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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. If i was looking for just pure nonsense, I would talk directly to you While we did not have seasons, my first games were at the Rockpile. Sure several of us on here have memories of that joint. I always felt the lower bowl being below grade was the number one reason refurbishing just could not work. Prolly goes hand in hand that without making those lower bowl concourses any wider and thus more accommodating, tough to charge market rates for a subpar experience. Looking forward to when the first lower bowl folks go.. had enough of hearing from you stinky club seat holders, you are all rich and snobs and according to so many here vile people and deserve our disdain!!
  2. My first job out of college in 86 went to a Cuse BB game with a coworker and his dad. My first big time college sporting event. 10 rows up, mid court. I could not believe they were only $10 as printed on the ticket. That’s when I got an education on how tickets worked in college LOL. So been at least 40 years, prolly 100 it’s a pay to play system in college athletics! I mean this sincerely, we just getting old and getting tired of 50 years of disappointment. Last 3 years have been especially hard on the disappointment meter. In a sense , was easier during the drought years when a single victory brought joy into our lives lol. Hard now when only a Super Bowl means they met expectations. Don’t, that is pure BS.
  3. Hmm, I split 4 tickets with another guy, and he lives in Boulder. Makes just about every game. (Denver to Buffal direct!) but ain’t no way anyone calling that old bastard “ kid”!!!!
  4. great boiled down quote ( not exact) from Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume The rich are the most discriminated against set of people across the world. Everyone just assumes because you are rich, you are an arsehole. Well let me tell you something, i indeed have met a lot of rich ####### in my life. But I have also met a whole ton of poor #######. When ya get down to it, the only real difference in the two is the rich can at least buy their own drinks!!!!
  5. Never understood this sentiment. Do you think because someone can afford better seats they are less of a fan? I know plenty of folks in the clubs, almost 80% drive over 3 hours to be at the games. I have good seats, about 25 yd line 22 rows up. I drive 8 hours each way for almost every home game. You think because someone can afford decent seats, that somehow makes them less of a fan? You know who gives up seats the fastest when the team gets bad? The folks in the cheaper seats They are the ones usually only in when the going is good.
  6. Quick question that I hope you have the answer. is there a set amount via the funding agreement with State/County/Bills that states a set amount that can raised via PSL? So a cap of say $120M through PSL purchase. or is it the Pegulas have to fund say $500m( I don’t know the actual #) and if they can raise 100% of through PSLs, that ls great for them! thanks
  7. Legends are pros, no doubt. So, everyone loves getting a deal. Go into a room and ask " raise your hand if you got a good deal last time you bought a car"...every single stinkin hand will go up. And that's why all the car dealers are broke ya know. Right now... STH holder in row 18, section 337... all up in arms now saying " I ain't paying $20K PSL, hell no" When the PSL price comes out and its $1500...they gunna be like" that's not $20K, i am getting a much better deal, i am in" they got a deal!
  8. For your wife? I will personally bartend for her. 61 one year old, fat, balding, broken down Bills fan. I can even wear extra clothes for her!
  9. That’s absolutely your right and you should do what you want! I understand it 100%. I also understand the Bills have the right to charge what they do and another fan has the right to pay that! God Bless America!
  10. I keep forgetting that fat dress wearin old bastard is in my town now! Jay, I m callin ya brother !
  11. So you say yourself “ upper deck seats that are affordable”. Guess you never fly cause sounds like you ain’t willing to pay to sit in first class, and economy does not provide those same amenities. now, if I paid the $20k and the bartender was some fifty year old fat dude vs a smoking hot young lady, then I might get my hair all up in a dander!
  12. If you want to sit if the fanciest seats and at midfield, then it’s $20k! Do you sit in the fanciest best seats in the house when you go to games now? If not why worry what those folks are paying. It’s their money, spend it how they wannt. as mentioned over and over , 20k is for CLUB SEATS ,MIDFIELD , HEATER, GREAT FOOD , SPECIAL ENTRANCE , BETTER POTTIES ,BAR TABS , HIGH END BOOZE PROLLY EVEN SMOKING HOT 26YEAR OLD BARTENDERS AND SERVERS BRINGING DRINKS TO YOUR SEATS ! if ya don’t have those things or are willing to pay for them, your PSL will be DRAMTICALLY lower.
