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Everything posted by plenzmd1

  1. Fauci has changed his opinions on this as much as anyone. He is to be praised for his work, and his dedication to this country. It does not mean he is a Demigod who is infallible. he has made mistakes in calculations, guess what, he is human. Unfortunately , Trump is such a great divider and the opposition to him so fierce rational and critical thought is out the window, now it is seen through the light Of Pro Trump or Never Trump. and that’s a damn shame when millions are being driven into poverty and countless lives affected in so many ways ( see my list above) , but. Party above all else is prevailing... on both sides. let me ask you this, do you dispute the NYT findings that as many of 90% of the cases would not be cases if the CT rate was 30 instead of all the way up to 40?
  2. Guess can’t post this stuff on main board anymore, so will post it here. Written by a teammate of my daughter , pretty powerful stuff. And BTW , kid that penned it is a huge Bills fan, been to a couple games with me.
  3. Correct. They have a bunch of different y channels. I also get one called Acorn... all Brit stuff
  4. No, don’t doubt global warming at all. Can debate causes and remedy’s , but not a doubt the climate is changing. see, that’s the problem, what on Gods green earth do my thoughts on global warming, or who I vote for, what in the world does that have to do with Covid. I am been on PPP for 4 years, always a never Trumper. Still am. ( although that may be changing). truth and honesty has to go both ways, both sides lying out their arses on Covid. and BTW, I linked to Fauci no mask already. here is his 60k https://www.npr.org/2020/04/09/830664814/fauci-says-u-s-coronavirus-deaths-may-be-more-like-60-000-antibody-tests-on-way sint have time to link all the rest. J
  5. Let’s recount Fauci statements 1) this is no big deal, everyone needs to go on their lives. No evidence of human to human transmission 2) does appear to be spreading, but should nothing to worry about. 3) absolutely no need for anyone to wear a a mask. 4) looks like final death toll will be 60k 5)it will recede in the summer months, no doubt, but we need to remain vigilent 6) wear masks , will help prevent spread from you to me 7) do you still want to take this guys word as gospel?
  6. Herein lies the problem to this whole thing, not enough people reading and truly understanding the issues. Not a tirade again you, but you assumed this was an anti trump post, and it is anything but. What states he could have done different would not have affected the course of the virus, but the ability for places like CNN to the states to manipulate data and use scare tactics. now, for what you ask. Please read the attached NY times article. It is such a critical piece to understand how flawed our testing is across the board. A national standard in CT rates would have prevented this. Trump screwed the pooch here, and it is costing all of us with “ cases” that would not be there if he set a national standard. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html or this form the Star Tribune https://m.startribune.com/broad-covid-19-testing-under-microscope/572396572/ again, neither source exactly pro Trump. Trump could have owned this, set a national standard, and our cases, and logicaly deaths from Covid, would be sharply lower. and in terms of data, you make my point. There is no national standard. He could have owned that as well, and we would not have half the current deaths being laundered from weeks or even months again. Please follow Ethical Skeptic on Twitter if you have not.
  7. just a heads up if you like Docs ...new channel on Amazon ..PBS Documentaries. $8 a month, worth $30 a month. just awesome. Should have known something was up when all them started disappearing from Prime and Netflix.Now i know why!
  8. all this based on the fact he knew in March 1) Established a national test and testing strategy, with a consistent CT of 30 or less. We would have at least 43% less "cases" , and the "casedemic" would not still be causing lockdowns in the economy and schools closed etc. 2) His "commision" should have included high level Democratic representation. Would take the politics out of it, and now the Democrats would also be tied to the actions taken. 3) Funded and stocked the PPE national stockpile to every extent possible and coordinate a national distribution plan..single buyer would have prevented states bidding against each other. 4) Establish national standards for reporting of data consistent across all states. If we want to drive response by science, the data needs to be pristine as possible , and it is garbage now. National standard would prevent the case escalation and death laundering we have going on now.
