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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. agree thats been good, and I don't have empirical data to prove otherwise, just feels like the majority of the last 20 games or so have been against bad teams. BTW, i hate Boston so much hoping for OT tonight..and if i was a conspiracy lover could see the two coaches getting together pre game and agreeing to only play for the extra point
  2. been wondering how much the schedule has played in to their recent success. When they played Detroit/Pittsburgh back to back, even though close games i thought they were beaten pretty soundly. Just hoping we are not getting a false positive against teams that have packed it in for the year.
  3. In France? Again its been a couple of years since been there...but for instance we could not get metro tickets with the card as we had no pin. At a restaurant , no worries. As much as it pains me to say, Mr. Info would actually prolly have the correct info here.
  4. I did as well Should be good game tonight Detriot-Flyers!
  5. Sorry for taking this thread off kilter. From the sounds of things, looks like I did not miss much last night. Man, even the players said it was boring.
  6. my apologies as I misunderstood your post and thoughts. My mistake. I was wrong last night and will admit my reading comprehension was off with a few too many at the bar. On the bright side, I did walk home! That being said, I do agree norms have changed since the 70's. But I also never remember a time where it was okay to drive drunk. Again, my apologies for not understanding your argument, as I said I thought it a good discussion point.
  7. But the problem ensues where there is no signature to be had..metro stations, garages, and the like. there you are poop out of luck! But they did not stick, and quite frankly did not hold much merit to begin with! Viva La France!
  8. simply put, you are wrong and as Tom would say an Idiot to boot! how in the world where you drink your booze is more important than how much booze you drink is beyond me. It is, quite frankly, beyond common sense. You are either too drunk to drive or you are not. I don't give a rats behind if you drank with your priest as you were discussing world peace..over the limit is over the limit. In short, i could not care less where you drank the booze, only that you drank too much and put others at risk. How you can argue with that outside of appearances is beyond me. Go Sabres
  9. now that is funny1
  10. you were stupid enough to accept the invite...deal with it! He no doubt has pit in him, as any dog that comes from under a vacant house in Richmond has. His forehead has the tell tale signs. But his droppy eyes show me more boxer. Even my lab/chow mix has pit in him, shows in his forehead. My last three dogs have all had some in them, and all are the sweetest dogs in the world, all come from a kill shelter in Richmond.. Thank You! I like him too! But he showing all the signs of being a classic knucklehead! you a smart guy!
  11. i get what AD and EEI are saying, but i i respectfully disagree. I started driving in 79, so not that much after this accident...and driving drunk was driving drunk. Not saying i never did it, i did. But i never went 110MPH. Again, just brought it up for to see what others felt, think its an interesting discussion. and you may think this is some crazy contradiction or being the ultimate hypocrite...but i have no problem, and i mean zero, with drinking in the car as the Russerts did. Not where you drink the booze that matters, its how much you drink in my mind! I have a roady plenty of times, but it is one or two. Can't understand the difference if i had it in the bar or my home as opposed to my car seat.
  12. Soft shell season is upon us. http://dc.eater.com/maps/soft-shell-crab-guide-dc?platform=hootsuite
  13. tip number 1...do not take any info from a guy named Mr. Info
  14. is slightly older like mostly dead?
  15. That he does...runs in circles the dumb critter! I would post a picture, but not sure how. here is a tweet with his picture https://twitter.com/plenzmd1/status/717159044868345856
  16. lots o Canadians too! Leaf fans even..though they are not necessarily that bright to begin with! crazy to think back then a signing bonus was a car.. anybody in this thread in DC? I am going to Grand Central tonight to watch Sabre game...first two beers on me !
  17. I got out voted and ended up with Taylor. Wife is a Hokie, she said that was the only one she would accept. Loved so many of these suggestions in here..i wanted Gus, but was secretly worried he may be gone after next year.
  18. article here.. http://ottawacitizen.com/news/marking-tim-hortons-death-40-years-after I know it was the early seventies, and yes he was a hero to so many of us at that time...but even then driving drunk was driving drunk. Going 110MPH is just flat out irresponsible. On hand its one mistake...on the other he put so many others in the path of danger its a wonder he was the only one killed. This is just flat out crazy...not uptight about it, i am right about no one should drive drunk
  19. 2x the legal limit , half full bottle of vodka found in the car, speeding like crazy on the QEW. 3 other drugs found in the car, and traces of one them found in his blood. Lucky as chit i guess it was 4am and not earlier, when he could have wiped out a family on the QEW. If someone else had been killed by his actions, do you think there would still be a statue?
  20. Loved seeing Harrington get torn to shreds on twitter this weekend by Wyshinski. The 3 clowns at the BN who loved to do nothing but criticize cry like little babies when someone ( not just us idiotic fans) goes to town and criticizes them. Whether you agree or not with the O'reilly for Masterton....it was pure joy to read. BTW, prolly not the place for it...but does it bother anyone else that there is a statue of Tim Horton downtown? Bothers the hell out of me.
  21. Last time we were there a couple years back, was not enough to have a chip on the card, you also needed a pin. As Bud said earlier, automated things like parking garages etc required a pin along with the card. We thought cause we had the chip would be okay...but we were ever so wrong!!!! So, if you go, make sure you have a card with a pin number.
  22. Another thing just thought of. I know everyone says do not have a nap the day you arrive, i think that is hogwash. Go get settled in, go get lunch, then have no more than a 90 minute nap. Makes it much easier to stay up till 11pm, and next day voila! no jet lag! First time there, we did the 2 hour FatTire bike tour that leaves from close to the Eifel Tower...perfect way to get acclimated first day and get your blood moving after that nap. Highly recommend. http://www.fattiretours.com/
  23. good point...but i dont hate Detroit the way i hate the Bruins and Flyers. Too much time out being in the West i guess. I think you are correct. Johnson would play great in some games 1st and 2nd, then give up a softie in the 3rd. Lehner did it as well, like vs Edmonton. By all rights, Sabres should have been blown out that game but he keeps them in it with great saves, then gives up the stinker in OT. So how do you judge the performance?
  24. Who do you want to see miss the playoffs more...Philly or Boston. Kinda like picking a way to die, there is no good answer. I am hoping Philly misses actually. They will continue to try and middle no matter what, which i think is great for the Sabres. If Boston gets in, maybe they stay the course with the current roster and i also think that is good for the Sabres next year. I am not a stat head, but wonder what the advanced guys say about the Bruins year...is it sustainable or was it like Colorado and Calgary last year? I don't know the stats, but i cant believe that little prink Marchard can continue to score goals like he did this year.
  25. BTW, we rented from this place about 10 years ago before AIRBNB was around...they were fantastic and i would almost guarantee a fantastic stay. http://www.parisperfect.com/
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