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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. son name Son named jack, so dog will get confused when i cussing out son and not him. Family consensus is Taylor..i am partial to Gus. Seeing as i out numbered , prolly going to be Taylor
  2. So don't listen to all the chit some knuckleheads may give about staying at the Hilton. I will give the benefit of the doubt and assume you using points. if not, i will join the chorus to stay in a non -chain hotel. If no points are being used, look at AirBNB and VRBO for a great apartment in a cool neighborhood for less money. Next, look at getting the Paris Museum Pass. Not only is it cost effective, there is a separate entrance for pass holders and virtually no lines. http://en.parismuseumpass.com/ Versailles is a early morning must. Get the train from Paris, get there early. Rent bikes on the grounds for a great tour of the gardens. As crazy as it sounds, the Sewers tour is actually quite cool http://europeforvisitors.com/paris/articles/paris-sewers-museum.htm And there are a million other tips to be given. Buy a Rick Steves Paris book , worth its weight in gold . http://www.amazon.com/Rick-Steves-Paris-2016/dp/1631211854 All that being said...enjoy the city like a local. Go to Frommagerie and get some awesome stinky cheese, then go the patisseries and get awesome bread, and dont forget the great cheap wine at the store. Have a great happy hour at the hotel/apartment. Then go hangount at a cafe and soak in all that Paris is, and dont worry that everyone smokes.Have a cheap dinner in close quarters at non tourist brasseries. In other words, worry less about the tourist chit, and enjoy the city as the locals do!
  3. Thank you all for the input, some great ones here!..we have given ourselves till tonight.
  4. Princess Bride His Girl Friday
  5. Not an Orange fan, but i be rooting for them as so many Orange fans on here!
  6. Long story, but just adopted a new puppy. We already have 5 yr old lab/chow mix named Fitzy. This a male boxer/bully mix i think, about 9 weeks old the shelter thinks. White head and face, brindle body. My gut will be about 60lbs when fully grown. Looking for suggestions with a Buffalo sports theme...suggestions welcome
  7. Great point on the standing...i prefer to stand, even use a standing desk in my office. I have gone a few Penguin games, and in their arena you enter the upper bowl at the top and then walk down, just like you did at the Aud. They sell standing room only tickets with numbered spots around the top, each spot has a little bar to rest your beer and a hook for your coat. Best seat in the house as far as I am concerned. I would love to see them do something similar at the Ralph. Plenty of room up there, nice potties...throw a beer vendor up there and it would be perfect! Would move my seats in heartbeat if they offered that.
  8. ton of usage on game days. not so much other times that i can tell, but game days are packed.
  9. Look at the Chicago model..Kane is good player, but don't think he is "core" . Think Buefuflyn(sp) ..that dude was a beast of their first cup team...gone that summer.
  10. Disagree. Eichel, Stamkos, O'Reily, Reinhart, Risto and one More great D....thats your core, fill in the rest. I did not see that. I know the play you are talking about..but it was out of the camera angle...do you a link?
  11. Lighten Up Francis...was only joking! But does show us West Enders have lots more fun!
  12. Someone actually likes the South Side ? For us West Enders, that would be a shocker to hear BTW, dont think you can hide from me...at the very least your new company is thinking new ATS, and our first meeting will be the Friday before the opener in your office in Buffalo....someone got to pay for that flight!
  13. Congrats!!! First order of business at new company is implementing a new Talent Acquisition platform !!
  14. Caught a few minutes of GR this morning. Jeremy was asking what do we want the outcome of the game to be tonight? If the Leafs win, they pass 3 teams...Wow 3 teams!!! With a few more wins, they could be picking like 7th or 8th!!!!!
  15. Saw Freddys Doughnuts on there, should have put Freddys Special from Cassidys on that list! Could have put cases of OV splits as well . and .75$ blues at the Locker Room on Tuesdays. And i was a semi regular at the Continental in the summers of 81-85...makes me laugh now!
  16. be at least 14 rows up if want to be between the goal lines. Any lower you will have some obstructions with the glass, PB, benches etc. 1st row directly behind the goals is also very cool.
  17. Agreed! Must be 18 and just graduated high school
  18. isn't 5 they can bring in outside review? So i say 4 at most.
  19. I think you are dead on the money saying he had a nice statistical year. The problem is not a lot of those stats were garnered in the 4th quarter of tight games. We have had thread upon thread here bout Fitz being Fitz...he might get ya close, but he will be Fitz in the end. And the bills are still ridiculed over that contract, especially on this board. (BTW, I was all for the Fitz extension) Someone please point out to me based on one season how Tyrod is different? Made a play in Tennesee, yes. But i think he had 5 4th quarter drives either tied or behind by a score, and Tennessee was only game they scored points. His overall body of work in "clutch time" , right now, leaves something to be desired. And in a league like the NFL where the margin of victory is more often than not 1 score, 4th quarter play matters! Only problem i have is everyone saying " if he has a good year they will just tag him" . Problem is Glenn has the tag now, and if no long term agreemnt is reached by July 15th, that means either him or Tyrod be UFA next year. They also have to deal with Gilmore, or he will also be a UFA next year. Only one tag, 3 key players to get signed.
  20. As Friedman said in 30 thoughts, tough to prove it here...but lets see what the 2nd contract looks like. He had some interesting takes this week on how some of these deals are shaping up relative to the expansion draft. I like seeing Fashing play as much as the next guy, but going to the AHL on an ATO would have prolly been best for the team...now he will most likely need to be protected in the draft. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/30-thoughts-adam-oates-responds-critics/ BTW, i always think that may be the best weekly column in all of sports
  21. Proud of the boys coming back in the 3rd. 3-3 has improved dramatically last couple of chances..
  22. oh my...just finished the 2nd. Total domination again tonight. These two games are as bad as they have looked in a bit. BTW, said as soon as Dunleavy said.."Sabres have weathered the storm,game has settled down" ...told my son jinx,jinx,jinx...he needs to to learn for next year when it matters
  23. White Shadow marathon coming up on FS1 I know i will DVT these, coinciding with my high school years http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/latestnews/2016/03/29/fs1-s-white-shadow-marathon-
  24. Good point, I did not think of that. But I still think going to some 2nd line guys against dog chit tired guys is better than some strategy that may or may not play out depending on faceoff outcome. As 26 mentioned, they did get some great chances... So there is that. But maybe they score if the Red Wing guys didn't get the rest. Like I said , my son thought I was idiot too!
  25. My son thought i was nuts...but can someone tell me why Danny boy called that timeout last night? Cant remember the Wings player they showed, but NBC showed him sucking wind as soon as the lineman hand went up. I was screaming at the TV for the linesman to hurry up and not that dude lollygag to dot....when the whistle goes and the Sabres are calling a timeout??? Did i read that wrong? Did y'all think that was the right call there?
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