was then, and would be today, willing to take the risk based on all available data to have the last twenty years of awesomeness. ( to be clear, most of those issues listed are to be expected after the surgery) I think the vast majority of athletes would say based an all known facts i am willing to play/train/compete right now...and yep understand there may be, stress, maybe , long term effects not known yet. Lord, we dont know the long term effects cell phones might have on brains yet...should we make everyone stop using them for the next 40 years till that has been dutifully studied? I mean even Fauci said this thing never going away, so when do we propose we get back to normal life...5 years? 10 years ? When will it be safe knowing the overwhelming vast majority of people who get this thing, especially athletes, and are either asympotomatic or have flu like symptoms? Seems to me we would never have a path forward. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/22/dr-anthony-fauci-warns-the-coronavirus-wont-ever-be-totally-eradicated.html
  3. I know several elite swimmers. Not a one worried about long term effects of Covid, except how it affects training for Summer 21 Olympics. That’s it,, hard stop. The owner of this site I think, and I may be wrong is convinced we don not know the long term effects on LASIK I do not want to put words in his mouth, so hopefully @SDS can weigh in here.
  4. I have now moved to he is being sarcastic.
  5. Hey, look, a drunk fan slid down the rail at the stadium and injured another fan...close the upper deck cause one person was an idiot!!!!!
  6. That sucks
  7. wow, that's messed up. I mean i can see not being able to say my grandparents are 75 or something like that..but man your wife ??? I hope the NFLPA fights that one..unless i am missing something..which i prolly am as i am still not sure i understand these opt outs
  8. with the likes of you, @LeviF91 and @mead107 living up there, what they really need to do is find protection of another kind for all the female sheep in Saratoga County
  9. Argh...thank you ......now why is that not considerdd high risk? NFLPA gotta fight that one no?
  10. why would you listen to any of these guys, no matter what "side" they are on. Why not research the numbers for yourself, analyse the available data out there, and educate yourself and make informed decisions based on that knowledge. Seems the right way to go to me.
  11. hmmm , Kyle Peko...did his wife have a high risk pregnancy or something last year? Seem to remember something when he was with the bills last year
  12. Your response directly related to players. And as i said..the players are making the decision to play . And let's be clear, I have enough respect for them to understand they have considered and weighed the risks to play, and have made a decision to play. Why can you not respect that decision? Do you think you are smarter than them? So Cuomo says its okay to play, none of the other governors have shut it down, the players individually have decided to play...and yet Dan says they are all wrong, he is smarter than all of those people...and he is especially smarter than the dumb dumb players who are only playing because they are forced to...do i have that right? To your second point, I think as American citizens they have the right to choose to go to a legally sanctioned place of work... and work. Do you not believe that is their right? And if your point is if they go to work they might spread it to other people when they leave, we need to shut down EVERY place of work right now, Do believe if is your right as an American citizen to watch and be entertained by these same men as they suffer brain injuries and illnesses at much greater rates than their country men for your entertainment? I will not get into a serious discussion with you on the demographics of the virus and at risk groups, excess deaths associated with the virus, the effects lock-downs are having on our society, and the world at large. Suffice it to say the damage being done to the world is unbelievably sad, and unfortunately we don't get these stories as it would make people understand this is not a zero sum game... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/virus-linked-hunger-tied-to-10000-child-deaths-each-month-un-finds
  13. yes, so you can't answer the questions or address the specific comments, so you deflect! Brilliant!
  14. i could copy and paste this everywhere as my thoughts on this thing.
  15. if this was a would ya thread..100%%% I do not discriminate based on party!!!
  16. i have the point, and i believe it is immentialy defensible, that havig college football this year is safer for the players than not having college football. If the school is open, college kids gunna college kids, go to parties, share funnels, not wear masks , and ultimately end up swapping bodily fluids at the end of the night.( BTW, that gunna continue to happen at most schools that have large off campus housing demos). Least the football players are tested regularly, and most likely feel an obligation to their teammates , especially as the season get closer, to stay away from the parties , wear mask etc. PLayers aint getting this thing in practice or games, they getting out doing what males 18-35 have always done, and always will do.
  17. uhmm, my guess is WAY more will end up with a serious medical conditions both long and short as they choose to they play a violent sport that puts their health at risk every single freaking day.. Are you okay with the NFL players putting themselves at risk for long term brain damage? you do realize not a single one of the NFL players, and I do mean , not a single one is an indentured servant or somehow forced to play correct? not only that, they have the option to get a decent stipend and NOT PLAY this year..have ya heard of a little thing called an opt out? Or, are you one of the people who just assume because they are football players and most likely black they are too dumb to make an informed decision , weigh the risks and do what best for them and their families, and therefore some smarter person should do it for them? Like you? I despise hypocrites more than any other political bent. And, Just like my point above, seems to me you come to a NFL message board, and I dont remember you screamimg to shut it down due to all the health risks associated with a violent game..please show where you have done that https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex Less than 600 males under the age of 34 have died in this country ...yes total...in a demographic of well over 50M...so , ya know..NFL players are in HUGE peril!
  18. Man, watching on and off last couple of days makes me all kinds of pissed at JBOT again. Their presentation seems to be far and away the best so far. 25th... ?
  19. OKay , i know i started this sucker nearly a year ago, but finally tried the Popeyes spicy sandwich yesterday. This is not even a contest...Popeyes wins this battle, and its not even close. I ordered a meal, had them substitute the mash and gravy for the fries...sandwich was so big saved the mash for later. I am not a small eater. Winner winner chicken sandwich!
  20. I have found this particular brand of CBD products to be the best out there..bar none https://ikorlabs.com/daily-menu/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwgo_5BRDuARIsADDEntRIqx-mx_0BKWzwWm2ANMwv_l-ezDOXf2LE8t3lP-JckzE78QBV1EsaAm2REALw_wcB Well, to be fair, they are the only ones I have used, and my buddy started the company and i am an investor! So buy away!!!!!! In all seriousness, this particular company is focused on formulation CBD products that facilitate maximum recovery for athletes between workouts. I do have access to a decent discount, hit me up via PM if you are at all interested in trying any of the products
  21. @IDBillzFan, i still laugh at the thread...oh the horror golden boy TG was gunna leave TBD if we all did not lap up his infinite wisdom.
  22. Man, I had a great idea. We could pin this thread so all political talk could go here..and people would be free to state their opinions, all opinions are welcome, and we give the mods like @Hapless Bills Fan and @Chandler#81 and @SDSa break. Even better, we could maybe make it a subforum like "off the wall"..Even better, we could make it its own forum..like PPP..wait, whats that? Listen, i get emotional on here about political things as well, and this virus has made me even more cranky. I put it on TSW board, and look back and know it takes away from the TSW focus, which is and should be the onn field Bills. PPP is the place this discussion belongs, and it is actually a great place state your ideas, just have to be able have them questioned and be ready to defend them. By the look of this thread, most of you do so very well. The vast majority of people there are good, just block the folks who are only there troll( both sides have them BTW).
  23. haha!!! is that your way of saying no college age hottie will talk to you?
  24. Damn it, I don’t watch the comic book movies, ( cause I have a brain?) so I don’t quite get this reference! and @Royale with Cheese, find some college age hottie and sign up using her college email. $99
  25. Si what happened to the mask?
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