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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. yes, cause any 4 year old that is curious, and disobeyed his parent once...has issues. C'Mon, its 2016, everyone is perfect. Now that ' is rich...you know nothing about this kid...nothing. Some comment from some bystander i am guessing . And please tell me what you know of ADD...seeing i have kid that struggles with it on a daily basis...would love to know how this diagnosis came about
  2. anybody watch the remake of Roots last night? Seminal TV event of my youth, not sure if i want to watch this remake or not.
  3. Agreed..i would have been arrested more than once if i was arrested everytime i lost sight of my kids, at that age, at a zoo or amusement park.
  4. I don't know how these schedules are made, but damn, no way to change this game from today? Maybe start it at 6 so ya don't get crushed with possibly the lowest rated Cup final game opener? NHL brass just always seems like such idiots.
  5. and Chuck kiled Durant at halftime...i was really surprised by it
  6. just got in and turned on the game..looks like a fun game..damn refs suck in every sport
  7. 109 days from Today!!!! Quick question for hammers lot...what do you guys who do wings at the game do with the oil?
  8. drove by the 2nd Wegmans site just this afternoon., looking good..early August opening.Be nice when i have on10 minutes away as opposed to 25 and most important don't have to mingle with the riffraff from the wrong side of the river
  9. hate em both...but Dante who posts here occasionaly is a HUGE Sharks fan, so hope they win for him
  10. Dont know the movie, but i do have some Dreamcast cartridges if you want them! Also have a DIVX player and some discs for Circuit City...thanks a lot Pooj! Doing nothing but yard work and drinking this weekend. Freaking kids have final exams starting on Tuesday...they gunna have a chit weekend!chit
  11. they opened one of those in the West End...by far the best wings i have had in Richmond.
  12. I would concur with the suggestions of looking at Club Seats in the other clubs. That being said, i have never been in the M&T club. I have sat in EBall seats , and they are fantastic..especially in bad weather games. Potties are clean as well!!!!
  13. Go to turn on the hockey game...and there is a primetime Price is Right on....freaking awesome!!!!
  14. Have i missed something here? This is a message board, with a bunch of fans on it, that express their opinion. I stated " i think" this could be the reason he has not agreed to terms. Absolutely speculation...hence the words I think, not i know! Where TF is the confusion???
  15. Thoughts Guff...never easy. These damn dogs make you love them!
  16. i believe the words" i think" are much different than " i know" ...but maybe that is a tough concept to understand.
  17. Think that is what is missing in most of these pieces...everybody thinks Fitz is looking for $14M and jets offering $7m, or $10M if last report is correct. That just seems off to me. I think Fitz is looking for $25M-$30M GUARANTEED....maybe i missed but i have not seen reports term and guarantee and the delta between Jets and Fitz
  18. back from the initial jaunt...holy moley the place is still packed, even on a Wed. afternoon at 1.30! Little different layout than the NOVA ones, but close enough! No oyster bar., but they do have The Pub, full-service restaurant . Pretty pricey though in there, cheeseburger was $12. We split a pizza combo and had a few wings from the bar. Just about all the WNY hotdog/sausage was wiped out. I took the last Sahlens, 2 packages of Zwigels left..Hofmans and Wardynski Sausage gone! One last thing...if you like SmartMouth beers, for some reason they have them $6.99 a six. I like the Alter Ego Saison, pay $12.99 for it at Total Wine...just wiped em out of the 4 cases they had. That ain't gonna last for long before they realize they have them mispriced.
  19. Williams can be such a cranky old coot...he is the Sully of Richmond. me and wifey poo heading over in 20 minutes for our first foray into the new store. Just can't let any of my West End brethren know i am going to the South Side...might never be able to play West End Reindeer games again! Will give a report this afternoon!
  20. NBA/ABC has to be pooping their pants at the thought of an OKC/Toronto final
  21. PTI had no problems with the policy...said good reporters will be good reporters...develop sources etc. But, did love this tweet. This is a funny account when they post https://twitter.com/BfloShitNo1Sez/status/735188663856992261
  22. Not only slotted, but it is guaranteed if they participate in any team activities and get hurt during said activities, the club will honor the contract slot. Once he was drafted, and did not do this outside of football...no risk...and i do mean zero risk. Only think he would possibly lose out on is offset language....not a big deal
  23. Drinking some Hop Sun tonight..nice summer beer!
  24. NFLPA cares about the precedent the case will set...to them well worth the few million dollars to knock down Rogers authority..much bigger than just Brady playing.
  25. think they are coming to Cary for all you relocated Yankees. think it was about 18 months from announcement to store opening here in Richmond
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