  9. Voice of reason here. May have to get through 2 or 3 primary cycles is only problem I see.
  10. It’s late September and I really should be back in school. cmon Maggie, it’s safe to go go back outside again!
  11. what is your point then? its not fake..overinflated i agree. And yes, most people who die from it have at least on comorbidity..and generally much older.That being said, Covid may still have had a role in their death, and as harsh as it sounds may have just pushed forward by 3 or 4 months those that were likely to occur anyway.
  12. I did read wrong and left my error , and apology in post. TY! All good.
  13. umm, okay, i see why you not so bright. @shoshin said he would be shocked to see death spike somehwere where they were hit hard, you then post data on cases.( edit..i was wrong here and was looking at wrong chart..you did post deaths, my apologies).which even though wrong data, cant find anywhere where cases have even spiked a second time except Lousiina, and that is due to New Orleans being so hard hit tight after Mardi Gras. The only other one with a 2nd wave of new cases appears to be ILL..granted 10X tests being done now..but even with that lets look at their daily new deaths you Fear loving folks just keep grasping at straws and posting incorrect info..does it not get tired after a while? from March..does not your case.
  14. from Two months ago...you want to go old school, lets look at this guy
  15. Let me get this straight. Covid is an airborne contagious respiratory illness correct? So is influenza correct? Fauci and Redfield..supposedly the smartest braintrust when it comes to infectious, contagious disease..both said "no" when asked if masks were at all effective in March against infectious disease. Both then said "wear masks to stop the spread from me to you, they are not effective in preventing you from catching the virus"..correct? Redfield said this as late August 25th. Now Redield says "wear masks as they are more effective than a vaccine will be in protecting you from the virus" So either these guys were quacks and frauds and should not have been in their jobs in the first place...or they are pandering to masses. And/Or You are telling me the science of contagious diseases before March of 2020 is all junk, throw it all out..its all garbage. Which is it
  16. wtf does that have anything to do with 180 on masks? Do you really believe the science of infectious disease was in the dark ages and we have just magically found out how they spread in the last 6 months? Are you really that gullible?
  17. you mean this guy? Glad to know science on infectious disease has changed so dramatically in 6 months and , also this from August But now, magically, the masks is more effective than a vaccine prtecting ne from the viru Just to be clear we have gone from No Masks to Masks to protect you from me..no protection for me to Masks will absolutely protect me from getting the virus. Really is a shame fellow Never Trumpers are falling for this sham..i talk to more and more people ever day with my beliefs that are starting to lean towards voting Trump over this mess. If the press and " scientists" and politicians will lie and mislead with millions of lives and livelihoods at stake to push a political agenda, i sure as poop know they lie about anything
  18. OTOH, i have known at least 20 people now that have had the virus, 1 in ICU for 3 days, ...no one else hospitalized...and zero long term effects. And i mean zero.And the guy in ICU had it Mid March.. hey @Magox and @shoshin, trust you guys to tell me where my logic is off. These stats are from Minnesota, but assume they reflect CT rates across the country https://www.startribune.com/broad-covid-19-testing-under-microscope/572396572/ even if we take 0nly those above 35CT, that leaves 32% of these "positive" tests way above the 30CT recommenced by the Harvard guy and I think what is typically used in influenza detection. Now, lets say that 32% rate applies nationwide...would that logically mean then that deaths resulting from Covid are 32% inflated..as 32 % of those folks might have been negative even using the 35 CT thresshold? . ?
  19. and we have plumbers and janitors and public bus drivers and lawyers and judges and doctors and real estate agents and ....every profession and every job in the world that has high risk people in them.
  20. Hmm. interesting...from the article She was at the school on Aug. 28, during a week of teacher workdays before the school year began. She started teaching the following week from home, officials said. hmmm..not teaching kids either Jennifer Heissenbuttel, DeMarinis’ sister, said DeMarinis, 34, died on Sunday after three weeks in the hospital with COVID-19. She said her sister had returned to her classroom to prepare for teaching in the fall, but had not yet started teaching students when she became ill. https://dailyjournalonline.com/news/local/education/potosi-teacher-dies-after-fight-with-covid-19/article_d63ac30d-8f78-5a5f-bb8d-1d10c21878e8.html So what should be the takeaway?
  21. no comment https://dcist.com/story/20/08/20/dc-census-bureau-half-children-rental-housing-hunger/
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