  13. Bills game not a necessity? Don’t tell my wife that, been telling her for 28 years Bills before her! If someone bought PSLs as an investment , it ain’t a team problem promising to much , it’s a him/her problem not being bright enough to understand the realities of the marketplace. i would say the moment Josh retires ( unless Bills get crazy lucky and get another franchise QB) PSLs will be had for somewhere between. 25 and 50 cents on the dollar price paid today. and of course you have to buy the tickets. You own those seats. If you don’t buy them, team can’t sell them.
  14. Take last yearas a for instance. If ya sold the Opener, Miami, and Cowboys..getting 3x the price of the ticket . But those are also the games most people want to go to so there is that trade-off. Giants game was prolly 2X---Then those night games for Denver and Tampa...if ya even broke even after all fees etc you considered yourself lucky. Once Josh retires/Bills get bad again, back to praying/hoping you can break even on the season if ya need to sell a game or two
  15. I think i have read in a couple places they are doubling. @Mr Infoextrapolate can confirm for us. But I also think mistake to extropoate anything from the club prices
  16. Interesting way to look at it I had not thought about previously. Big question will be current ticket price or new? I think club, and stress think, will almost double from current levels in 26 Think prolly looking closer to 5x for highly desirable seats( lower bowl between the 30s) , graduated out from there depending on location, and prolly being somewhere near 1x for upper upper seats. All just pure guesses on my part!
  17. I would think no way a $20K PSL for your location now. The East Clubs are 20K and think they are midfield for the most part. Field Clubs( no heat or coverage, but club access) $15k. yku know the business of sports better than me, but my thinking is if you have clubs today, you most likely have the ability to carry the freight on the Club PSLs. Not all, but prolly vast majority. So far, the PSLs we have seen are such a small slice of the base. and for the most part people who have $$$$ As I was chatting with @Mr Info yesterday , I think the real test is coming in terms of the sections between the 30-30s in the lower bowl. Lots of folks there 20,30, 40 yr STH, and my guess is, just pure guess, maybe not the $$$ to front $10k on a PSL. Again, most the griping I think coming now from non club seat holders extrapolating what their PSL might be based on the club. Think that is a mistake. and I gotta trust Legends is an expert at this stuff. I would think the AI ***** that can pound through income, costs , demographic date etc on Buffalo is dictating where they go with pricing. I am most likely in no matter what, but really fear I am not gunna have my precious aisle seats! But hey, maybe having a pee and getting a beer ain’t gunna be a twenty minute process in the new joint!
  18. Well, @Mr Info, in his defense is not old. Better definition is elderly.
  19. I am in 135(25 yd line), i am guessing(hoping )sometime early to late fall for us. Those lower bowl sections are huge , and plenty of folks with 30-40 years seniority up before me in those sections. Pretty sure there will still be seats when I get there. Prolly not the aisle seat though...that's gunna be the real bummer. Love my aisle seats!
  20. i have had two pitty rescues..one from pup stage, and one that just recently been in the shelter for 2 years. These dogs are not bred, especially in the city where every shelter /rescue/SPCAis over 60% pittie mixes. Never getting rid of the mixes, ever. The one we have had from a pup is the most timid, gentle dog we have ever had...and I have had collie mix, 3 labs, 2 goldens, and a Doberman in college LOL The one from the shelter just had too much difficulty adjusting to two other dogs in the house, she had to go back to rescue to be in a single dog house. With humans she was gentle and loving , but she was a resource guarder and not a great mix for dogs not used to that. And that is a trait in any dog breed, not just pittie
  21. It was a guarantee once the pressure was off, this team would start to perform again. Saw the same thing last year...they actually got themselves into a playoff position for a day..then went in the tank for about 3 weeks. Once everyone assumed they were dead, including themselves..they went on a great run to end the season. They felt the pressure this season from the onset, and played like it. Losing the two games out of the break was when we all knew, and they knew, they were cooked for a playoff spot. Pressure relieved....wins start to come. My biggest fear is them winning these"meaningless games", as they did last year, and KA bringing the band back intact again next year, just as he did this year. These false positives for this mentally weak team could be the death knell for next year too...
  22. These guys work for Legends, not the Bills. Canr wait to see the PSL!!!
  23. Luck on HBO. Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Dunn...about a bunch of degenerate horseplayers at Santa Anita and Hoffman as a gangster just released from Prison... an awesome show, especially if you occasionally put few sheckles on the ponies. Few horses died during filming(as race horses do) and the pressure from the outside was too much to continue with the show. Togtherness on HBO. Duplass Brothers thing, I enjoyed it.
  24. 9 road games two years in a row, kinda sucks
  25. I have found ya can charge a bit more for 4 together.
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