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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. less than 5m people, island nation, economy down the pooper..dependent on tourism...when/how do they reopen?
  2. your boy Timmah at it again tonight on twitter...that boy may be the dumbest "big J" dude ever..reads headlines
  3. How long till here?...
  4. i may drive the 8 hours, tailgate at @Hammered a Lot if Orchard Park lets him open, and watch the damn game in the lot with my nephews and friends
  5. Dan Patrick reporting he has sources saying SEC recruiting teams to play one season in the SEC
  6. yep, and no matter how much i tried to tell my kids that it was not worth it, to them it was , and i get that..i was young once too ( as hard as that is to believe!) Those fakes are unbelievable...
  7. And whats nuts is the bar code works
  8. I always thought of mumbo sauce as a DC thing..like go-go music and half smokes...been eating it since I moved there in 87..good article here about mumbo sauce wings just published a few days ago.Wings in mumbo almost strictly a carry out thing, in neighborhoods nary a tourist has ever set foot...cant ever remember seeing it at a sit down place, but i am sure some have it. Much like "buffalo" wing sauce, not all mumbo sauce is created equal..some really hot, some more acidic, and some more sweet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/goingoutguide/restaurants/get-reacquainted-with-dc-through-its-famous-mumbo-sauce/2020/08/05/9b78dda4-d340-11ea-8d32-1ebf4e9d8e0d_story.html
  9. Any ones with half a chance to get drafted no way playing in the spring.
  10. the way i interpret that..160K deaths "with" Covid... 54K because of the response to Covid ( they don't count to people like you, I know, only deaths that matter now are Covid).. Net+104K deaths without lockdowns...do i have that correct? And please don't come to me with those folks 54K probably died of Covid...probably Covid folks are already reflected in the 160K as you know
  11. That cause it explicitly says “‘offer not valid for dumb asses”
  12. Hmmm, don’t remember em... but no internet back then!
  13. There are still minimum requirements to play college athletics, all college athletics. What they do with the chance once they get there is up to them. But playing just about any sport, at most levels but especially D1, usually affords special academic resources
  14. 2 things 1) they play the most complicated game in all of sports..no matter the position 2) they got in college, which comes with requirements better question is why do you assume they are not?
  15. That"s on the players dude, and vast majority of players are better of with the academic support they get through sports than if they were in school without that support. I hate the NCAA, but NIL gonna have widespread implications.Top guys in revenue sports gunna get endorsements, everyone gunna get taxed on value of scholarship... why do you assume football players are not smart?
  16. this is not a pure "roll it to next year" . The "seat contribution" is forfeited in all 3 scenarios...my guess would be that is 3x the ticket price for any decent ticket.At least $5K per seat for rows 7-50 between the 20s.
  17. College so different than pros. Can you imagine the backlash if the Bills said “‘if you don’t roll over as a credit, you lose your seats”. Or even better , “ you lose your sat donation blackmail no matter we don’t have a seat for you to sit in” I get college is different , but damn the pitchforks for the Pegulas would be out if the Bills came even close to this policy.
  18. Hey Pal, just so’s ya know ... I grew up in the Love Canal( no poop). So what ya getting at?
  19. Yes sir, but I prolly overreached with the .edu. I did sign my son last year , freshman in college... I think just the .edu worked but I could be wrong. To be fair, that gets you one stream. I usually have two TVs going.. one Bills, one Red Zone, is that offer no good for me.
  20. On the flip side, you can come and watch the opener with me and that experience alone is worth more than gold. I might even feed ya!
  21. If you know someone enrolled in college with an active .edu email...the college plan is only $99 for the stream.
  22. Look at this from Penn State and their ticket policy this year. yowser...guess they think Happy Valley faithful made of money. In any case, you donating your PSL(seat contribution lol)
  23. Not near as excited..prolly more due to just being worn out mentally. Must admit, not being in the stands has me really bummed out too...thats is more than half the fun to me
  24. I agree no leverage. And not to get way deep in the weeds , but pushing out till new media deals are done and new cap figured out could possibly be an advantage for the player.
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