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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. i will be there 11 AM I am guessing...lets hope the wifi good as will prolly be doing some demo's from the lot! good learning experience for my 15yr old!
  2. this times 1000...i think it can feel 20 degrees colder on home side on a cold but sunny day. No sun, no difference.
  3. well, to be fair, the fiance prolly getting some strange at his bachelor party..tit for tat so to speak
  4. Count me and Son, and i assume Mr. Info and son in for tailgate at Baltimore. also in for tailgate home opener.
  5. did not see that...someone mentioned Pats get 10 days for one game...but overall that is awesome
  6. he's retired until someone pays him what he wants..
  7. I like that as well. Another minor plus is playing the 49ers at home after the first road trip to LA, west coast team at home at 1pm usually a big advantage. I would think demand for those tickets will be pretty heavy..sucks you can't be there. My son has already made his pact with me on what his grades need to be for end of year in order to be able to skip two days of school for that game See, Bills games are educational after all!
  8. Every boarding process is like that now. Southwest might actually be the most civilized. With the advent of 13 stratifications of when people can board, that process is a total pain in da ass.
  9. That was actually a pretty cool piece. I remember that Val dude..
  10. so the new thing in hiring as i am told is "lets go after HIPLE's" High Individual Potential, Low Experience" i think it is code word for " lets hire hot college chicks"
  11. I have not wanted my kid to be disappointed as well, so not a criticism of this woman in particular. But what I saw on that video was a parent who has most likely spent/borrowed way to much on a trip for a 9 year old and she did not want her kid to be disappointed. I know that feeling as well. I could just feel the "oh chit, I am in $5k for this trip, and i don't have another $1500 to meet this ship in the Bahamas instead of Miami, my kid has been looking forward to this for a year, we have watched video after Video on Disney cruises, we have all these great day trips planned and we have spent the last talking about nothing but this trip....oh my its all falling apart" I know its not the gate agents fault, but I actually feel sorry for everyone involved, including the mother. Guess i have flown enough to always plan for the unexpected know if there is someplace you absolutely and positively have to be in a place on Monday afternoon, fly out on Sunday to give yourself some wiggle room.
  12. I am with you. Been reading about all this cap space for 17...i dont see it
  13. Had a long drive yesterday and listened to the Bruins game from the Boston station on XM. Couple of things 1) their radio guys are quite good. Maybe they seem great because of the huge contrast between them and Edwards..buy i enjoyed listening to them 2) they were crushing the Bruins on effort and mental preparation not just for the game yesterday, but for the last month. Very honest assessments by the sound of it. 3) were not exactly gushing about the future...really questioned the deadline decisions...sounds like they had been doing that for a while. Too bad Loui is 30, he might have been a nice fit with Jack if he was a few years younger . I mean you guys cant see GMTM signing a 30 yr old to 6 year deal can you?
  14. Not a doubt in my mind tat is the correct assessment.Should say little doubt as only saw Johnny U at end of career, and never saw YA, Otto, or Bobby Lane. Dude is by far best of modern era
  15. Jesus, am i missing something here? I see very few, as in next to no one, saying TT cant be the Bills franchise QB. all anyone is saying is most people would say a career is not made in one season, there were some flaws that hopefully he can correct and he is still UNDR CONTRACT. And if he performs, he will be franchised.The Bills will NOT lose him if he is good! You want to bet the future cap on a wager you DO NOT need to make...you have him under contract. And just casue the agent is scared TT might not have as good as a year next year and his commission will fall, a competent GM will not make the same mistake.
  16. but heres the difference, first year guy would be under contract for at least 3 more years(granted i am thinking rookie) . Think RG3 first year, think Trent first year, hell even EJ's first year was not god awful. Thank God all those GM's had follow on years to evaluate. also, think of guys who had one and only one good season and got way overpaid after that..Scott Mitchell comes to mind. Taking a 2nd year before handing out huge money hurts no one. Had other games that were won cause of very good to great D..Tennesee and both Jets games come to mind. Hell , the Gint game could have been won with some points, as well as the 2nd NE game... so can't have it both ways.
  17. i think he can be a significant addition. Everyone struggled first half of the year...Ennis included. Everything was new..new coach, new system, new linemates.. Moulson looks cooked, but i like the menace to have a bounce back year.
  18. Thats a good question. By the most common statistical measures used for QB's, he had a very good to almost great year. Going 8-6 as a starter is not to shabby either! Think we would all agree it's a W with him in again't the Jags, not sure if he changes the Bengals outcome. so lets say 9-7 at worst. So objectively, i would say he had a good year. But on the other hand, his play in crunch time was not what you want out of a "franchise" QB. Just did not get it done too many times on drives down by one score or less in the 4th. So subjectively, i think one can say the jury is still out. Listen, i think the guy is here to stay, for Gods sake just named my dog after him. What we don't know is what Taylor wants nor what the Bills have proposed. Let's say the Bills have proposed 3 yrs, $36m, with $22M guaranteed, but Taylor wants 6, $96M with $45M guaranteed. That a big gulf in guaranteed money...and weird part is I can understand both parties positions in that scenario. that, and the contract status of Glenn and Gilmore, i think preclude getting a deal done until sometime during the season.
  19. He is doing great ..thanks for asking. Fitzy teaching him to mind his manners ...Taylor has learned quick it is not wise to bite the private parts, tail, or ears of a dog that weighs 10 times you. But they are fast friends, and Fitzy loves having him to horse around with all day. picture from earlier today https://twitter.com/plenzmd1/status/718227764269223936
  20. i may be wrong o this , but everyone just keeps saying "we have the tag to use on him" and while technically true, we also have Gilmore and Glenn up for UFA next year. So 1 tag, 3 core players. Certainly, you always use it on the QB( except in the Bronco's case) , but that than leave two core players that can walk. That being said, i don't think anything can happen with Taylor until those two get long term deals done. Then the tag opens up and the cap hits are reduced.
  21. cool, will they put Rodriques on a line with Jack i hope?
  22. just finished watching the game...always does the heart god when a Flyer team gets its azz kicked. Howard was awesome
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