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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. aint that the truth!!! Change his last name to Yakopovski and say he grew up in Kaisertown?
  2. we have 3 3rd rounders left, would you give one for Yakapov? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/nail-yakupov-s-trade-value-is-at-bargain-basement-levels-164338367.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter I would.
  3. Not intolerable to either me, my family, or friends...really don't know what you are talking about . I dunno, seems like so little fights compared to other places...have not seen a fight in i would say the last 10 games i have attended, and maybe 2 in the last 20. Shhot, see more than that in a bar with 100 people in it
  4. Saw an interview with the soon to be CEO of In nOut, pretty neat story. Still in same family, new CEO is a 30 something granddaughter of the founder.100% company owned stores, no franchises. Will use no frozen products, so will only open stores near a distribution center, which they opened one in Texas a few years back. Link to interview. http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/behind-the-in-n-out-burger-dynasty/ BTW, great chicken place in DC that i think will soon be national is Nando's Peri Peri. South African rotisserie chicken, awesome stuff, huge overseas, just in DC now. Some awesome stuff if you like a bit of spice.
  5. this is just one local dude/hockey blogger putting together a list for folks visiting for the draft this weekend. Thought it a handy primer for all the requests we get on here on "where to go"...dont think it was meant to be to definitive.
  6. This list is well done i think, and one we can point to when someone asks "in town for my first Bills game, Where should I go" Good for natives to as we come back for games. http://grossmisconducthockey.com/?p=1030
  7. Wow, have not seen one of those for at least 20 years. Loved the one on Pine Ave in the Falls growing up....would go again if i saw one in a heartbeat. In and Out in like 3 states, and Shake Shack in 4 or 5. Did not read the article, but imagine that had something to do with the exclusion. And as someone said in relation to 5 Guys, these higher end fast food joints like Shake Shack ND Five Guys may be fast, but they are no where near cheap. Shake Shack burger, fry, soda at least $11.
  8. I think the operative word in that rumor is "or."..not "and."..at least i hope that's so. So the 8 and a player for the 4. Bogo is a tough one, especially as it relates to 2017 expansion draft....They were discussing this on GR last week. He has a NMC, so first he would have to accept a trade to Edmonton. If he is still on the Sabres this time next year, he cannot be exposed to the expansion draft and would have to be one of the three DMEN protected. If he plays like he did 2nd half, no worries on that. But what if he plays like he did first half??? Should be an interesting week! BTW, Penquins like to rub it in eh? http://penguins.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=886496&cmpid=pit-twt-penguins
  9. Holly Sonders, Fox Golf Repoerter..will be watching a lot her this afternoon
  10. My Name in Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die. Life is pain your highness, anyone who says differently is selling something Wrong! Your ears you keep and I’ll tell you why. So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish. Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, “Dear God! What is that thing,” will echo in your perfect ears. That is what to the pain means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever. Above all great Primcess Bride quotes And two from The Wire.. My name is my name! You come at the king, you best not miss!
  11. sitting on my porch in DC watching dipchit millennials try to parallel park is pretty freaking addictive.
  12. Westie..still can't imagine your pain, hope you can come here and have some laughs. Please let someone know if you need someone to talk to.
  13. think i need a seperate recycle truck just for cardboard.
  14. Good for Leo. Always liked the guy, hope he performs well for them.
  15. can trades be made now? My nephew says he hearing Sabres trying to trade for Satmkos rights , but i cant remember when you can start making trades. Not in the doc posted by 26
  16. cant believe no one has seen her for a while. She has looked this way for 10 years
  17. great read on the Valley right now. See what i go through as a 53 yr old in a start up! https://www.amazon.com/Disrupted-My-Misadventure-Start-Up-Bubble/dp/0316306088 Although what i sell and the company i work for is awesome, product works, and while does not make the world a better place, does help people do their jobs better he's the best part of the show, glad to hear he will be around for a while!
  18. Macadamia Nut Clusters from Costco
  19. BTW, Turn has been much better these last couple of episodes
  20. Nice article in The New Yorker on Silicon Valley. http://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/how-silicon-valley-nails-silicon-valley
  21. at his age , salary, and playoff history, be lucky to get a 2nd rounder for him. So many reasons, but goalie is just not as important in today's game. I really like Lehner, still pissed we gave a one for him. And if a GM gave an all-star Dman up for a goalie not named Hank or Carey, he should be immediately fired.
  22. But Bills had loads of cap room..now they dont. Gilmore and Taylor might say not going as smooth. NFL needs to get rid of franchise tag...cant think of another business where you screw your best employee .
  23. If Quins do not win, Kunitz will be the Bill Buckner of the Burgh for a long while.WTF was he thinking? This is posted 2nd intermission
  24. Cool to see Kenny getting so much air time.
  25. one steal per goalie per series. Really enjoyed that game last night
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